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The key is the more they borrow the more in debt they are and the more subservient they then become to Brussels, who seek to strip them of their sovereignty until they then get their dream of a true european superstate. They're being spoon fed all this money for a reason, and it's not to keep Greece as a nation afloat.


Then the space lizards that control the European superstate will build a roof over the whole of Greece to hide the chemtrail factories!


The reason for keeping Greece afloat is because the other nations have lent so much already that it failing would bring more down and cost more than propping it up.


We'll be building roofs over all countries soon to save us from global warming won't we?

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Then the space lizards that control the European superstate will build a roof over the whole of Greece to hide the chemtrail factories!

And these factories will create certain chemicals that will make the whole earth warm up and then they can blame and tax the people of the world.

The reason for keeping Greece afloat is because the other nations have lent so much already that it failing would bring more down and cost more than propping it up.

Not at all. It would be far cheaper to just pay them off and tell them to leave. However, the time is not right. They need to keep Greece and some others afloat because Italy is the big prize, followed by France.

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We'll be building roofs over all countries soon to save us from global warming won't we?


That's what they want you to think. Follow the money Lxxx!


All the money's pissin off to Greece, I wouldn't mind following it to see a bit of sunshine.

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Then the space lizards that control the European superstate will build a roof over the whole of Greece to hide the chemtrail factories!

And these factories will create certain chemicals that will make the whole earth warm up and then they can blame and tax the people of the world.

The reason for keeping Greece afloat is because the other nations have lent so much already that it failing would bring more down and cost more than propping it up.

Not at all. It would be far cheaper to just pay them off and tell them to leave. However, the time is not right. They need to keep Greece and some others afloat because Italy is the big prize, followed by France.


Very true. Although sounds a bit like a conspiracy theory thumbsup.gif

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Not at all. It would be far cheaper to just pay them off and tell them to leave. However, the time is not right. They need to keep Greece and some others afloat because Italy is the big prize, followed by France.


Isn't that what I said? The cost of greek failing due to the problems in other eurozone countries is more than it costs to prop them up. My main point is, it has nothing at all to do with Lxxx's conspiracy nonsense.

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Not at all. It would be far cheaper to just pay them off and tell them to leave. However, the time is not right. They need to keep Greece and some others afloat because Italy is the big prize, followed by France.


Isn't that what I said? The cost of greek failing due to the problems in other eurozone countries is more than it costs to prop them up. My main point is, it has nothing at all to do with Lxxx's conspiracy nonsense.


Eh? So what's the game plan then sunshine? To just keep throwing money at Greece in the hope the fairy godmother comes down with her magic wand and makes things better?? The most intelligent brains of the bureaucratic elite, who have long been obsessed with building a european superstate, can come up with no other plan but to keep printing funny money and throwing it at it as they have no Plan B? Okey dokey.

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Eh? So what's the game plan then sunshine? To just keep throwing money at Greece in the hope the fairy godmother comes down with her magic wand and makes things better?? The most intelligent brains of the bureaucratic elite, who have long been obsessed with building a european superstate, can come up with no other plan but to keep printing funny money and throwing it at it as they have no Plan B? Okey dokey.


We're talking about the combined actions of 27 member states, each with differing objectives, home politics, competing industries and varying degrees of financial trauma responding to an unexpected financial crisis. There is no game plan, that's why they union keeps failing to reach agreement on this. It's nothing like as simplistic as your nutty theories suggest.

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The solution to not being able to repay your national borrowings is to borrow more in order to repay them.


This would also be an ideal solution to domestic borrowing....borrow on credit card B to repay credit card A then get credit card C.


To some extent it works at a national level because countries/EU can print more money. I just wonder when the merry-go-round will stop because the financial markets lose confidence in the system?

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The solution to not being able to repay your national borrowings is to borrow more in order to repay them.


This would also be an ideal solution to domestic borrowing....borrow on credit card B to repay credit card A then get credit card C.


To some extent it works at a national level because countries/EU can print more money. I just wonder when the merry-go-round will stop because the financial markets lose confidence in the system?


It has to go bust at some stage, every fiat monetary experiment in history has gone kaput eventually. It's simple economics, you cannot carry on printing fiat currencies ad infinitum, there comes a stage when the curve reaches the exponential stage and that's where we are now. Debts get to such a level that they try and keep the game going by rapid money printing. What we're seeing now is a race to the bottom, a currency war of sorts.

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I see Goldman Sachs have nearly completed the set now in europe with Mark Carney taking over the BoE. Not only are Greece, Italy and the ECB being run by Goldman alumni, (with Ireland already destroyed by Sutherland) but now the UK. Bankers rule.

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