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Brown Sugar - Gigs Europe

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We’re in the Lorraine, France, en route to Rottenburg, Germany for another gig before heading further south to Locarno, Switzerland for a full week of work.


Our two French gigs, last weekend, in the Ardennes, were absolutely brilliant but it was the BSA International Motorbike Rally in Koblenz (last Wednesday night) that will go down, in our books, as the best gig ever played! 450+ bikers, their birds & bikes, from all corners of the planet (NZ, Australia, USA, Europe) let rip and made it a truly memorable evening.


The BSA marquee at Loreley, on the banks of the Rhein, was packed and thanks to a 4000watt PA system and sound engineer they provided we were able to make ourselves heard. (Our own RCF speakers served as monitors). The BSA Rally Committee has asked us to play for them again next year in Sweden…and we’re going!


The remarkable thing about this tour is that we have already picked up more work on the return leg home, in November, plus more bookings in France & Luxembourg for 2012.


It also seems that the whole concept/notion of live music in a bar, club, marquee, or wherever is almost unheard of here on the Continent (unlike Ireland, the UK and the Isle of Man were live music venues really aren’t that uncommon).


After the week in Switzerland we are heading to Greece, via Ancona in Italy, for two months. It’s our best guess that there’s work down there in the hotels and Tavernas which we intend to explore. Fingers crossed! :rolleyes:

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Left Germany yesterday for the south of Switzerland, about 200 miles/4 hours driving time. North of the Alps the weather was awful; & it was still raining when we entered the Gotthard Tunnel (at 17kms it's the longest motorway tunnel in Europe or so we are told!) Emerged the other side in glorious sunshine, La Dolce Vita! The Swiss Italian here consider the Gotthard Tunnel as the separation between “Rusti” (German fried potato) and Spaghetti!

We are now in the Valley Verzasca (near Locarno) where our first gig is tonight( LOKALINO). It’s an outdoor event and as it’s the Swiss National Day tomorrow the mood here is pure festival. We are sharing the evening with two local Swiss bands. It’s all happening down by the banks of the Verzasca River where a kind of mini-Glastonbury was taking shape earlier today. Lots of tents, beer and love and peace!

We are known locally as ZUCCHERO MARRONE!

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Left Germany yesterday for the south of Switzerland, about 200 miles/4 hours driving time. North of the Alps the weather was awful; & it was still raining when we entered the Gotthard Tunnel (at 17kms it's the longest motorway tunnel in Europe or so we are told!) Emerged the other side in glorious sunshine, La Dolce Vita! The Swiss Italian here consider the Gotthard Tunnel as the separation between “Rusti” (German fried potato) and Spaghetti!

We are now in the Valley Verzasca (near Locarno) where our first gig is tonight( LOKALINO). It’s an outdoor event and as it’s the Swiss National Day tomorrow the mood here is pure festival. We are sharing the evening with two local Swiss bands. It’s all happening down by the banks of the Verzasca River where a kind of mini-Glastonbury was taking shape earlier today. Lots of tents, beer and love and peace!

We are known locally as ZUCCHERO MARRONE!

Derek and Claire (Brown Sugar) played at our BSA International Rally in Germany on Wednesday the 20th of July, they went down a storm.


Tuesday the 19th of July, Derek and Claire arrive in their camper van at the 48th BSA International Rally in Germany at the famous Loreley Rock on the banks of the river Rhein, they are booked to perform for us on Wednesday in our crowded on-site marquee.

The year before, at our BSA Rally in Kent (GB) where Brown Sugar played for us, I had suggested to the German BSA Club Officials that Brown Sugar would go down great in Germany, they seemed unsure of this but as soon as I suggested that the GB BSA Club would subsidise this they said ok.


2008 at Glen Lough (Spa) campsite Union Mills, Brown Sugar performed for us twice during our International Rally week there with over 500 BSA members attending, it was re-named as the mini-Glastonbury due to the wet weather.


Wednesday evening Brown Sugar were setting up in the on-site BSA event marquee, with over 420 BSA members booked in it looked like it should be a great night, as soon as the music started the floor was busy mainly with jiving couples who need a lot of space, as the evening went on there was less and less room to dance, they were fantastic, Claire is gaining more and more confidence and it certainly shows, her voice and style is wonderful.


I have told Derek that I am in love with Claire, he is fine about this as is my Wife T.T. when the music finished the main German organisor Dieter Buttner came over to me, he had a big beaming smile and said "Thank You For The Music" they wanted Brown Sugar to play another night but this was not possible.


Once again I have put my foot in it and suggested that Brown Sugar play for us again at the 49th BSA International Rally in Degeberga Stugby Sweden in August 2012, Derek and Claire are very keen for this to happen, so it looks like we have a BSA Band, not sure about Valldal in Norway 2013 though, it is a long way up, 2014 in North California will be very much out of reach

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Only saw your post.... BSA! "not sure about Valldal in Norway 2013 though, it is a long way up, 2014 in North California will be very much out of reach" Out of reach?? We travel, have you not noticed?!! If Sweden 2012 is no problem, why not North California in 2014??!!

Thanks again for such a fantastic few days in July! See you Degeberga for the 49th International Rally.

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Only saw your post.... BSA! "not sure about Valldal in Norway 2013 though, it is a long way up, 2014 in North California will be very much out of reach" Out of reach?? We travel, have you not noticed?!! If Sweden 2012 is no problem, why not North California in 2014??!!

Thanks again for such a fantastic few days in July! See you Degeberga for 49Th International Rally.


This all is makin me wish I was there with you. Haven't been to see any other band or artist singing since your last gig here back on the old rock. Am so bored have even taken up table tennis (lol on the Nintendo Wii that is of course). I agree with that comment Claire's voice and her gaining confidence with every song. She can sing anything when putting her mind to it. Suzie Quatro is no problem. Status Quo too dam easy. Amy Macdonald Absolutely wonderful. <--- It was Clairel singing Amy Macdonald songs that got me into listening to her. You both are amazing and I cannot help but watch (Derek) play the guitar. It's always amazed me while I do not have a musical bone in my body you seem a natural. Good luck with your gigs over seas and anywhere else you are. Enjoy the good weather you may get while us Manxies enjoy a typical Manx summer (Raining more often than not) ha ha. See you alDecember :( take care the both of you and stay safe.


P.S I'll jack in my job if you have a vacancy for a full time Rodie ;o) hehehe :-P. My what it be like to travel the world as you both do. I can only wonder :(


P.P.S sorry for any spelling mistakes this things kinda gone mad on me :P

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