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Smoking In Public


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Well I think it is important.


As reported on Manx Radio today:


Smoking in Public


I enjoy the occasional drink but can't find anywhere that doesn't permit smoking.


We all went out after work yesterday and everywhere seemed to be full of people emptying their lungs of spent smoke. It was billowing everywhere. Still, I suppose the smokers were enjoying it.


Nicotine addiction is treated so casually.


Smoking was fun and naughty at school and I suppose there was a bit of a 'hit' to it back then. But by the time we are old enough to know better we're addicted big style and pretending to enjoy that vicious and short cycle that is the smoking habit :


being addicted/"curing" the addiction/being addicted/"curing" the addiction ad infinitum really

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The Villa bars are totally non-smoking, the Rovers has a couple of non-smoking rooms. Quite a few restaurants are too...


Personally I enjoy a smoke with my drink. Don't smoke at any other time so don't really consider myself "addicted" as such, though I'm sure some people would.


I'd prefer to see bars being given grants/tax breaks if they implement proper non-smoking rooms/areas (or seperate "smoking rooms" even), especially with our climate making going outside for a smoke a pain in the arse most of the time.


Everywhere seems to be banning smoking in public so I suppose it's bound to happen at some point. Don't agree with banning it myself though, but then I am a smoker.


Though I thought the idea was to ban it only in some places - those that serve food...?

Seems a good compromise to me...

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I have never seen the kick in smoking, if i give you a rolled cigarette with tea leaves in you would say "that tastes of poo" but it is no more horrid than what is being smoked. It is true about the whole sneaky school kid thing, the buzz of being that age and trying to show off to peers, the addiction kicks in and before you know it, people just accept smoking as part of life.

This ban will make sure it isn't a part of life, just like i heard today.... "we don't have no spitting in the bar" signs anymore! so people will get used to the ban and treat it as the norm not to. Does that mean at one time it was a common thing, spitting in bars?

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Does that mean at one time it was a common thing, spitting in bars?


People used to take 'chewing tobacco' in the olden days and yes, once done with it they used to spit it out (in general, into something called a spittoon I believe) but, I guess they used to spit it out onto the floor too (before bars were carpeted I assume).

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Im a smoker and i would be quite happy to see more non smoking pubs, personally i feel a total ban is an afront on my rights to smoke. The government dont like smokers in public places but they are quite happy to pocket the money i pay in taxes for buying them. Maybe a ban on the sale of tobacco would be a more postive step than banning smoking in public places.


Personally id be happier to have a ban on fat people eating in public as i find that more disgusting than having to breath in someone elses smoke. And for those people that play the 'glandular' card its not your glandd that make you go to mc donalds everyday is it????


/rant over


gonna get drunk and smoke my head off...

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Im a smoker and i would be quite happy to see more non smoking pubs, personally i feel a total ban is an afront on my rights to smoke.  The government dont like smokers in public places but they are quite happy to pocket the money i pay in taxes for buying them.  Maybe a ban on the sale of tobacco would be a more postive step than banning smoking in public places.


Personally id be happier to have a ban on fat people eating in public as i find that more disgusting than having to breath in someone elses smoke.


Try looking at it this way.


I am a non-smoker. When I go out for a drink I do not smoke and so I do not set fire to a material that sends out a carcinogenic mixture of chemicals into my surroundings. .

What I do does NOT affect you in any harmful way.


You are a smoker. When you go out for a drink you smoke and so you do set fire to a material that sends out a carcinogenic mixture of chemicals into your surroundings.

What YOU do affects me in a very harmful way.


Why then should I be prevented from doing MY thing by NOT smoking and yet you do YOUR thing by smoking?


See the logic?


As regards fat people, I find anorexic celery chewers nauseating but they are not affecting me and so I have the option to look away. So it is with you and fat people. You have the option to look away. Not so with smokers. I do NOT have the option not to breath their filth.

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well said rog! but how many times has this been debated, there will never be a right answer. I'm a non smoker but even if it was banned in public there is still so much rubbish in the air will this really help? maybe it would be more pleasant to have a drink etc without having to breathe in as much smoke but its still gonna be there! :(

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well said rog! but how many times has this been debated, there will never be a right answer. I'm a non smoker  but even if it was banned in public there is still so much rubbish in the air will this really help? maybe it would be more pleasant to have a drink etc without having to breathe in as much smoke  but its still gonna be there!  :(

Last time I was in the Waterfall there were non-smoking tables - next to the bog!


A Swiss visitor to Italy lit up in a bar last week and was immediately fined 2,000 euro (GBP 1,300 or so) - yippee :P !

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A Swiss visitor to Italy lit up in a bar last week and was immediately fined 2,000 euro (GBP 1,300 or so) - yippee  :P !


Poor bastard. What a bunch of money-grabbing fascists. Taxed if you buy 'em and taxed if you smoke 'em. Quick, let's have a whip round. :o



Edited to say: Oops, thought the swear filter would catch that! :unsure:

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Poor bastard. What a bunch of money-grabbing fascists. Taxed if you buy 'em and taxed if you smoke 'em. Quick, let's have a whip round.  :o

I would rather they whipped the evil smokers :stupid:

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Poppyrose, you are right there is so much other stuff in the air we're breathing in, but usually not in the same mouthfulls that we get to breath in other peoples smoke.


I am a non smoker and I personally think it's disgusting, especially when you get incosiderate people smoking around you. My fiance smokes but he always tries to keep it away from other people.


My view is, if you want to smoke fine, but do it at home before you leave, and you can light up again when you get home again! :D


(And perfume, please don't spray so much of it - it gives people sneezing fits!!!)

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Im a smoker and i would be quite happy to see more non smoking pubs, personally i feel a total ban is an afront on my rights to smoke... Maybe a ban on the sale of tobacco would be a more postive step than banning smoking in public places.


So a ban on you smoking in public places is an afront on your rights to smoke....but a ban on the sale of tobacco is fine. Good idea, lets create another illegal drug and make thousands of innocent people criminals!

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