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UK is already by far the most indebted, bust nation, something like 10 x GDP if you take into consideration all debt - private, company government, etc.


As mentioned before Italy and then France are next in sights, they want the gold and the sovereignty of these nations.

Other european countries are more in debt on a GDP basis. Although uk has about 10x GDP in debt, 9x GDP is owed back so cancels out most of the debt. The asset purchasing (gilts 375B so far) will not be re-sold, so could be cancelled reducing the country's debt.


However, but the thing is the uk is the only european nation that can print limitless amounts of cash to support the euro.

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I wonder if Carney's underlying task is to print a huge amount of sterling to give to europe indirectly to make uk virtually go bust? That would be really easy to do, and probably force them into the euro.


Perfect choice if you want someone who will do the bidding for the banking cartel and have no loyalty whatsoever to the UK. I think we will contine to see business as usual with quantitive easing to infinity until we get the crash which is inevitable.

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Eh? So what's the game plan then sunshine? To just keep throwing money at Greece in the hope the fairy godmother comes down with her magic wand and makes things better?? The most intelligent brains of the bureaucratic elite, who have long been obsessed with building a european superstate, can come up with no other plan but to keep printing funny money and throwing it at it as they have no Plan B? Okey dokey.


We're talking about the combined actions of 27 member states, each with differing objectives, home politics, competing industries and varying degrees of financial trauma responding to an unexpected financial crisis. There is no game plan, that's why they union keeps failing to reach agreement on this. It's nothing like as simplistic as your nutty theories suggest.


You are a little disappointing Slim.


I would expect knobhead comments from MF's legion of knobheads but you Slim are not one of those. You are intelligent and show empathy in other subjects but not in banking or in grand politics.


Lxxx does not have nutty theories, they are facts from history. Simply read history to see what happens to economies that feed off "perpetual growth".


Conflicts are fought on many many different fronts, information and money being key. Think about how you would fight a dirty economic war, waged by lies, sanctions, unpayable debts, confiscatory taxes as well as global business.


After that think about what would happen if you nationalised all assets of a country and then distributed them to the people and cancelled all debts. Who is kidding who about debts?


The banksters are trying to con us all, they failed in Iceland, they are failing in Greece and they will fail in Britain.

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Eh? So what's the game plan then sunshine? To just keep throwing money at Greece in the hope the fairy godmother comes down with her magic wand and makes things better?? The most intelligent brains of the bureaucratic elite, who have long been obsessed with building a european superstate, can come up with no other plan but to keep printing funny money and throwing it at it as they have no Plan B? Okey dokey.


We're talking about the combined actions of 27 member states, each with differing objectives, home politics, competing industries and varying degrees of financial trauma responding to an unexpected financial crisis. There is no game plan, that's why they union keeps failing to reach agreement on this. It's nothing like as simplistic as your nutty theories suggest.


You are a little disappointing Slim.


I would expect knobhead comments from MF's legion of knobheads but you Slim are not one of those. You are intelligent and show empathy in other subjects but not in banking or in grand politics.


Lxxx does not have nutty theories, they are facts from history. Simply read history to see what happens to economies that feed off "perpetual growth".


Conflicts are fought on many many different fronts, information and money being key. Think about how you would fight a dirty economic war, waged by lies, sanctions, unpayable debts, confiscatory taxes as well as global business.


After that think about what would happen if you nationalised all assets of a country and then distributed them to the people and cancelled all debts. Who is kidding who about debts?


The banksters are trying to con us all, they failed in Iceland, they are failing in Greece and they will fail in Britain.


Good points. However on your final point I think you're mistaken though, the bankers already 'own' Britain lock, stock and barrel. We'll do whatever the puppet masters want and be the poster boy for showing the rest, as evidenced by flogging our gold at rock bottom prices and then installing a foreign, Goldman Sachs protegé to do the bidding now we reach crunch time. To say nothing of the bankers whipping boy Osborne in the Treasury.

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6 months ago i would have agreed with you.


The conspiracy theorists more correctly termed conscious people now own facebook, twitter, the blogosphere and most of the internet so people with vague suspicions are able to do a lot of research relatively quickly and easily. The mainstream media is increasingly split and good articles are regularly making it into the mail and telegraph and watch bbc5. Lies and spin are becoming more and more obvious.


Jimmy Savile has unlocked the door to seeing the banksters and their paedo servants.

Cyril Smith is the next then there will be a major politician then there will be revelations about Ted Heath the treacherous prime minister who took the UK into Europe. Regular people will see clearly how a senior politician was manipulated into selling them down the river for sixpence a head, are you going to accept a duff deal?


The banksters are just paper tigers and if you can see them for what they actually are then they are finished, I personally believe they are already finished.


