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Totting Ham Riots

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I mean all education up to and including degree level, but not just degrees. Non academic education and training should be readily available, to meet a wide variety of aptitudes. The point is to begin engaging those who currently feel they have no stake in society.


I don't think it would make any difference, there is training available and education too but this type of person does not want to work, they can get by on the social and a bit of petty theft, normally, takes care of their needs.


Without a desire to better yourself no amount of state intervention is going to make any difference.


They might as well be a different species, the welfare state has created this and god knows how you sort it out now when generations in a family have never worked.


The women pump out a few children and they are housed quickly, listen to Barrie, he has told us how good it is in the UK for benefits, that has to come at a big cost somewhere down the line, this might just be the start.

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What do you think is okay about these protests? How much rioting is justified? (Sorry i just really am curious about this stand point, because personally i just cannot imagine acting that way, no matter how skint i was (and i certainly can't afford a blackberry.))

I don't think these are protests. And I don't think this form of riot is justified. I only criticise the shoot everyone comments that some people make.


I agree that this is a cultural/society problem, these riots appear to be the result of an underclass of disenfranchised youths who should be engaged by employment and a sense of self worth rather than cast adrift with no hope.

Do you simply mean that employment would keep them busy? I'd agree. But there isn't much work nor much available where they could gain self-worth, more likely the opposite.


yet we waste all our resources on keeping young people at home plugged into games consoles and our cash is invested in luxury goods or financial products.

And that's just as much to do with our the overall culture of our society.
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Just heard some of the interviews of the Yuff, and it made my blood boil:


"heh its shiney free stuff init?"


"yeah well the peoples is poor init, so people need stuff"..."but its not your stuff, what you have done is steal from people"...."Yeah well its about poor people robbing the rich init, rich people need to learn there are consequnces init"


"this is us showing the police they dont control us, if we want something they can't stop us init"


Fuck civil liberties. Bring in the Army, instigate curfew and issue live rounds.


Sometime the public need protecting from themselves.

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China: an absent alcoholic jobless parent isn't going to suddenly return to smack these hoodies bottoms.

"yeah well the peoples is poor init, so people need stuff"..."but its not your stuff, what you have done is steal from people"...."Yeah well its about poor people robbing the rich init, rich people need to learn there are consequnces init"




There's an element of truth in that. We can't ignore the underclass, and these riots have gotten peoples attention and something will have to change as a result of them.


Sometime the public need protecting from themselves.


Sometimes we all have to learn you can't ignore a problem and hope it goes away.

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I very much agree with what this MP says - people need to be taught the difference between right and wrong.


Communities have to challenge the people who think they can behave with violent impunity.



hows that philosophy worked out for the chinese then ?.


Who really challenges the yanks when they do it to foriegn peoples.

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"yeah well the peoples is poor init, so people need stuff"..."but its not your stuff, what you have done is steal from people"...."Yeah well its about poor people robbing the rich init, rich people need to learn there are consequnces init"




There's an element of truth in that. We can't ignore the underclass, and these riots have gotten peoples attention and something will have to change as a result of them.


Sometime the public need protecting from themselves.


Sometimes we all have to learn you can't ignore a problem and hope it goes away.


Bollocks this isnt about social inequallity. This is about steal shit and needless destruction. Plain and simple.

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I very much agree with what this MP says - people need to be taught the difference between right and wrong.


Communities have to challenge the people who think they can behave with violent impunity.


Don't own a Tagine do you Mr C?


People don't need to be taught the difference between right or wrong. That's facile nonsense. They need to learn that the things they do have consequences.


As to using water cannon and plastic bullets have you any idea at all just how difficult it is to hit a running rioter in the testicles with a baton round? It's bloody difficult believe me and it requires a high degree of concentration and practice, practice, practice....


I had to laugh at Cameron inspecting the damage in Croydon. Not Tottenham or Hackney or Clapham - but Croydon. Why Croydon I hear you ask? Could it be because out of all of the places that have suffered Croydon is the only one with a tory MP. Surely not even Cameron could sink as low as that? Or could he...


As per usual The Daily Mash has an excellent take on events. They even merited a mention in my Saturday Grauniad - top marks!

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Greater Manchester Police have just reported it starting to kick off there.


Every single Yuff they interview is blaiming the Government init....shame most of them can't even spell Government.


Shame you can't spell "Youth" or "Blaming". :P


My spelling of youth (i.e. Yuff) was in street kid speak init.


And my spelling of blaiming was correct. Not sure what "Blaming" is though

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