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Amy Winehouse Found Dead


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Worse social outcomes from ecstacy? Do you mean having people who really can't dance getting on up on the floor and feeling silly about it the next day or people being grumpy the day after?


yes he was abit lacking in context there, impression given is that ectacy users would be violent or will steal to support a habit.

I wasn't really talking about violence or stealling - my own brushes with the addictive behaviour around Ecstasy use is that in the long term it damages a person's normal social interactions. Paranoia, mood swings, relationship instability.

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I wasn't really talking about violence or stealling - my own brushes with the addictive behaviour around Ecstasy use is that in the long term it damages a person's normal social interactions. Paranoia, mood swings, relationship instability.

Unless you were particularly susceptible to its after effects, you'd have to taking an awful lot in the long term (i.e. week after week) to have those effects. It isn't physically addictive so you're talking about young people going clubbing every weekend and taking them. Though from people I know who have done this, I have not known any to show the behaviour you talk of. Speed is a different matter entirely though.
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How boring would life be if we were all sober and sensible all the time? I would rather be dead than have to live a sober and sensible life. Heroin is alright but, there are much better drugs around, ones not quite so addictive and less likely to kill you ;) I'm not sure why so many get into heroin as heavily as they do, maybe it is down to the dealers or maybe people really are so stupid that they do not know about addiction......

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Unless you were particularly susceptible to its after effects, you'd have to taking an awful lot in the long term (i.e. week after week) to have those effects. It isn't physically addictive so you're talking about young people going clubbing every weekend and taking them. Though from people I know who have done this, I have not known any to show the behaviour you talk of. Speed is a different matter entirely though.

Sick of hearing people making excuses for 'recreational' drug-taking. Using Ecstasy impairs the memory - fact (Excellent research by Gouzoulis-Mayfrank). The most common cause of Ecstasy-related death is overheating (hyperthermia). It interferes with the body's ability to regulate its own temperature and see other warning signs - allowing the body to overheat without discomfort especially when dancing for hours in hot clubs. In a worst-case scenario, the body can reach extreme temperatures (41-42°C) - a severe heatstroke which causes unpredictable and often medically-untreatable problems, including unstoppable bleeding, liver and kidney failure and, ultimately, death. And even though its not physically addictive, many users become addicted to the emotional state they reach on the drug.

And as for the idea that 'in the society we live in at present there is an understandable desire to enjoy some form of escapism,' that is the most ridiculous bollocks imaginable. We live in the most cossetted age ever - we have more time for leisure and more leisure activities to pursue than any previous generation.

The only appropriate word in that post is 'wasted.' All the wonderful benefits that previous generations have provided for us are 'wasted' on people who are so self-centred and ignorant that they need chemical stimulants to enjoy themselves. If they're stupid enough to ignore all the warnings from the people who really know about drugs and prefer to believe the pathetic losers who tell them that they won't come to any harm and they'll just have a great time - then they probably deserve to lead the utterly 'wasted' lives that await them.

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Sick of hearing people making excuses for 'recreational' drug-taking. Using Ecstasy impairs the memory - fact.
Like alcohol but less so. And again, it depends on regularity of usage as to the severity of effects.


The most common cause of Ecstasy-related death is overheating (hyperthermia). It interferes with the body's ability to regulate its own temperature and see other warning signs - allowing the body to overheat without discomfort especially when dancing for hours in hot clubs.
That's true. But collapses are uncommon.


And even though its not physically addictive, many users become addicted to the emotional state they reach on the drug.
They can do. They can for example want to take the drug every time they go clubbing. But it very rarely results in the same patterns of behaviour whereby people feel they wish to remain in that state, as with alcoholism (people drinking after work every night, for example). Unlike speed, it doesn't produce the assertiveness or confidence in social situations that many people use it for and unlike alcohol does not produce the relaxation.


And as for the idea that 'in the society we live in at present there is an understandable desire to enjoy some form of escapism,' that is the most ridiculous bollocks imaginable. We live in the most cossetted age ever - we have more time for leisure and more leisure activities to pursue than any previous generation.

