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Germany's new anti-EU party.




US mercenary army to protect Greek parliament against rebellion.




We're now reaching the next phase of the collapse of the european 'union.' They knew it was coming, that's why they intoduced all the draconian 'terrorism' laws years before the event, to be able to react to the inevitable social unrest. This has been years in the making, you don't have to be able to read tea leaves to have seen the economic consequences of the political stupidity we've seen over the years. The question is when will it cross the channel and hit Britain, as it most certainly will do eventually.

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Cypriot bank account holders being relieved of their savings without choice ...


Between 6 - 10% of savings being snaffled by the EU to pay part of the bailout ...


VERY dangerous precedent.


Very true. I wondered how long it would be before we got the state sponsored, legalised theft. Apparently when Greece started to undergo a bank run last year most of the money withdrawn went into Cypriot banks. Revenge served cold by the crooks in high places it seems.

There are going to be some very pissed off Russian oligarch's and mafia, who make up a large proportion of all Cypriot bank deposits.


This is very bullish for precious metals so expect the price to get smashed down this week by the shorts, to dissuade europeans from withdrawing their fiat out of the banking ponzi scheme to protect it and buy hard assets. Discount time!


European bank run?





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  • 5 weeks later...

Notice how growth is always going to return/increase at some point comfortably in the future and never now? You can always balance the books if you keep increasing the cycle into the future and increase the growth projection in the later years.

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You can call it 'Greece' but in all reality it isn't Greece anymore. Everything has been sold off, it's sovereignty has gone and it's just a colony of Brussels now. But bring out some buzzwords like 'growth' and 'GDP' and the people can hopefully go back to sleep and forget that although their language is still the same and the title of the country hasn't changed it's a damn sight different behind the scenes than it was a few years ago.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Free trade does not work, taxes have to be raised by taxing imports, (not wages) to a maximum of about 20% any higher and the country will be accused of "Trade Barriers". Imports are bad for the economy, exports are good. That's why Germany is doing ok and Greece is declining.


BBC News - Greece jobless rate hits new record of 28%




"The jobless rate in Greece reached a record high of 28% in November, according to newly released government figures. The rate increased from 27.7% in the previous month. For those under the age of 25, unemployment hit 61.4%. Harsh austerity measures have led the Greek economy to shrink by a quarter in four years."

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  • 4 months later...

Greece a member of the EU now has 2/3rds Of Wages Paid In Barter!


"Laborers receive 1/3 of their salary, the rest is being paying through services like sleeping in a hotel free of charge, free food and coupons for purchases of food and other goods from supermarkets."



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  • 1 year later...

Senseless to accept the bailout & heap further austerity measures on to the Greek people in my opinion. The Greek bailout is doomed down the line ...


This bailout will only be the lubricant for further uncertainty within the European banking system & the IMF. The Spanish, Portuguese & Oirish will be watching this unfold very closely.


Besides ... I've always fancied a Villa in Santorini.


... four years on - who'd have thunk it.

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