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Totting Ham Riots

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China: an absent alcoholic jobless parent isn't going to suddenly return to smack these hoodies bottoms.

Yes, and that shows that this problem is a lot wider than just disaffected youth - its the attitude of a too large segment of society which thinks its needs will be provided by others or can be just taken.


+1 It's the me generation. I want. I need. I deserve. WHAT? You want me to work for it?


They're too lazy to work, but have the get up and go to steal and set fire to things

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The looting has started on the Island...



:) With that evidence, the only verdict can be gullty.


Tony Brown has reassured Islanders that a potential riot has been averted - M&S and Tesco will not be closing for a half day tomorrow.

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Just spending our fourth night in London, be quite glad to get home tomorrow. Not seen any signs of trouble in the centre but there's a load of police across the road from our hotel at Marble Arch and people seem very nervous. Stocked up on sarnies from Pret as we don't fancy going out tonight.

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China: an absent alcoholic jobless parent isn't going to suddenly return to smack these hoodies bottoms.

Yes, and that shows that this problem is a lot wider than just disaffected youth - its the attitude of a too large segment of society which thinks its needs will be provided by others or can be just taken.


The people in court today included professionals, students and even a soldier. According to the BBC TV.

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Twould appear that there is a lack of response to the rioting in North London last night (by that I mean a response in words here on Manx Forums). Are people afraid to express an opinion for fear of being tarred as a racist? Looks pretty simple to me - an alleged minor league gangster got shot by the police (after they were allegedly shot at) and all his wee mates kick off.


Very sad to see the damage these knob heads have caused to their own streets. Whether they have/had a point pales when you see their brothers and sisters robbing the the shops and stores in broad daylight while the rozzers look on (not allowed to arrest in case of racist repercussions).


Scum Bags one and all, they all need a serious caning.


Chow wow for now


From the way you choose to spell Tottenham you can only be Ossie Ardiles?

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I had the misfortune to live on a Brixton council estate for much of the 1980s and had to put up with thieving lazy scumbags on a daily & more often nightly basis


Call me an old softie, but if it only took a few months to cull, burn & bury millions of diseased cattle during the foot and mouth outbreak, then it shouldn't take more than a few days to empty the police cells and do the same with this infected filth

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Don't waste time with arrests - the bleeding heart liberal magistrates will dish out community service to fuckers who don't understand the term community.

That's the point of community service, to make them learn about community and their place in it.



Now bad in Manchester, FFS get the army in and forget the political correctness.
Political correctness is largely about what words people use. Not holding back from stopping riots.



Yes, and that shows that this problem is a lot wider than just disaffected youth - its the attitude of a too large segment of society which thinks its needs will be provided by others or can be just taken.
Is it just the unemployed? I am curious as to why you believe this. I am not necessarily denying it, but would like to know more about your reasoning on it.
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I had the misfortune to live on a Brixton council estate for much of the 1980s and had to put up with thieving lazy scumbags on a daily & more often nightly basis


Call me an old softie, but if it only took a few months to cull, burn & bury millions of diseased cattle during the foot and mouth outbreak, then it shouldn't take more than a few days to empty the police cells and do the same with this infected filth



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I had the misfortune to live on a Brixton council estate for much of the 1980s and had to put up with thieving lazy scumbags on a daily & more often nightly basis


Call me an old softie, but if it only took a few months to cull, burn & bury millions of diseased cattle during the foot and mouth outbreak, then it shouldn't take more than a few days to empty the police cells and do the same with this infected filth





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I'm sure the police would love to storm in with water cannon and baton rounds, but the reality is that they're scared of even pushing someone to the ground in case they happen to die of natural causes sometime in the next month and then have to suffer 6 months of inquiry.


Give the police (and the army if there's any left here not fighting the taliban) the confidence to do their jobs without fear of over the top scrutiny and let them sort these criminals out.


And +1 for curfew. Heard a 14 year old girl on the radio this morning who was out in Toxteth last night. What the hell was she doing on the streets?

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I'm sure the police would love to storm in with water cannon and baton rounds, but the reality is that they're scared of even pushing someone to the ground in case they happen to die of natural causes sometime in the next month and then have to suffer 6 months of inquiry.


Give the police (and the army if there's any left here not fighting the taliban) the confidence to do their jobs without fear of over the top scrutiny and let them sort these criminals out.


And +1 for curfew. Heard a 14 year old girl on the radio this morning who was out in Toxteth last night. What the hell was she doing on the streets?


Working ?.

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I'm sure the police would love to storm in with water cannon and baton rounds, but the reality is that they're scared of even pushing someone to the ground in case they happen to die of natural causes sometime in the next month and then have to suffer 6 months of inquiry.


Give the police (and the army if there's any left here not fighting the taliban) the confidence to do their jobs without fear of over the top scrutiny and let them sort these criminals out.


And +1 for curfew. Heard a 14 year old girl on the radio this morning who was out in Toxteth last night. What the hell was she doing on the streets?


If you're wearing a balaclava in August you're up to no good and should expect a smack in the mouth from a riot shield or a baton.

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I had the misfortune to live on a Brixton council estate for much of the 1980s and had to put up with thieving lazy scumbags on a daily & more often nightly basis


Call me an old softie, but if it only took a few months to cull, burn & bury millions of diseased cattle during the foot and mouth outbreak, then it shouldn't take more than a few days to empty the police cells and do the same with this infected filth


This is utterly pointless blow-hard waffle. Unless you are genuinely proposing that people should be put to death. In which case you need your brain testing.


FWIW I lived on a council estate in London in the 90s and our neighbours were really nice. And Brixton was posh by comparison.

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