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Smoking In Public


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Telling people not to smoke is like telling people not to drive their cars, its not gonna happen.


Cars fill the air with polution but people still drive them around.


Leave the smokers alone, if you don't like somewhere because it allows smoking, go somewhere else, problem solved.

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Leave the smokers alone, if you don't like somewhere because it allows smoking, go somewhere else, problem solved.

It's not solved, the buggers smoke everywhere :angry::angry::angry: !


Death's too good for them!

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So a ban on you smoking in public places is an afront on your rights to smoke....but a ban on the sale of tobacco is fine. Good idea, lets create another illegal drug and make thousands of innocent people criminals!

Youve missed the point, all im saying is if the government are that worried about smoking why dont they ban tobacco altogether...oh i know because they make too much money of it.


I never realised there were so many anti smoking nazis in the world.....

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So a ban on you smoking in public places is an afront on your rights to smoke....but a ban on the sale of tobacco is fine. Good idea, lets create another illegal drug and make thousands of innocent people criminals!

Youve missed the point, all im saying is if the government are that worried about smoking why dont they ban tobacco altogether...oh i know because they make too much money of it.


I never realised there were so many anti smoking nazis in the world.....

I agree - just ban tobacco but there may be legal problems involved - fair trade and such.


Just as long as they allow guiness on the Island I'm a happy bunny.

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How many of us complained about the INCINERATOR?  And the effects the `smoke/fumes/outfall'?

If it's an incinerator or dumping the crud at the PoA then I am 100% in favour of the incinerator. Don't care if it stinks - I live 'up north'. Rather have a decent PoA.

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Even worse is the Douglas crematorium, "I smell dead people"

Cremation is terrible for the enviroment. What we need is a massive conveyor belt a bit like those pizza or better still a doughnut maker that bodies are laid on then it passes under the ground for 35 years for the worms to chew on then when 'done' the remains come out of the other end and are then ground down to add to bonemeal compost.


There's money to be made for a person with vision B)

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/off thread...


Smoking is a disgusting habit.


Not many would be happy to eat where all the chefs were permitted to smoke in the kitchen, but as soon as the food comes through the serving hatch it's fine.


Apparently there is no better way to kill the flavour of food for your taste buds than to smoke before eating.

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Youve missed the point, all im saying is if the government are that worried about smoking why dont they ban tobacco altogether...oh i know because they make too much money of it.


And that money pays for all the healthcare smokers need when they are dying a slow and painful death stuck in hospital being monitored 24 hrs a day. Cigarettes aren't taxed just so the Government can make some money, they're taxed because they are a demerit good and have negative social costs (Woo go GCSE Business Studies!) i.e. the cost of healthcare, the cost of educating people on the damage that cigarettes do etc.


To be honest i don't care if people smoke, it's up to them. I just have an issue with people who believe it's their god given right to smoke... it's not!

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I smoke and i really hate it when people sit next to me when i am smoking complaining and wafting their hands about when they could simply move.




Why should "THEY" move? Without you and them the environment is smoke free.


When "THEY" are present the environment remains smoke free.


when YOU are present the environment is polluted.


It is YOU who are causing the nuisance.

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I smoke and i really hate it when people sit next to me when i am smoking complaining and wafting their hands about when they could simply move.




Why should "THEY" move? Without you and them the environment is smoke free.


When "THEY" are present the environment remains smoke free.


when YOU are present the environment is polluted.


It is YOU who are causing the nuisance.


I am a smoker and I hate it. I hate it because it costs me a fortune and is bad for my health. I hate it because I am addicted to it and have failed to kick the habit four times and each time I go through hell.


I especially hate it because I feel like an outcast every time I light up because clean living do gooders look at me as if I am the most disgusting creature ever to walk the planet.


But try giving up your three and a half litre gas guzzling Range Rover and using your legs to get around on. To a nicotine addict it is just as impossible. The same as giving up your Trans Atlantic flight for a holiday in the Caribbean in favor of a cycling holiday in Scotland.


And if it's not the pollution but the smell that offends you, just try sitting on a fart until you are sure you are out of the range of everyone who might take offense.


If you are bothered about your health consider this... When I am driving along a country road and have to swerve to avoid hitting some health conscious walker or jogger who doesn't understand what the pavements were put there for and chooses to use the edge of the road, how come he's the sort who are so concerned about my smoke damaging his lungs when he doesn't seem to worry about the risk of a three tone weight passing over his body at fifty miles an hour?


I am going to give up smoking eventually, but I will never judge someone who smokes or be ignorant enough to sit in someone else’s smoke and start complaining about it. I will just move away and feel sorry for them.

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I am going to give up smoking eventually, but I will never judge someone who smokes or be ignorant enough to sit in someone else’s smoke and start complaining about it.  I will just move away and feel sorry for them.

Not always possible - take the Grosvenor in Andreas. As soon as one peasant starts smoking every one is affected, there's no avoiding the smoke.


I don't feel sorry for you. Contempt - yes!


Roll on a smoking ban - let's see the manx politicos do something useful for a change and drag the Island into the grown-up world.


What's worse - parents puffing away at the table with their children present. Poor kids don't have a chance.

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I am a smoker and I hate it.  I hate it because it costs me a fortune and is bad for my health.  I hate it because I am addicted to it and have failed to kick the habit four times and each time I go through hell.


I am a smoker as well. I always will be. The only thing is that presently I do not smoke and have not smoked for 30 years – but I could so easily light up right now. And I do mean that. I’ve just had a second cup of fresh perked coffee and it would be so nice to drag in a fag. But I won’t. More from the utter waste that the last thirty years would have been if I did than anything else.


And that’s the thing that so many people don’t grasp. You can NEVER stop being a smoker. The best that you can hope for is to enter a phase in which you do not smoke and try to make it last as long as you can.


Something that I learned during the times that I stopped being in remission from actually using The Weed – it’s as impossible to ‘just cut down’ as it is for an alcoholic to ‘just cut down’. It doesn’t work just as an alcoholic can’t afford to just have a ‘social drink’.


And if you think it hurts to stop smoking, just watch the pain of the lingering death of someone who didn't stop.

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