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Totting Ham Riots

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You should really do the thinking rather than getting me to make sense of your short comments. You do seem to have one of the more balanced and reasonable outlooks to this thing.


What is there to argue? Employment raises self esteem. It's a pretty well understood and researched principle, and you don't agree with it. We're not going to get anywhere by discussing it further are we?

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You should really do the thinking rather than getting me to make sense of your short comments. You do seem to have one of the more balanced and reasonable outlooks to this thing.


Where as I am of the opinion those identified as taking part in the trouble should have televised trials and then public floggings and/or executions.


Put it to the public vote with proceeds going to help those who lost homes, business and their lives in this senseless destruction.

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You should really do the thinking rather than getting me to make sense of your short comments. You do seem to have one of the more balanced and reasonable outlooks to this thing.


What is there to argue? Employment raises self esteem. It's a pretty well understood and researched principle, and you don't agree with it. We're not going to get anywhere by discussing it further are we?


i would say you were only right to a point, the employment has to mean something to the person, to raise self edteem, flippin burgers in mc donalds on minimum wage aint going to cut it.

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i would say you were only right to a point, the employment has to mean something to the person, to raise self edteem, flippin burgers in mc donalds on minimum wage aint going to cut it.


Disagree. I worked in fast food for a while during my school years, enjoyed it. Enjoyed the banter with the customers, enjoyed the people I worked with and I had progression through being given more responsibility the longer I was there. The minimum wage vs the cost of living is a problem, but any job can be better than unemployment.

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I'm sure the police would love to storm in with water cannon and baton rounds, but the reality is that they're scared of even pushing someone to the ground in case they happen to die of natural causes sometime in the next month and then have to suffer 6 months of inquiry.


Give the police (and the army if there's any left here not fighting the taliban) the confidence to do their jobs without fear of over the top scrutiny and let them sort these criminals out.


And +1 for curfew. Heard a 14 year old girl on the radio this morning who was out in Toxteth last night. What the hell was she doing on the streets?


If you're wearing a balaclava in August you're up to no good and should expect a smack in the mouth from a riot shield or a baton.


What if you are the SAS? Or you've just had reconstructive surgery post road traffic collision? How'd you like them apples,eh?

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Where as I am of the opinion those identified as taking part in the trouble should have televised trials and then public floggings and/or executions.



Executions, for stealing an iPhone? Really? Tit.


Yes and a telling off for causing death by arson..


You've heard of scaling of sentencing, right?



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Where as I am of the opinion those identified as taking part in the trouble should have televised trials and then public floggings and/or executions.



Executions, for stealing an iPhone? Really? Tit.

Well, perhaps a few fatal beatings? I can think of nothing better than mass corporal punishment in public!

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London is apparently quiet due to the presence of 16,000 plods. The overs bill is going to be absolutely astronomic.


Still Cameron and Boris Johnson have cut short their holidays so it wasn't a complete waste. And with those two in charge everyone can now sleep soundly in their beds.....

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This is a ruse, instigated by the authorities to allow Martial Law to be instilled and therefore enslaving the masses for the benefit of the Elite I tells ya!


Na, the looters are being paid for by the Murdoch's to move the news away from phone haxoring.

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Some tweets I've seen today....


Only in the UK could rioters in £100 trainers organising things on £300 smartphones claim to be in poverty.


Waterstone's employee on the news: "We'll stay open, if they steal some books they might learn something".


"Closed Due to the imminent collapse of society..." sign on Subway door http://t.co/OQThaj4


Hazel Blears talking about the riots, bit sweet from a woman who nicked 13 grand off the tax payer.


Pic of masked gangs gathering outside Manchester Arndale http://twitpic.com/63irxw


Photo of the arsonist who set fire to Miss Selfridges http://instagr.am/p/JzM-s/

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