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Living Amongst The Poor


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Spotted a great letter in The Times today, from Canon Jim Canning, based in Coventry. Sharp and telling account of financial mismanagement in the Church of England. (You'll have to scroll down, his letter is third on the page.)


Since this is my local diocese, and our own parish has already been deprived of a vicar - we get 'locums' from bigger parishes taking our services now - and one or two smaller village churches may even be closing soon, I found his comments extremely apposite. It's about time the Church of England reevaluated its image and realised how far behind the times it is, and how out of step with the people in its parishes.

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I'm not a churchy person myself, I like some church people but the majority just annoy me (double standards and less forgiving etc etc). The bishop and his £1.3Million house is a perfect example of what is wrong with the curch in todays society. Too many vicars 'in it for the house'.

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