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Amy Winehouse Found Dead


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Her family or friends aren't reading the forum.

Her friends will find out about her death when they wake up tomorrow.


The news of her death has travelled with such speed. When I heard, I couldn't help but crack up with emotion

. She was a real heroin and it came as such a blow. Some think she really made a hash of her life and I suppose in some ways it really did go to pot when someone should have been keeping tabs on her.


I have to say though, all these jokes you guys have been making about her are way out of line.



PMSL! Very clever!

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I am sure as fuck not going to mourn a dead junkie.


Some of the world's favourite artists have unfortunately been drugs addicts. Many of the definitive jazz greats for example - eg John Coltrane, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Billie Holiday. They were all heroin addicts. Perhaps some gifted people are also potentially very fragile - perhaps their sensitivity also makes them susceptible. Benjamin Franklin was an opium addict and they put him on the money.


people make life choices and they make them knowing the consequences... this may sound harsh but i wont be mourning someone who repetedly doesnt learn and amend their ways


Would you say the same about people who smoke cigarettes or still eat unhealthy food ? What about fat people ? Where does your empathy begin ? What about people who ride their motorbikes dangerously fast ?

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These fuckers had lots and lots of money, what they did affects thousands of families every year where ppl turn to crime to fuel their addiction, they cannot afford the Priory every month.


I have nothing but contempt for pricks like AW, Pete Doherty, Kate Moss and Lindsay Lohan who cannot control it and cannot refrain from doing it in public where youngsters can see it.


Bollox to them all.

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These fuckers had lots and lots of money, what they did affects thousands of families every year where ppl turn to crime to fuel their addiction, they cannot afford the Priory every month.


I have nothing but contempt for pricks like AW, Pete Doherty, Kate Moss and Lindsay Lohan who cannot control it and cannot refrain from doing it in public where youngsters can see it.


This is an idiotic argument since, if anything, Amy Winehouse and Pete Doherty are just as likely to have discouraged people from taking drugs. Nobody wants to end up like them.


Not that they should be held responsible for what anyone else does. Artists are not supposed to be social role models.

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I will show infinate sympathy to those who deserve it.


These twats infest our media with their dirty habits on a more or less daily basis.


And you wonder why our society is fucked with these celebrity nobheads leading the way?


"I will try crack becasue it is good enough for Amy Crackhouse"


Leads to


"I am addicted but I have lost my job now due to <insert whatever side effect of being a junkie is>"


Leads to


"Need to whore myself/rob houses to pay for my addiction"


Leads to


"A 19 year old woman was found raped and strangled in an underpass in SE London this morning"

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Not that they should be held responsible for what anyone else does. Artists are not supposed to be social role models.


What a load of bollox, that is EXACTLY what they should be.

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No, but the media coverage nowadays with the paparazi and the internet means there is little aspect of an artist's life that is not open to public viewing.


Like it or not, all our teenie boppers have posters of these people on their walls, they dress like them and act like them.


If they had 1 single bit of respect for their fans (instead of just using them as cash cows) like a proper artist should have; then they would not allow their target group of fans to be subjected to such a destructive habit.


Anyway, not arguing the toss about this any more, in closing, AW can cock off.

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She had a life and a half, she has seen and done more than most of us ever will & her music suited the people at radio one. Sometimes I think the fast & dangerous life beats 'the drudgery' but, mostly, I don't think that at all :)

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No, but the media coverage nowadays with the paparazi and the internet means there is little aspect of an artist's life that is not open to public viewing.


Like it or not, all our teenie boppers have posters of these people on their walls, they dress like them and act like them.


If they had 1 single bit of respect for their fans (instead of just using them as cash cows) like a proper artist should have; then they would not allow their target group of fans to be subjected to such a destructive habit.


Anyway, not arguing the toss about this any more, in closing, AW can cock off.


AKA Not So Silent Bob! : )

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