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Somali Famine & Pirates


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I don't think all Somalians are pirates maybe some are just mothers wanting their children to have some food and water - I'm not sure what they are supposed to do with a big pile of cash, maybe it would be better to help them by building eco-domes or something like that.

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I watched a program on this a while ago. Seems that most of the time, the Royal Navy and others arrest the pirates but must later release them due to lack of evidence, even though they have assault rifles on the boats, no fishing nets, etc.

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Stavros, maybe if there is no handout and we let the population starve then some might not become pirates or would teach the survivors a bloody good lesson. I get your thinking.


So when do the handouts stop LDV? Like I said there has been famine in Somalia for decades, and they are too busy either killing each other or anyone that tries to help them.


Somalia is another one of those "financial blackholes" that exist on the African continent.


Sending money will not solve the problem. Sending peace keepers will not solve the problem.


It's harsh to say but at some point, it falls to the Somali people to sort their own problems out and not the rest of the world.

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What does it matter if SOME sections of the population are fighting with one another. And what does the fighting have to do this with this drought?


Were there to be civil war or sectarian violence in the UK, do you think that other countries are right to withold food and financial support were the UK in the shit financially?


And what is this famine that has been ongoing for decades?


Do you not consider it money well spent to prevent a child of five from slowly dying from starvation and degydration?


But maybe you're right, maybe the Somalia people should build one of the state of the art rain-machines and then there would be no droughts!

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What does it matter if SOME sections of the population are fighting with one another. And what does the fighting have to do this with this drought?


Are you blind? There has been civil war and sectarian violence in Somalia for decades. There hasn't been a stable government in the country for just as long. The entire country is devastated by the fighting with hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing to boardering nations


Were there to be civil war or sectarian violence in the UK, do you think that other countries are right to withold food and financial support were the UK in the shit financially?


Depends, has there been civil war and sectraian in the UK for decades?


And what is this famine that has been ongoing for decades?


Again, are you blind? Please, please open your eyes for a change.


Do you not consider it money well spent to prevent a child of five from slowly dying from starvation and degydration?


If the money I send achieves that goal then yes it is money well spent. If the money I send goes towards the local warlord buying some more AKs for his clan then no not money well spent.


But maybe you're right, maybe the Somalia people should build one of the state of the art rain-machines and then there would be no droughts!


Well maybe thats how they solve the problem in LDV la-la land but unfortunately its a little bit more complicated in the real world.

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Are you blind? There has been civil war and sectarian violence in Somalia for decades. There hasn't been a stable government in the countryfor just as long.

Yes I am blind. And yes there has been civil war in somalia. Now does that mean the majority of the population are at war? Does that mean children are at war? And again, what does this have to do with a drought?


Depends, has there been civil war and sectraian in the UK for decades?
No, it doesn't depend. Do you understand the purpose of a hypothetical moral analogy? If not, it's a little game where you can let your imagination roam free and pretend what you think is right in similar circumstances.


Again, are you blind? Please, please open your eyes for a change.
There hasn't been severe drought in the country for quite some time. Do you know something I don't?


If the money I send achieves that goal then yes it is money well spent. If the money I send goes towards the local warlord buying some more AKs for his clan then no not money well spent.
Then it's a good job the money is channelled through independent organisations that provide support. Yay!


Well maybe thats how they solve the problem in LDV la-la land but unfortunately its a little bit more complicated in the real world.
Yes, Canine Brain, it is complicated. It's tricky for people to deal with a drought and get adequate food and water. You imply there is a solution. What is this solution?
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@ Stavros, Militant Dog:


Somali piracy evolved around various well documented issues.


How Somalia's Fishermen Became Pirates


Long story short, as most people should be aware, is that the lucrative Somali fishing industry was destroyed by illegal international factory fishing and the dumping of toxic and nuclear waste from european and other developed countries.

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There hasn't been severe drought in the country for quite some time. Do you know something I don't?


"People in Somalia are no strangers to adversity. Since the 1990s they have suffered the effects of civil war and successive droughts, forcing nearly one and a half million people to flee their homes. The UN estimates that the current drought has displaced 55,000 people since January" - http://www.guardian.co.uk/global-development/poverty-matters/2011/jun/06/somalia-devastated-by-drought-crisis




That is from 2009.


For much of 1992 most of Somalia lay in ruins--effectively destroyed. It had no government, no police force, nor even basic services. Armed thugs and bandits roamed the country, pillaging and plundering, and murderous warlords battled savagely for control of the capital, Mogadishu. The carnage and the drought claimed over 300,000 lives, and heartbreaking spectacles of emaciated bodies of famine victims were daily visited upon the public by the Western media.


So, just a quick check on google and ...hey presto... Somalia has been suffering from drought since the early 90's if not earlier.

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No, it doesn't depend. Do you understand the purpose of a hypothetical moral analogy? If not, it's a little game where you can let your imagination roam free and pretend what you think is right in similar circumstances.


Ok, I will play your game.


Have the hyperthetical British militia killed the hyperthetic Pakistani UN Peace Keepers protecting the food and aid convoys?

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The MDO & LDV omni slashing circus is back in town.




MDO = do not throw money at them its a total waste, throw hand-grenades instead.

LDV = its not their fault they are murderous thieving bastardizing scum.

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The MDO & LDV omni slashing circus is back in town.




MDO = do not throw money at them its a total waste, throw hand-grenades instead.

LDV = its not their fault they are murderous thieving bastardizing scum.


Not at all. Just leave them to it. The world tried to help and Somalia bit the hand that feeds. That dog can go hungry in my opinion.

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I watched a program on this a while ago. Seems that most of the time, the Royal Navy and others arrest the pirates but must later release them due to lack of evidence, even though they have assault rifles on the boats, no fishing nets, etc.

you should see what the russians do,

lets just say no need for evidance as its all at the bottem of the sea, along with the crew

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