As for ownership, if you accept that you are owned then you are, if you don't then you are not. It is simply a con trick, all you have to do is not accept it. I have taken back my authority and until I am sure the government deserves it back and has demonstrated integrity and temperance then i shall continue to criticise and complain.

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6 months ago i would have agreed with you.


The conspiracy theorists more correctly termed conscious people now own facebook, twitter, the blogosphere and most of the internet so people with vague suspicions are able to do a lot of research relatively quickly and easily. The mainstream media is increasingly split and good articles are regularly making it into the mail and telegraph and watch bbc5. Lies and spin are becoming more and more obvious.


Jimmy Savile has unlocked the door to seeing the banksters and their paedo servants.

Cyril Smith is the next then there will be a major politician then there will be revelations about Ted Heath the treacherous prime minister who took the UK into Europe. Regular people will see clearly how a senior politician was manipulated into selling them down the river for sixpence a head, are you going to accept a duff deal?


The banksters are just paper tigers and if you can see them for what they actually are then they are finished, I personally believe they are already finished.


As for ownership, if you accept that you are owned then you are, if you don't then you are not. It is simply a con trick, all you have to do is not accept it. I have taken back my authority and until I am sure the government deserves it back and has demonstrated integrity and temperance then i shall continue to criticise and complain.


I admire your optimism and passion. Keep it up.

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You are a little disappointing Slim.


I would expect knobhead comments from MF's legion of knobheads but you Slim are not one of those. You are intelligent and show empathy in other subjects but not in banking or in grand politics.


I like the first part of your post..... :)


After that think about what would happen if you nationalised all assets of a country and then distributed them to the people and cancelled all debts. Who is kidding who about debts?


Goes back to my post that you replied to. Your conspiracy theories rely on a 'them', on someone who's responsible. You're asking me to visualise myself being in control. There is no them, there is no single entity in control or manipulating the various economies.There's players with varing degrees of influence in a very large and complicated system. Nobody has any kind of influence or grand plan that would result in the coordinated outcomes you're suggesting. The system is just too big and open with too many interested parties.

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Goes back to my post that you replied to. Your conspiracy theories rely on a 'them', on someone who's responsible. You're asking me to visualise myself being in control. There is no them, there is no single entity in control or manipulating the various economies.There's players with varing degrees of influence in a very large and complicated system. Nobody has any kind of influence or grand plan that would result in the coordinated outcomes you're suggesting. The system is just too big and open with too many interested parties.


you are correct if the central banks are owned and controlled by governments.


however if the central banks are owned and controlled by a small group of families and are private banks masquerading as public bodies then you are sadly mistaken.


I suggest you research what Ron Paul has to say about the Federal Reserve in the US.


In Britain good information is very hard to come by but you can guess. Any MP who asks about the ownership of the Bank of England gets themselves into a lot of bother. But it is the same model as the US.

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Jimmy Savile has unlocked the door to seeing the banksters and their paedo servants.

Cyril Smith is the next then there will be a major politician then there will be revelations about Ted Heath the treacherous prime minister who took the UK into Europe. Regular people will see clearly how a senior politician was manipulated into selling them down the river for sixpence a head, are you going to accept a duff deal?



What is the connection between Jimmy Saville and the economic crisis which as far as I can tell had nothing to do with him or paedophilia?

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Jimmy Savile has unlocked the door to seeing the banksters and their paedo servants.

Cyril Smith is the next then there will be a major politician then there will be revelations about Ted Heath the treacherous prime minister who took the UK into Europe. Regular people will see clearly how a senior politician was manipulated into selling them down the river for sixpence a head, are you going to accept a duff deal?



What is the connection between Jimmy Saville and the economic crisis which as far as I can tell had nothing to do with him or paedophilia?


Aaaahh, Sir Jimmy Saville is indeed the nexus in the web. He's really of royal bloodline, descended from Jesus apparently, so if we start with him and unravel it like a ball of wool we get to most things wrong with the world, including global warm....err...climate change.

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Jimmy Savile has unlocked the door to seeing the banksters and their paedo servants.

Cyril Smith is the next then there will be a major politician then there will be revelations about Ted Heath the treacherous prime minister who took the UK into Europe. Regular people will see clearly how a senior politician was manipulated into selling them down the river for sixpence a head, are you going to accept a duff deal?



What is the connection between Jimmy Saville and the economic crisis which as far as I can tell had nothing to do with him or paedophilia?


Aaaahh, Sir Jimmy Saville is indeed the nexus in the web. He's really of royal bloodline, descended from Jesus apparently, so if we start with him and unravel it like a ball of wool we get to most things wrong with the world, including global warm....err...climate change.


That explains it perfectly! I cannot believe how niaive I was!! ;)

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