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Complete and utter bollocks.


Your grasp on reality really is tenuous - and that's on one of your better days.


The "author" of the load of old guff you've posted up is somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan and frequently sounds off about a Zionist Domination Plot that will lead to the Holy Grail of the classic conspiracy theory nutter being good old-fashioned World Domination.


Sound familiar? It should.


Care In The Community simply isn't working....

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PK ...


"Complete and utter bollocks"


Fair enough, you disagree ... based on what? Mainstream press releases?


There are many opinions out there on what is going on, but to dismiss as you have is quite wrong.



Complete and utter bollocks.


Your grasp on reality really is tenuous - and that's on one of your better days.


The "author" of the load of old guff you've posted up is somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan and frequently sounds off about a Zionist Domination Plot that will lead to the Holy Grail of the classic conspiracy theory nutter being good old-fashioned World Domination.


Sound familiar? It should.


Care In The Community simply isn't working....

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PK ...


"Complete and utter bollocks"


Fair enough, you disagree ... based on what? Mainstream press releases?


There are many opinions out there on what is going on, but to dismiss as you have is quite wrong.



Complete and utter bollocks.


Your grasp on reality really is tenuous - and that's on one of your better days.


The "author" of the load of old guff you've posted up is somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan and frequently sounds off about a Zionist Domination Plot that will lead to the Holy Grail of the classic conspiracy theory nutter being good old-fashioned World Domination.


Sound familiar? It should.


Care In The Community simply isn't working....

I tend to agree with this.

(From Wiki) A conspiracy theory explains an event as being the result of an alleged plot by a covert group or organization or, more broadly, the idea that important political, social or economic events are the products of secret plots that are largely unknown to the general public.


(and it goes on) Proven conspiracies and conspiracy theories


Katherine K. Young states "(t)he fact remains, however, that not all conspiracies are imagined by paranoids. Historians show that every real conspiracy has had at least four characteristic features: groups, not isolated individuals; illegal or sinister aims, not ones that would benefit society as a whole; orchestrated acts, not a series of spontaneous and haphazard ones; and secret planning, not public discussion."[39]

"Some historians have put forward the idea that more recently the United States has become the home of conspiracy theories because so many high-level prominent conspiracies have been undertaken and uncovered since the 1960s." [40]The existence of such real conspiracies helps feed the belief in conspiracy theories.[41][42][43]

In the criminal justice system, actual conspiracies and conspiracy theories can also be distinguished by scale, as actual conspiracies are usually small in scale and involve "a single event or issue."[44]


(and) In some cases there have been claims dismissed as conspiracy theories that later proved to be true.


So I'm not going to discount Lxxx's viewpoint, as he might just be right?

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What happens here if we continue to use the Reserves to make up the difference between expenditure and income - and we continue to also have the liabilities that the Reserves are covering?


What Greece demonstrates is that you cannot live significantly beyond your means for ever.


Mind you they were in some ways in a "better" position than we are. When they continued to live beyond their means at least they could borrow to pay for their defecit - until such times as the borrowers got nervous about getting their money back.

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What is PK actually disagreeing about?


Lxxx thinks Adrian Salbuchi talks a lot of sense. Google the name and you'll find he's just another conspiracy theory nutter of the Zionist World Domination genre i.e. a complete and utter fruitcake.

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What is PK actually disagreeing about?


Lxxx thinks Adrian Salbuchi talks a lot of sense. Google the name and you'll find he's just another conspiracy theory nutter of the Zionist World Domination genre i.e. a complete and utter fruitcake.


What do you disagree with about the article? I couldn't care less who wrote it, I've never even heard of the bloke before but the fact he wrote a very good article means it's a very good article, simple as that. It could say kermit the frog as far I am concerned, if I read something and it resonates with me against previous research and knowledge and sounds plausible then I tend to make a judgement based on that, I don't rush out into Google and see who wrote it and their background before coming to my conclusions. If that's the way you want to live your life and process your information then fine, crack on, don't let me stand in the way of intellectual genius.

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What do you disagree with about the article? I couldn't care less who wrote it, I've never even heard of the bloke before but the fact he wrote a very good article means it's a very good article, simple as that. It could say kermit the frog as far I am concerned, if I read something and it resonates with me against previous research and knowledge and sounds plausible then I tend to make a judgement based on that, I don't rush out into Google and see who wrote it and their background before coming to my conclusions. If that's the way you want to live your life and process your information then fine, crack on, don't let me stand in the way of intellectual genius.


There's a reason why nonsense written by conspiracy theory nutters "resonates" with you. Can you guess what that reason is?


Clue : rational people reach conclusions based on facts - in your case facts have nothing to do with it....


Time to switch you off again I think.

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What do you disagree with about the article? I couldn't care less who wrote it, I've never even heard of the bloke before but the fact he wrote a very good article means it's a very good article, simple as that. It could say kermit the frog as far I am concerned, if I read something and it resonates with me against previous research and knowledge and sounds plausible then I tend to make a judgement based on that, I don't rush out into Google and see who wrote it and their background before coming to my conclusions. If that's the way you want to live your life and process your information then fine, crack on, don't let me stand in the way of intellectual genius.


There's a reason why nonsense written by conspiracy theory nutters "resonates" with you. Can you guess what that reason is?


Clue : rational people reach conclusions based on facts - in your case facts have nothing to do with it....


Time to switch you off again I think.


Haha...brilliant. The day I listen to the rantings of irrational nutters like you is the day I will gladly switch myself off. For good.

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What happens here if we continue to use the Reserves to make up the difference between expenditure and income - and we continue to also have the liabilities that the Reserves are covering?


What Greece demonstrates is that you cannot live significantly beyond your means for ever.


Mind you they were in some ways in a "better" position than we are. When they continued to live beyond their means at least they could borrow to pay for their defecit - until such times as the borrowers got nervous about getting their money back.


We should watch events in Greece with great interest as they may be a pre-cursor to what may come to the rest of europe once the money supply runs out. We may be insulated to a certain extent to any civil unrest being on this rock but the principles, as you rightly point out, are very similar.

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Greece won't default. They will call it some thing else like another 'haircut' or some other word that means default but for the purposes of the banks not triggering the derivative timebomb which will go cascading through the whole system they'll call it anything but the nasty 'd' word.

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What do you disagree with about the article? I couldn't care less who wrote it, I've never even heard of the bloke before but the fact he wrote a very good article means it's a very good article, simple as that. It could say kermit the frog as far I am concerned, if I read something and it resonates with me against previous research and knowledge and sounds plausible then I tend to make a judgement based on that, I don't rush out into Google and see who wrote it and their background before coming to my conclusions. If that's the way you want to live your life and process your information then fine, crack on, don't let me stand in the way of intellectual genius.


There's a reason why nonsense written by conspiracy theory nutters "resonates" with you. Can you guess what that reason is?


Clue : rational people reach conclusions based on facts - in your case facts have nothing to do with it....


Time to switch you off again I think.


How's your American 'mate'? Jim was it? Hahahahaha......

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