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Medic Refused Rifle Training


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If there's none, don't ask

I didn't. It was MDO as I recall.


However considering some of your outlandish views it leads one to wonder where you might fit in a work situation. Whilst it's nobody's business really, there nothing wrong with asking the question. However as you have avoided answering it at all costs or answering with glib replies, then one might conclude you actually do f.all.

Oh dear that will be two of you..and before you complain to the moderator (again) including me, that is three !!!

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Awaits with interest. Any difficult questions are normally given a swerve by the likes of " don't see the relevance of the question".

Demonstrate the relevance. If I was asked how many siblings I have, how much money I earn, what I do in work exactly, there ought to be some explanation of the relevance. If there's none, don't ask.


If that related to my 5 simple questions then fair enough, it's a reasonable request.


Let's deal with them one by one with the reason that I ask them given in order to bring out the relevance.


Bear in mind that these simple questions are not asked in the context of this thread alone, but rather to better understand you and the stance that you take on so many things.


Shall we start at the beginning?


Why not!


What (in your opinion) is society?

The answer to that will allow us to have insight into the paradigm that forms the basis for so much of what you say, criticise, reject, promote, and extol.


There's no need to come up with a long winded dissertation but something to capture what you believe society is, and maybe if you see fit what you believe society should be.

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Trying to get a straight answer out of LDV is like trying to nail a puddle to a wall.


My theory has been that he is a well reseached troll. And a consistant one at that. Always saying just enough contrary to the majority to piss people off, but never revealing enough real information about himself that would make his troll facade fall apart.

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You are starting to sap the life out of me. The fact is that I could tell you any old bullshit and it ought not to matter. Were I unemployed, why would it matter? Were I to be employed in retail, why would it matter?

Ballaughbiker does slightly give the game away though when he thinks that no response mean 'fuck all', implying that it has some importance to the conservation. Is that what interests? Whether I do work or not and if so, why?

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If that related to my 5 simple questions then fair enough, it's a reasonable request.

Fucking pipedown. You put people off wanting to reply


In terms of this conversation, I only refer to society as synonymous with the public of a nation. I am not being much more specific than that here.


As for the other questions, there is really no need to go down this route considering I had this conversation with you almost a year ago.

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You are starting to sap the life out of me. The fact is that I could tell you any old bullshit and it ought not to matter. Were I unemployed, why would it matter? Were I to be employed in retail, why would it matter?

Ballaughbiker does slightly give the game away though when he thinks that no response mean 'fuck all', implying that it has some importance to the conservation. Is that what interests? Whether I do work or not and if so, why?


So if you lie, why take anything you say to be true?


If you are unemployed then of course you are happy to keep the status quo of free money for doing cock all.


If you are employed in a low paid job then you wouldn't be happy with the status quo because YOUR money is being leeched away by the scroungers.


If you are the employee then your bullshit about wage slaves is just that bullshit.

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You don't need to take anything as say as simply true on the basis of my assertions. You should read my posts, understand the arguments (my opinions), and come to your own conclusions.


If you say you think that people should be made to work, I don't just think that is true or false depending on whether you are sincere or not.


But at least you are honest. As well as being irrelevant you have explained what I expected about your reasons for asking about my employment and it demonstrates why I would say nothing.

That is because you have no interest in the merits of my opinions as they stand alone but want to find a cheap way of dismissing them depending on whether I am trying to protect something or not.

That's very poor of you.

I could just dismiss you posts that reply to me about the Armed Forces based on stereotypes and assumption. I could ignore you completely given that you will always disagree with any criticism of the forces. Do you think I should?

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That is because you have no interest in the merits of my opinions as they stand alone but want to find a cheap way of dismissing them depending on whether I am trying to protect something or not.


I was looking for you to back up your position.


Your opinions are outlandish and based in makey uppy land not the real world.

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It's not backing up your position. I don't need to know whether you are from the military or not to find whether your views on National Service are worth reading or not.


Outlandish? You are the one who likes the idea of National Service. That's outlandish. You know, I could dismiss your opinion and not pay any interest to someone who think NS is a good idea just because you might be some clown who likes anything to do with the military. Would that be fair?

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It's not backing up your position. I don't need to know whether you are from the military or not to find whether your views on National Service are worth reading or not.


Outlandish? You are the one who likes the idea of National Service. That's outlandish. You know, I could dismiss your opinion and not pay any interest to someone who think NS is a good idea just because you might be some clown who likes anything to do with the military. Would that be fair?


Not at all. I think there are benefits to NS, which you believe to be bad things. I think the majority would agree with the benefits more than they would agree with your stance.

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Not at all. I think there are benefits to NS, which you believe to be bad things. I think the majority would agree with the benefits more than they would agree with your stance.

When NS ended, most of the armed services were delighted. They were never happy trying to train and a manage hordes of youngsters who either didn't want to be there or couldn't wait to start playing with guns!

The world has also moved on since then - so imagine trying to organise that when everyone who doesn't want to be there knows everything there is to know about their 'rights.' If you want to destroy any semblance of professionalism that the military have, National Service is the way to go!

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Not at all. I think there are benefits to NS, which you believe to be bad things. I think the majority would agree with the benefits more than they would agree with your stance.

When NS ended, most of the armed services were delighted. They were never happy trying to train and a manage hordes of youngsters who either didn't want to be there or couldn't wait to start playing with guns!

The world has also moved on since then - so imagine trying to organise that when everyone who doesn't want to be there knows everything there is to know about their 'rights.' If you want to destroy any semblance of professionalism that the military have, National Service is the way to go!


But National Service does not have to be the same as it was then. Look at the Lads Army and Bad Lads Army shows. That was just a TV show and they were very successful with the volunteers they had.


Its just an idea. Somethings got to be better than paying lads to sit on their backside drinking Stella, fighting down the highstreet and watching Trisha all day.

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Its just an idea. Somethings got to be better than paying lads to sit on their backside drinking Stella, fighting down the highstreet and watching Trisha all day.
You think that's what they all doing?


And even if I thought that it is right to use force to make people to do something like that, I think you'll find that few people would be happy to go along with it.

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