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I think I am getting old.........All the things I am fussed about seeing are on the Jazz World Stage. This is good because mostly people are at the Pyramid Stage so Jazz World dosent get too busy. Pyramid/Other line ups are good (i'm sure Mini Bee and Mini Mayhem will love all the bands on there)

The Chems are DJing - super dooper! Doing a Glint in some new tent or other, that will be most excellent, I really should dress for the occasion. Totally! Anyone got a red hat I can borrow? (borrow for keeps that is)


Peeeeeeeeing myself with excitement already.

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Bloody hype, I'm such a victim. I had no interest in going, never been before, thought camping in a field filled with drug addled theives sounded the worst thing ever. Now it's sold out, I'm gagging to go!


Anyone going to oxygen in dublin? Wonder if its worth me breaking my festival cherry there :)

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I was up for doing the Isle of Wight festy this year but it's at the end of TT week so trying to get off the island would be a nightmare so i was looking at oxegen as well, the lineup looks pretty cool. Depends if i can scrape the money together from somewhere. Not sure about the no camping stoves rule though, how are you meant to make a morning brew (and contrary to popular belief beer is just not the same).

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Do not be affraid young Slim - That Oxygen seems fairly expensive, there is a festival on in Spain, I cannot remember the name of it at the mo, but I'l get back to you with the details - I quite fancy that, I've been meaning to go for a few years and never quite gotten round to it. The weather will be dandy!

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Ahh the weather is fine, if it rains you hide in a tent if there's no bands on, if the bands are on you stand around with 10,000 other people getting pissed on, everyone is in the same boat. Just pray that it doesn't get too muddy (I still have stained t-shirts from Reading last year). So who are you looking at on the lineup, apart from the headliners i quite fancy seeing Audioslave and QotSA. Oh and the Beautiful South should be pretty interesting.


Oxegen isn't that expensive for a festival with a "big name" lineup, the ticket price is only £99 for the weekend and camping. The only cheaper one than that that i have found is IoW. Althought it is only 2 days i suppose.

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BENICASSIM - thats the one.......perhaps I should rename the thread "Any festival other than Glastonbury......."


Oh I'll be Klinging and Klonging soooooo excited.


Oh Ean more editing now......is that all? I was sure I looked at it and decided I couldn't afford it.........perhaps I couldnt, what with Glastonbees and V and our 'waddin all this summer. Here comes the sun - dooby dooby - here comes the sun!

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I was sure I looked at it and decided I couldn't afford it


Maybe the price was in Euros when you looked at it. It's something like 150 euros i think, i remember thinking it was around the £100 mark.

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This one Bee's?




No lineup details for 2005.


I had a festeval pro who said you can't get V tickets any more? Was looking at oxygen cos it's dead easy to get to from here, and Floyd was looking to go. My missus certainly wouldn't be up for it see.


Glad you got your glasto tickets though, hope it's brill for you :)

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Thats the fella, have a look at previous lines ups for a general idea, here is a link to an NME review..




Little holiday in espanol too - sure Mrs Slim would be more than happy with that.


Edit - This forum is ace, I put in a 'cut and paste' link and it automatically knew it was an internet link and changed it to a thingy - great!


I am planning much madness for Glastonbury, I really feel I should 'dress up smart' to go and see the Chemical Brothers doing a Glint night, they are so fab, Me n 'the chef' went to one a few years ago - it rocked! Pray for sun....religious forum people. Thanks x

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