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What Game Is Everyone Playing At The Mo


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I'm currently playing 2 games, EVE online and CSS (counter strike source) both for pc, anyone else out there playing these? if so, give me a shout on here!


Or.... steam: ionized EVE ONLINE: rabbyl0l thellere






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I picked up all of the DLC missions for Mass Effect 2 the other day, only for the achieves mind as I heard they are a bit cake. Only got the Insanity achieve to get and the DLC achieves then I'll have 62 of 62.


So far:


Firewalker: Lots of flying around in a hover tank with a little bit or running around. Very easy but linked achieves.


Cerberus Pack: Tons of stuff in this one and an extra character to recruit with his own loyalty mission.


Stolen Memory: Recruit the thief character and carrying out a mission to gain her loyalty.


I'll let you know how I get on with the rest.

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Still playing MW2, still shouting at the TV.


Also finally managed to finish the main mission on Fallout 2 on Wednesday night so now I've gone back a few saves so I can attempt the missing side missions before I complete it again.

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Also finally managed to finish the main mission on Fallout 2 on Wednesday night so now I've gone back a few saves so I can attempt the missing side missions before I complete it again.


I got caught out by the end mission in FO2. I was just playing along thinking I could some more side missions later on. Next thing I now, I'm doing the final mission and I've "completed" the game. Was a bit disappointed.

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I'm currently playing 2 games, EVE online and CSS (counter strike source) both for pc, anyone else out there playing these? if so, give me a shout on here!


Or.... steam: ionized EVE ONLINE: rabbyl0l thellere







Eve player here!

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Also finally managed to finish the main mission on Fallout 2 on Wednesday night so now I've gone back a few saves so I can attempt the missing side missions before I complete it again.


I got caught out by the end mission in FO2. I was just playing along thinking I could some more side missions later on. Next thing I now, I'm doing the final mission and I've "completed" the game. Was a bit disappointed.


That's pretty much what happened to me to, hence going back a few saves. Thought I'd be clever and do the robot part of the last mission again, then go back and scavenge all the power armour to cash it in. Only to find when I went back after putting all my items in storage that the vast majority of it had disappeared <_<

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Started playing Dead Horde last night with a friend in 2 player Co-op. Entertaining game, a bit like Left for Dead top down. Not bad for 7 quid.


If anyone is on Steam, feel free to add me - Shill360

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Started playing Dead Horde last night with a friend in 2 player Co-op. Entertaining game, a bit like Left for Dead top down. Not bad for 7 quid.


If anyone is on Steam, feel free to add me - Shill360


Pfft, not exactly WoW, is it? <_<


I'll add you in on Steam Shill, although TBH it's only really DiRT3 and Bad Company 2 I play apart from WoW at the moment.

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