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Amy Winehouse Found Dead


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would she have preformed the same without being under the influence of drink/drugs?


I wonder that about the jazz greats such as Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Dexter Gordon, John Coltrane, Sonny Rollins, Art Blakey, Ray Charles, Stan Getz. All of them were heroin addicts.


In Bob's messed up world they would be remembered as poor social models rather than for their sophisticated music.

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I wonder that about the jazz greats such as Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Dexter Gordon, John Coltrane, Sonny Rollins, Art Blakey, Ray Charles, Stan Getz. All of them were heroin addicts.

And were talented. There's the difference.

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Do it make a diference that I don't like Jazz music and don't know who the fuck you are on about (with the exception of Ray Charles).


Just goes to show you must be on something to like Jazz ;)

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On a serious note...since i don't like people spouting crap with no context.


Most of them were born in the 20s/30s and the dangers of heroin were not even thought of up until the 1980s. Also, none of them died of drug overdoses and a lot of them started taking the drug as a direct consequence of social pressure (some of them being black in America in the 1940-60s for instance).


No story is black and white, every single one is different; however they were not photographed weekly fucked out of their heads on pavements or sprawled out on pub benches at 9:30 in the morning; nor were they caught with vomit all over their tits and coke on their noses.


In this stupid bint's case, she had a good upbringing, a loving family and a bright future; yet she pissed it all away playing the rebel.

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So spook no mention of the other 80+ innocent souls that were taken in norway then, and your long winded summary results in drug addict overdoses, its disgusting not to care, well so i dont feel anything for her, her family yes.



Sorry thought the thread was about Amy. It's clear you "don't think anything for her". To assert that you feel something for her family is frankly laughable. When people die they are mourned by folk who loved/liked/respected them and I accept that some people won't mourn Some of the posts on this thread say more about the posters than the deceased.

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Good then its an accurate barometer as to the impression she made on the average joe, you may not understand that view-point, but you aint no judge and jury, and her death is no tragedy, it was easily foreseeable, same as her boy-friend, not if but when.


Maybe we do her a dis-service in thinking she over-dosed by accident, if it was suicide well thats different.

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How's it different than the TT? 'She died doing something she loved'. She obviously loved drugs, knew the risks, but she still turned down opportunities to quit.


Why should she get lambasted so much for a personal choice, whereas bike riders taking similar risks for similar reasons instead receive condolences?

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I have no sympathy for the TT riders either as they know the risks, but I do respect them for doing something that I don't have the balls to do. Drugs however are not couragous, or clever in any way shape or form.


Comparing the two is just stupid.

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I'm ashamed that so many people on the Island are being so disgusting in the comments being made about this tragic death.


I do wonder if you who have been so repugnant in your views about your own kid if one of them had become a global star, been awarded with many international awards, and received world wide acclaim for their talent from those

who appreciate that form of creativity and talent. but had been unfortunate enough to have been caught up in a world of peer pressure, terrible working conditions, being hounded by press, faced people who they did not know if were genuine or gold diggers, and had ended up the same as Amy, resorting to self medication to ease the pain and stress of her life.


I do hope so, because if not then how horrid to write the

same venomous filth about someone else's daughter, yet not be prepared to do the same about your own.


In some cases drink and drugs are self medication.


I accept that in many cases it is hedonism that is the driving force, but in the course of my work I right now have contact with several people who some here would call

“smack heads” and worse but who in fact depend on certain substances to simply get through the day.


The nasty comment about Elton John's “Candle in the Wind” is in a way apposite because, just as with the case of Marilyn Monroe, Amy was another person who warmed the hearts of her public at a personal cost of her being

burned delivering the very thing that her public demanded.


Again Spook I agree ( unusually ). And as her funeral has taken place now, I for one, am moving on - this thread shows up peoples views that I find hard to understand. RIP Amy Winehouse.

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Wow some of the ott comments on here are brilliant, yes it is sad a young person has died but let's not kid ourselves she was shoving class A drugs into her vains. If you guys shedding tears for a smack head are really upset I assume you must live a very sheltered life. Do you get upset when you see a news story of some waster croaking it?


Oftentimes, yes.


John Doone wrote in his Meditation 17 "never send to know for whom the bell tolls;

it tolls for thee. . . ."



To add


My life is anything but sheltered.


It's not often I agree with spook but I often feel moved by the death of what you call a waster. This " waster " is someones child, someones sister, someones loved one and yes! She shot class A drugs into her system and paid the ultimate price for her addiction. Addiction is a disorder of the mind and a requirement of the body which needs treatment. Sometimes it doesn't work and the fallout is massive. People are entitled to their own opinion but try a little compassion and understanding! I am not shedding tears or grieving particularly but I am sorry that the girl went down the route she did. I guess that's why I am in the job I am in and some of you, obviously, are nit. Let's hope that you never make a mistake that leads those that Have to care for you to judge and condemn hey?

In the words of normal people FOAB !!

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Wow some of the ott comments on here are brilliant, yes it is sad a young person has died but let's not kid ourselves she was shoving class A drugs into her vains. If you guys

shedding tears for a smack head are really upset I assume you must live a very sheltered life. Do you get upset when you see a news story of some waster croaking it?


Oftentimes, yes.


John Doone wrote in his Meditation 17 "never send to know

for whom the bell tolls;

it tolls for thee. . . ."



To add


My life is anything but sheltered.


It's not often I agree with spook but I often feel moved by the death of what you call a waster. This " waster " is someones child, someones sister, someones loved one and yes! She shot class A drugs into her system and paid the ultimate price for her addiction. Addiction is a disorder of the mind and a requirement of the body which needs treatment. Sometimes it doesn't work and the fallout is

massive. People are entitled to their own opinion but try a little compassion and understanding! I am not shedding tears or grieving particularly but I am sorry that the girl went down the route she did. I guess that's why I am in the job I am in and some of you, obviously, are nit. Let's hope that you never make a mistake that leads those that Have to care for you to judge and condemn hey?


In the words of normal people FOAB !!



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