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General Election 2011 - Douglas North


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Requisition meeting tonight.


The audience are very Willaston. Main topics were:

been waiting 4 years for promised new doors.

new windows are cheap and the seals go.

Why have Anagh Coar houses got kitchens and we haven't.

Condensation problems caused by cavity fill (if he gets back in, Mr Henderson is going to be very angry at Minister Shimmin over this one).

NI/OAP fund raided to build hospital.



The lad Theo seems intelligent and capable enough and is probably the sort of person needed in tynwald just now. What the heck is he doing fighting H&H who are the masters at the parochial vote catching trivia issues as listed above.




Approximately 50 in attendance. Prominent characters: Geoff Corkish Steam Packet Chappie sitting next to Martin Moore advocate.

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The lad Theo seems intelligent and capable enough and is probably the sort of person needed in tynwald just now. What the heck is he doing fighting H&H who are the masters at the parochial vote catching trivia issues as listed above.


Approximately 50 in attendance. Prominent characters: Geoff Corkish Steam Packet Chappie sitting next to Martin Moore advocate.

I believe Geoff Corkish was attending to learn about talking...if he gets back in, maybe, just maybe, he'll start taking his first steps in Tynwald...


...and 5 years late, start to enact his first manifesto.

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I believe Geoff Corkish was attending to learn about talking...if he gets back in, maybe, just maybe, he'll start taking his first steps in Tynwald...


...and 5 years late, start to enact his first manifesto.

I admire your positive outlook but ain't gonne happen - not as long as he can count on being voted back in for "singing so nice".

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The lad Theo seems intelligent and capable enough and is probably the sort of person needed in tynwald just now. What the heck is he doing fighting H&H who are the masters at the parochial vote catching trivia issues as listed above.


Approximately 50 in attendance. Prominent characters: Geoff Corkish Steam Packet Chappie sitting next to Martin Moore advocate.

I believe Geoff Corkish was attending to learn about talking...if he gets back in, maybe, just maybe, he'll start taking his first steps in Tynwald...


...and 5 years late, start to enact his first manifesto.



In all fairness to Geoff Corkish: he was attending as a constituent of Douglas North.

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Got Henderson's 50 page manifesto last week - in which (quite ironically I thought) he points out his support for the environment.


I bet the postmen and recycle guys in Douglas North will all be off with Hernias next week.


Sorry, but utter bullshit Mr Henderson - a chore and a nightmare to have to read. You might be be intersted in documenting the sound of your own voice, but I doubt much of a percentage of your electorate are though.


Maybe we're waiting for his latest OFT report because it is 1 million pages and still being printed?

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How many pages does he devote to his fellow Douglas North MHK and his (Houghtons) hatred of Transexuals?

Is there a separate chapter headed Beyond Common Decency?

Voters can remind themselves at


Colleagues moved quickly to disassociate themselves from Mr Houghton's comments.


Peter Karran (Onchan) said he was 'appalled by the outburst', saying: 'It's what the Nazis used to say about the Jews. I thought we had got away from this Island being seen as a Fascist, reactionary backwater.'


Education Minister Anne Craine said Mr Houghton's 'approach, his attitude, his bigotry is disgusting.'


Fellow Ramsey MHK, Treasury Minister Allan Bell said the comments recalled the horrendous debates about legalising homosexuality in the late 1980s and early 1990s that he said had put a 'slur' on the Island's reputation.


'I've got to say this is a very, very sad day for the Isle of Man,' said Mr Bell. 'Having gone through the period to try to bring about change in the relation to the gay issue and the absolutely horrendous debate that took place here in this court, I never thought I would hear such an outburst in this chamber again.'


Mr Bell said the debate on homosexuality had placed a 'permanent stain on our reputation' which was 'still getting fired back at us' today.


He said he was 'embarrassed and ashamed' by Mr Houghton's views and hoped all members would express their 'abhorrence'.


Voters will be able to indicate their 'abhorrence' shortly.

If the rest of our noble elected representatives had any decency, they'd walk out of the room everytime bigot boy walked in.

Or all cross dress just to piss him off.


(edit for clarity)

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Read all the manifesto's fully now, spoken to all 4 candidates too.


Whilst all the candidates are 'nice' I am sorry but just being 'nice' isn't going to be enough this time. Definitely Theo for me. Good guy, switched on and exactly what Tynwald needs IMO. Didn't fluff any questions I asked him. We need national politicians like Theo.


I intend to use only one vote.


I don't know where Hendersons head was in putting out nearly 50 pages, it reminded me of a poor student putting down everything he knows in the hope of getting some extra marks. Houghton - seems to want a committee on everything. Sorry John, but I want your opinions and not pushing responsibilities for everything onto others. Henderson and Houghton seem so out of their depth these days to me - so much so, I also think they'd be lost in the real world if they lost their seats. Hill - standard Libvan stuff - but I am not that impressed, I got the feeling he was standing as a favour to PK rather than as a serious candidate - just my impression.


Go Theo!

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I will be voting for Theo and that Hill bloke, even though I know nothing about the latter

Sorry - I have to ask this:


Obviously you don't support both? So why two votes and not just one vote for Theo then?


You can use only one vote.


Wouldn't you feel a bit of a chump if your candidate lost by one vote to a guy you know nothing about?

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