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Amy Winehouse Found Dead


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In a word....good.


One less poster girl turning impressionable youg adults to drugs thinking it is cool because some maladjusted pop diva does them.


Quite sick of seeing these idiots in the tabloids all shot up on who knows what then crying about it; the kids look up to these people, they have a moral obligation to at least uphold some level of decency.


Now if we can find Kerry Katona dead tomorrow along with Pete Doherty on Tuesday, the week should shape up nicely.



Can't believe any of you think this is a tragedy in light of the the Norway shootings.

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In a word....good.


One less poster girl turning impressionable youg adults to drugs thinking it is cool because some maladjusted pop diva does them.


Quite sick of seeing these idiots in the tabloids all shot up on who knows what then crying about it; the kids look up to these people, they have a moral obligation to at least uphold some level of decency.


Now if we can find Kerry Katona dead tomorrow along with Pete Doherty on Tuesday, the week should shape up nicely.



Can't believe any of you think this is a tragedy in light of the the Norway shootings.


what about lindsay lohan, paris hilton and britney spears ? that would be an epic week :)

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It is always sad to hear of the death of any young person, especially one who tried so hard to give of herself to their fans. In her weaknesses she was what the public made her, and although I am not of the younger generation I do think that she had a wonderful voice when at her best.


She had true tallent, and was gifted in so many ways.


May she rest in peace.

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Wow some of the ott comments on here are brilliant, yes it is sad a young person has died but let's not kid ourselves she was shoving class A drugs into her vains. If you guys shedding tears for a smack head are really upset I assume you must live a very sheltered life. Do you get upset when you see a news story of some waster croaking it?

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Wow some of the ott comments on here are brilliant, yes it is sad a young person has died but let's not kid ourselves she was shoving class A drugs into her vains. If you guys shedding tears for a smack head are really upset I assume you must live a very sheltered life. Do you get upset when you see a news story of some waster croaking it?


Oftentimes, yes.


John Doone wrote in his Meditation 17 "never send to know for whom the bell tolls;

it tolls for thee. . . ."


To add


My life is anything but sheltered.

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So Lady Gaga Wednesday, Peter 'fucking' Andre Thursday and Katie 'Look at what drugs did to my children...poor me' Price on Friday, what a week that would be :P

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Wow some of the ott comments on here are brilliant, yes it is sad a young person has died but let's not kid ourselves she was shoving class A drugs into her vains. If you guys shedding tears for a smack head are really upset I assume you must live a very sheltered life. Do you get upset when you see a news story of some waster croaking it?


Oftentimes, yes.


John Doone wrote in his Meditation 17 "never send to know for whom the bell tolls;

it tolls for thee. . . ."



To add


My life is anything but sheltered.


It's not often I agree with spook but I often feel moved by the death of what you call a waster. This " waster " is someones child, someones sister, someones loved one and yes! She shot class A drugs into her system and paid the ultimate price for her addiction. Addiction is a disorder of the mind and a requirement of the body which needs treatment. Sometimes it doesn't work and the fallout is massive. People are entitled to their own opinion but try a little compassion and understanding! I am not shedding tears or grieving particularly but I am sorry that the girl went down the route she did. I guess that's why I am in the job I am in and some of you, obviously, are nit. Let's hope that you never make a mistake that leads those that Have to care for you to judge and condemn hey?

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people make their own choices. fair enough she did rehab but once should be all that is necessary. twice then your that person has a problem but to keep on going down that route is just self destruction.. and we are surprised when this happens in these circumatances???


people make life choices and they make them knowing the consequences... this may sound harsh but i wont be mourning someone who repetedly doesnt learn and amend their ways



(didnt care uch for the singing either thb - but thats my 2p worth)

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My view is that this is a sad waste of a young talent, but not at all surprising. It was always a matter of when rather than if with Amy Winehouse.


Pete Doherty however... Seems to be very much in the same league but without as far as I can tell any discernible talent whatsoever. Is he 27 yet?

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Her family or friends aren't reading the forum.

Her friends will find out about her death when they wake up tomorrow.


The news of her death has travelled with such speed. When I heard, I couldn't help but crack up with emotion. She was a real heroin and it came as such a blow. Some think she really made a hash of her life and I suppose in some ways it really did go to pot when someone should have been keeping tabs on her.


I have to say though, all these jokes you guys have been making about her are way out of line.

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There are plenty of talented celebrities who do not adorn the national rags every other week because they are out smacked out of their heads on coke/crack/whatever.


As an ADULT she made her choices, she certainly did not have an overly rough childhood from what I have read.


She let her fans down by living and promoting a lifestyle (Drink and drugs) that normal people lose eveything over, their families, loved ones, jobs and homes but it was all pocket change to her; to me that is selfish and callous.


I am sure as fuck not going to mourn a dead junkie.

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Her family or friends aren't reading the forum.

Her friends will find out about her death when they wake up tomorrow.


The news of her death has travelled with such speed. When I heard, I couldn't help but crack up with emotion. She was a real heroin and it came as such a blow. Some think she really made a hash of her life and I suppose in some ways it really did go to pot when someone should have been keeping tabs on her.


I have to say though, all these jokes you guys have been making about her are way out of line.


E-zee there stav, you will get up someones nose, ive seen em get right needled.

comments like that can cookup a right storm.

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