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Medic Refused Rifle Training


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He sounds like a bloody coward to me.

Sounds more like he's had a sudden injection of intelligence - not something that's ever been encouraged in British military circles.


Typical uniformed yet highly opinionated civilian,


knowledge in the Armed Forces wouldn't fill a tea spoon. Couldn't agree more!

P.S. I'm definitely not 'uniformed' - I've always felt it best to leave that to the dumb asses who'd struggle to make a living if they couldn't spend most of their working day trying to show everyone how macho they are.

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He sounds like a bloody coward to me.

Sounds more like he's had a sudden injection of intelligence - not something that's ever been encouraged in British military circles.


Typical uniformed yet highly opinionated civilian,


knowledge in the Armed Forces wouldn't fill a tea spoon. Couldn't agree more!

P.S. I'm definitely not 'uniformed' - I've always felt it best to leave that to the dumb asses who'd struggle to make a living if they couldn't spend most of their working day trying to show everyone how macho they are.


Editing my post only makes you more of a fool than you already appear to be


As you are well aware, I meant "uninformed".


Once again you show you know cock all about the Armed Forces, displaying typical ignorance on the subject.


Edit to add: The type of person who needs to show everyone how macho they are, will do it whether they are in the Armed Forces or working in civvie street.


And to educate you further, here is a list of trades and specialisations within the British Army:




And here some of the Combat Engineering training:




As you can see all of these trades require intelligence that would not be attributed to "dumb asses who'd struggle to make a living if they couldn't spend most of their working day trying to show everyone how macho they are"

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Once again you show you know cock all about the Armed Forces, displaying typical ignorance on the subject.

No argument and, guess what, I don't want to know! The British armed forces are a complete anachronism in today's world. Its a throwback to a time when they needed a large service to control an empire and to defend itself against nations who had a (frequently justified) grudge against it. Nowadays, its little more than a youth employment scheme that would have to be drastically reduced if the government of the day weren't able to find 'conflicts' for it to take part in, and an opportunity for public schoolboys to demonstrate their 'leadership qualities.'

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Waffle, waffle, waffle, waffle, waffle, waffle.



SO when it is confirmed that you know cock all about the Forces or the men and women who serve in it, you then break out the "rebellious teenager" style response.


You sound like a LDV clone.

And you simply duck out of any debate about it.

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Waffle, waffle, waffle, waffle, waffle, waffle.



SO when it is confirmed that you know cock all about the Forces or the men and women who serve in it, you then break out the "rebellious teenager" style response.


You sound like a LDV clone.

You just blanket all responses wth comments of how little other people know and how you have to be in the Armed Forces to have a credible comment about any aspect.


I actually disagree with Terse's comments about the British Army being a throwback to days of Empire. The fact that you think I would agree with this, shows that you comprehend little of my understanding of matters.

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Waffle, waffle, waffle, waffle, waffle, waffle.



SO when it is confirmed that you know cock all about the Forces or the men and women who serve in it, you then break out the "rebellious teenager" style response.


You sound like a LDV clone.

You just blanket all responses wth comments of how little other people know and how you have to be in the Armed Forces to have a credible comment about any aspect.


I actually disagree with Terse's comments about the British Army being a throwback to days of Empire. The fact that you think I would agree with this, shows that you comprehend little of my understanding of matters.


I meant in regards to your posts in general LDV.


And can you blame me for making blanket statements, like "you don't know unless you were there"?


Terse has proved admirably, the ignorance of the Armed Forces, the people who serve and life within the Service, that is shown by those outside the Forces.

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Yes, that's what I meant. You don't seem to be able to understand either my posts, Terse's posts or both. Because there is nothing similar about his last post and any I have said. It just leads me to the conclusion that you simply feel a compelled to respond to any that you think is criticism of the Armed Forces.


I think the similarity you are drawing is in respect of your silly response to all who comments on the British military that they cannot know unless they have joined.

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Yes, that's what I meant. You don't seem to be able to understand either my posts, Terse's posts or both. Because there is nothing similar about his last post and any I have said. It just leads me to the conclusion that you simply feel a compelled to respond to any that you think is criticism of the Armed Forces.


I think the similarity you are drawing is in respect of your silly response to all who comments on the British military that they cannot know unless they have joined.


Do you know anything about the socio-economical situation in Southern Asia?

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A bit. Why?


Have you ever been to Southern Asia or lived in Southern Asia?


Are you an economics expert specialising in South Asian markets?


Do you have qualifications in sociology or economics?


Or is it all opinion, theories and google based knowledge?

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