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Evil In Norway


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The events in Norway are just horrific.


The bomb attack is bad enough, but to coldly shoot 80 or so people, most of them teenagers, is a scarcely imaginable evil.


I hope all responsible for it are held to account.

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Just read about it now - scary. They have arrested a 32 year old man for both attacks I see.


A home-grown neo-Nazi, nothing to do with Gaddafi / AL Qaeda etc.

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Senseless and sad act of violence :(


One tweet making the rounds: G.W. Bush, 9/11: "We're gonna hunt you down." - Stoltenberg, 22/7: "We will retaliate with more democracy".


Also interesting to see how technology's role in events like this is changing. Not sure if it was the BBC itself that initiated this or someone else on the ground, but messages like "BBC just broadcast appeal for Oslo residents to unlock their wi-fi to enable people who can't get through on phones to communicate online." appeared shortly after the event. Taking that phone networks usually go into meltdown when events like this happen, it's brilliant thinking and while not changing what has happened, it can certainly speed up communications and recovery. Kind of a "why has no-one thought of this before" moment.

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Ahh, I see the same trend on here as I did on Facebook over the weekend. It seems addicted Celebs deserve more attention and sympathy than innocent civilians going about their daily business.


RIP to those that were needlessly slaughtered. :(

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I think the difference is the scale of what has happened in Norway. The magnetude of the evil, its implications on the lives of hundreds of families, and the fact that it was perpetrated by an single obssessed fanatic makes it is difficult to comprehend.


There is a large distance between these events and our lives.


In the case of Ms Winehouse, she's known, familiar, and her tradegy all too understandable.


Also you can debate and have different opinions on Ms Winehouse, while here there is basic agreement and threads which consist of people simply trying to find different ways to say the same thing aren't really a success.


What I just don't get is how someone living in an affluent, democratic society with few problems from immigration and multiculturalism could become so obssessed and violent in his reaction to a plural society.


I find it distasteful to have his picture staring out at me from the BBC News website [is it just me or does he look strikingly like Julian Assange!]


I don't think there should be any concentration on him at all, rather pictures of his victims and the coming together of community to mourn and overcome his actions.

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The Hitler Youth was also full of clean cut, well groomed young men who would angrily wipe the blood of their victims off their jackboots before it could stain them.


A corrosive ideology cares little for the physical appearance of the bodies it infects.

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The current TV picture shows him wearing a circular arm badge with the words "marxist shooter" around the top and bottom edge


The meaning of that depends on intonation and where you breathe or pause.


In his case it appears to be clear he shoots people he thinks are marxists, rather than that he is a marxist who shoots

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I don't think he should be getting any TV coverage at all - or very limited. The 24 hour news channels might as well be out signing the next nutter up.


Nutters only do this kind of thing in the name of their 'cause' for the very same publicity the news channels all seem to be prepared to give this nutter.


Few seem to realise this.

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They should have shot the fucker on site, 1 in each kneecap, one in the balls and a gut shot....then airlifted to oslo before dropping him from a great height into the square he planted the bomb in.

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