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Amy Winehouse Found Dead


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Not that they should be held responsible for what anyone else does. Artists are not supposed to be social role models.


What a load of bollox, that is EXACTLY what they should be.

Why? They are musicians or musical people who want earn a living from their music. If the social response to that is to admire and adulate then society ought to wise up before it goes and copies these people. The same with footballers and all the shite about them being role models. So there!
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My view is that this is a sad waste of a young talent, but not at all surprising. It was always a matter of when rather than if with Amy Winehouse.


Pete Doherty however... Seems to be very much in the same league but without as far as I can tell any discernible talent whatsoever. Is he 27 yet?

Born in 1979, so past it I'm afraid.

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I never met Amy Winehouse so I'm in no position to say anything about her.


Of course, I could speculate and postulate about what sort of person she was but the truth is I simply have no idea at all. I'm aware that there was a great deal written about her in the gutter press - but then celebrity and the media feed off each other so I wouldn't trust a word they wrote...

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Right here


"Results of further toxicology tests could take up to four weeks".


.. they need to order a few more toner cartridges for the printer and get an extra delivery of paper in no doubt.


Just serves as a reminder to all young kids who followed her music - don't buy drugs kids - become a pop star and they give them to you for free!


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I'm ashamed that so many people on the Island are being so disgusting in the comments being made about this tragic death.


I do wonder if you who have been so repugnant in your views about your own kid if one of them had become a global star, been awarded with many international awards, and received world wide acclaim for their talent from those who appreciate that form of creativity and talent. but had been unfortunate enough to have been caught up in a world of peer pressure, terrible working conditions, being hounded by press, faced people who they did not know if were genuine or gold diggers, and had ended up the same as Amy, resorting to self medication to ease the pain and stress of her life.


I do hope so, because if not then how horrid to write the same venomous filth about someone else's daughter, yet not be prepared to do the same about your own.


In some cases drink and drugs are self medication.


I accept that in many cases it is hedonism that is the driving force, but in the course of my work I right now have contact with several people who some here would call “smack heads” and worse but who in fact depend on certain substances to simply get through the day.


The nasty comment about Elton John's “Candle in the Wind” is in a way apposite because, just as with the case of Marilyn Monroe, Amy was another person who warmed the hearts of her public at a personal cost of her being burned delivering the very thing that her public demanded.

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So spook no mention of the other 80+ innocent souls that were taken in norway then, and your long winded summary results in drug addict overdoses, its disgusting not to care, well so i dont feel anything for her, her family yes.


I love the way you can pile bullshit on top of bullshit so seamlessly, ending in a crescendo of bullshit with this.



The nasty comment about Elton John's “Candle in the Wind” is in a way apposite because, just as with the case of Marilyn Monroe, Amy was another person who warmed the hearts of her public at a personal cost of her being burned delivering the very thing that her public demanded.


Ffs, she would not know what a days work was.


This sums up what she thought of the paying public.


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Spook, as I said before there is a WORLD of difference between some poor bastard who has got mixed up in drugs maybe through poverty or abuse etc etc and turned to drugs to escape the pain of having to deal with it; and a jumped up semi-diva who had the world at her feet but DECIDED to go down that path.


More of a Lily Allen fan myself ;)

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Her family or friends aren't reading the forum.

Her friends will find out about her death when they wake up tomorrow.


The news of her death has travelled with such speed. When I heard, I couldn't help but crack up with emotion. She was a real heroin and it came as such a blow. Some think she really made a hash of her life and I suppose in some ways it really did go to pot when someone should have been keeping tabs on her.


I have to say though, all these jokes you guys have been making about her are way out of line.


E-zee there stav, you will get up someones nose, ive seen em get right needled.

comments like that can cookup a right storm.


Rude to, but I couldn't help laughing!

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