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Amy Winehouse Found Dead


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i understand the "F" and the "O", so i can work out from that, that the "A" stands for aquarius, but the "B" has me fucked,

Well - I guess whatever it is, is an insult. I am not normal because I sympathise with a girl who was addicted enough to die? I am not normal because I am not slagging her off and saying she deserved it? I am not normal because I express my opinion? I think I will take the advice and FO then! You don't even fucking know me!

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i understand the "F" and the "O", so i can work out from that, that the "A" stands for aquarius, but the "B" has me fucked,

Well - I guess whatever it is, is an insult. I am not normal because I sympathise with a girl who was addicted enough to die? I am not normal because I am not slagging her off and saying she deserved it? I am not normal because I express my opinion? I think I will take the advice and FO then! You don't even fucking know me!

According to the Urban Dictionary, FOAB means Fresh Off A Boat.

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you seem to be alittle sensitive, no-one is meaning to offend you, well i wasnt anyway, if you struggle to see the difference between a micky take and malicious insult, then maybe it is time.

Oh I seeeeeeeeee. Someone told me it meant something else. Deffo not that! And Deffo not fresh off a boat! Lol!

And not into bombs neither! I' ll get my coat..........

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Pissed of with all this shite im hearing about this fucking junky. "she was an inspiration" etc. If this is what young folks look up to in this day and age we are all fucked.


Addiction is an illness for sure but she she had more resources at her feet than most to sort her self out.

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I have no sympathy for the TT riders either as they know the risks, but I do respect them for doing something that I don't have the balls to do. Drugs however are not couragous, or clever in any way shape or form.


Comparing the two is just stupid.

You can make a comparison.


But although some people have no cares about going that fast and you admire them for being different to you, you could see both heroin use and riding the TT as both extremely foolish if the preservation of life is of any significance to how you judge things.


I don't know myself whether I have particular respect for people for put their life at serious jeopardy for the sake of a race.

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Heroin is an illegal, highly addictive and dangerous drug; it causes criminal activities, pain and suffering the world over. Thousands of people get killed every year in drug wars, trafficking and related crime before the actual cost on life of using the drug is taken into account.


"A report by the UK government's drug strategy unit that was subsequently leaked to the press, stated that due to the expensive price of highly addictive drugs heroin and cocaine, that drug use was responsible for the great majority of crime, including 85% for shoplifting, 70-80% of burglaries and 54% of robberies. "The cost of crime committed to support illegal cocaine and heroin habits amounts to £16 billion a year in the UK" (note: this is more than the entire annual UK Home Office budget)"


So apart from the immediate problem with Class A Drugs, they put a HUGE burden on the resources for policing, NHS care and insurance companies. Motorcycle racing in contrast generates revenue.



Motorcycle racing deaths for 2010


Simon Exton (GBR) Snetterton

Myles Byrne (IRL) Skerries 100

Stephen Larkin (NIR) Kells Road Race

Peter Lenz (USA) Indianapolis Motor Speedway

Shoya Tomizawa (JPN) San Marino Grand Prix

Victor Gilmore (NIR) Killalane

Pascal Grosjean (SWI) Dubai Autodrome

Paul Dobbs 2010 Isle of Man TT Supersport TT Race 2

Martin Loicht 2010 Isle of Man TT Supersport TT Race 2

Jamie Adam 2010 Manx Grand Prix Junior

Chris Bradshaw 2010 Manx Grand Prix Junior


That is 11 men who died whilst racing, less than 1 a month globally.


Drug related deaths in the UK for 2009




An average of 239 per month or 8 a day IN THE UK ALONE.



Your witness.......

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I have no sympathy for the TT riders either as they know the risks, but I do respect them for doing something that I don't have the balls to do. Drugs however are not couragous, or clever in any way shape or form.


Comparing the two is just stupid.

You can make a comparison.


But although some people have no cares about going that fast and you admire them for being different to you, you could see both heroin use and riding the TT as both extremely foolish if the preservation of life is of any significance to how you judge things.


I don't know myself whether I have particular respect for people for put their life at serious jeopardy for the sake of a race.


I don't know what to make of Professor Nutt - but he tried to get a debate going on our perceptions of harm/the war on drugs etc by comparing Ecstasy to Horse riding.




My immediate unformed opinion is that this is a very narrow view of harm - I believe that the overall behaviours associated with horse riding compared with the overall behaviours associated with ecstasy use show Ecstasy to have worse social outcomes, even though the specific risks of getting on a horse are not particularly different from taking a tablet.


Over Ms Winehouse's problems and my sympathies for her - well I'd like to ask people's opinions on Kurt Cobain - someone who's music and lyrics definitely influenced me, and who had a more direct way of inducing harm - with a shotgun.


Should we be more or less sympathetic of his fate than Amy's?

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Comparing Kurt Cobain's impact on music to Amy Winehouse's would be like comparing John F Kennedy to Tony Brown.


Even in dying, Cobain gave us all a gift in releasing Dave Grohl to form the Foo Fighters.

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Don't know much about Kurt Cobain's life story, but listening to 'Lithium' and with the obvious title, wasn't he genuinely mentally ill, as opposed to being led astray and becoming addicted to alcohol/drugs? Another difference is that his was pretty clearly suicide, whereas Amy Winehouse's death will probably turn out not to be deliberate.


In both cases a waste of a young talent.


I do agree with Bob however that Dave Grohl's career improved immeasurably after Nirvana exploded.

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Your witness.......

I think your rational explanation is fair enough. It was only in the previous post that you made the distinction between the two based on the high value that you place those who go in the TT. In that sense, I can point out problems with that view.


But if, as you have in your later post, talk about comparison based on the 'lower opinion' of those who do heroin then that would be a different matter but one you are quite right about, I think.


My immediate unformed opinion is that this is a very narrow view of harm - I believe that the overall behaviours associated with horse riding compared with the overall behaviours associated with ecstasy use show Ecstasy to have worse social outcomes, even though the specific risks of getting on a horse are not particularly different from taking a tablet.

Worse social outcomes from ecstacy? Do you mean having people who really can't dance getting on up on the floor and feeling silly about it the next day or people being grumpy the day after?
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yes he was abit lacking in context there, impression given is that ectacy users would be violent or will steal to support a habit.


i know enough to know Es get people all luvved up, i also remeber the picture of the girl found slumped over dead in the papers from Es, even if i would have seen them, that picture in the press made sure one would never pass my lips, and dope makes people fall asleep, i also know heroin turns people into thieves prostitutes and murders, there again i also know that mary had alittle lamb and its fleece was white as snow.

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