Cossetted? Yeah, maybe. But a very large number of people have hollow and meaningless productive lives. Most of their week is marked by regimented behaviour, unintelligent behaviour, and social situations driven by the needs of others as opposed to themselves.

That I believe (and many others believe) creates an understandable desire for a release.

Why do you think so many people use alcohol?


The only appropriate word in that post is 'wasted.' All the wonderful benefits that previous generations have provided for us are 'wasted' on people who are so self-centred and ignorant that they need chemical stimulants to enjoy themselves.
That's rather stupid. It depends on what drug you are talking about. If I happened to take certain things there is no ignorant behaviour. Self-centred, yes, but what is the problem with that? Do you want a list of other self-centred behaviours? We are self-centred individuals. Or do you want to elaborate?
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We should always respect the dead, even if the person was ugly, had sailor tattoos, slurred their speech, lived with a lifelong addiction and relied upon a fix to get through the day...


RIP Popeye.

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Sick of hearing people making excuses for 'recreational' drug-taking. Using Ecstasy impairs the memory - fact.
Like alcohol but less so. And again, it depends on regularity of usage as to the severity of effects.


The most common cause of Ecstasy-related death is overheating (hyperthermia). It interferes with the body's ability to regulate its own temperature and see other warning signs - allowing the body to overheat without discomfort especially when dancing for hours in hot clubs.
That's true. But collapses are uncommon.


And even though its not physically addictive, many users become addicted to the emotional state they reach on the drug.
They can do. They can for example want to take the drug every time they go clubbing. But it very rarely results in the same patterns of behaviour whereby people feel they wish to remain in that state, as with alcoholism (people drinking after work every night, for example). Unlike speed, it doesn't produce the assertiveness or confidence in social situations that many people use it for and unlike alcohol does not produce the relaxation.

Sorry about that. It appears that the research studies I looked at somehow managed to omit your unqualified opinions. Clearly, that must make them somewhat flawed.

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And as for the idea that 'in the society we live in at present there is an understandable desire to enjoy some form of escapism,' that is the most ridiculous bollocks imaginable. We live in the most cossetted age ever - we have more time for leisure and more leisure activities to pursue than any previous generation.

Cossetted? Yeah, maybe. But a very large number of people have hollow and meaningless productive lives. Most of their week is marked by regimented behaviour, unintelligent behaviour, and social situations driven by the needs of others as opposed to themselves.

That I believe (and many others believe) creates an understandable desire for a release.

Why do you think so many people use alcohol?



And why do you think that is different from previous generations, when a much larger number of people led the kind of lives you describe and yet managed to avoid the kind of pathetic self-indulgence that we see from today's drug using culture? Perhaps it was because they have time for leisure? Perhaps it was because they had to remain healthy enough to do a real day's work or risk having no money? Or maybe its because they had more respect for themselves, for their friends and relatives and for the society that they were a part of?



The only appropriate word in that post is 'wasted.' All the wonderful benefits that previous generations have provided for us are 'wasted' on people who are so self-centred and ignorant that they need chemical stimulants to enjoy themselves.
That's rather stupid. It depends on what drug you are talking about. If I happened to take certain things there is no ignorant behaviour. Self-centred, yes, but what is the problem with that? Do you want a list of other self-centred behaviours? We are self-centred individuals. Or do you want to elaborate?


My apologies, but being accused of being 'rather stupid' by you is rather like being raped by a eunuch. As for the statement that 'there is no ignorant behaviour,' sorry, but anyone who knows the dangers of recreational drug-taking but still goes ahead and does it, is ignorant, while anyone who does it without knowing the dangers is...well...ignorant!

As for your final point; I'm sure you've revealed, many times, that you are a self-centred person - but please don't try to tarnish everyone else with same abysmal brush.

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I'm afraid you'll have to explain what particular point on this research paper and what I am saying shows disagreement. And also what your reasoning is behind your comments of ignorance. You are drifting off the subject in calling me names and that's just nasty!

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