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From Isle of Man Today


Just thought I'd stick it up here to see if it helps.


BTW Is there any way of putting 'Closed-circuit television footage' on the internet?



A CALLOUS thief systematically drained the bank account of an elderly couple.


The crook used a bank card at cashpoints throughout the south to empty more than £2,000, most of the couple's life savings.


Now the police are asking for your help in finding the man who has left the pensioners heartbroken.


Community safety manager Constable Julie Dawson said the Port Erin couple, who are in their 70s, are devastated by the crime.


'This couple have had a bank card stolen and the person who has taken it has used the card to seal in excess of £2,000 from their account,' she said.


'He has used a variety of cashpoint machines throughout the south to withdraw the cash. He has emptied the account completely.'


Constable Dawson said she couldn't give details of how the card was stolen, but urged anyone with information about the theft to contact her.


Closed-circuit television footage taken when one of the withdrawals has been released and Constable Dawson said she needs to speak to the man seen in the area and the drivers of two cars, believed to be a Ford Escort and Ford Fiesta.

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CCTV, The 21C answer to fighting crime on the streets.


Well apart from the fact that most £20 webcams offer better quality images!


Going by the pics in the Courier, the police will be looking for: a person... in clothes... possibley greyish clothes...


I thought ATMs were supposed to have cameras installed to photo the person as they withdraw cash?

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They probably kept a note of it with the card. And sadly this'll mean that the bank won't be liable for their losses. Either that, or a simple 1234 or 0000 PIN was used.


Could well be the new chip & PIN sytem. In a lot of shops if you are not careful anybody can see the PIN number. Perhaps they were not careful enough and the theif just had to nick the card once he had seen the PIN.

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Could well be the new chip & PIN sytem.  In a lot of shops if you are not careful anybody can see the PIN number.  Perhaps they were not careful enough and the theif just had to nick the card once he had seen the PIN.


My sister was asked for her PIN when buying Xmas presents last year. Not knowing the system of 'chip & pin', she was daft enough to shout, "Oh, it's XXXX" across the busy counter :D

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Aaah thats bad. The person who did that will get their cumupance I guess? So the bank cant give them their money back?


Someone did that to my friend, stole her card and somehow got her number (i think he was behind her and clocked her number )and rinsed her account - but she got the money back off the bank?



I guess older people are easier to target as they may be more likely to have a more simple pin number??? I know thats a generalisation, but like Big Dave said, some of them write the PIN on the card.


Oh thats a real shame that amount of money means alot to people on a pension eh?

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My sister was asked for her PIN when buying Xmas presents last year. Not knowing the system of 'chip & pin', she was daft enough to shout, "Oh, it's XXXX" across the busy counter

Who asked her that? No-one has the right to know your pin. You can't even call your bank to find out. It has to bemailed?


But then, I stand to be corrected.

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