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Totting Ham Riots

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OK maybe execution might be a bit harsh. But certainly a good thrashing with pick-axe handles by the people whose homes and business they destroyed.


When I was a lad, I wouldn't even think about saying boo to a policeman. Nowadays, as is clear from a lot of footage surfacing on the news and on the internet, that lot of teens have no issues throwing 2x4s and bottles at policeman. For something to do!


Kids today have no fear or respect for the law. And needs to change. Now.

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There's going to be no way of handing out suitable punishments for those caught and convicted. Not enough room in jail, and half hearted community service. This lot are going to be laughing at the bleeding heart liberalism of our pathetic society!


Corporal punishment and chain gangs on road works may make them think twice about commiting this sort of crime in future!

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There's going to be no way of handing out suitable punishments for those caught and convicted. Not enough room in jail, and half hearted community service. This lot are going to be laughing at the bleeding heart liberalism of our pathetic society!


Corporal punishment and chain gangs on road works may make them think twice about commiting this sort of crime in future!


If only they hadn't closed all those jails.


Or maybe its time we invested in floating prisons/old oil platform prisons.


Or maybe something similar to the film Wedlock. Headplosion justice.

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OK maybe execution might be a bit harsh. But certainly a good thrashing with pick-axe handles by the people whose homes and business they destroyed.


When I was a lad, I wouldn't even think about saying boo to a policeman. Nowadays, as is clear from a lot of footage surfacing on the news and on the internet, that lot of teens have no issues throwing 2x4s and bottles at policeman. For something to do!


Kids today have no fear or respect for the law. And needs to change. Now.


If you're ever confused about how normal people can come to support violent police states, twitter (and manxforums) is now like a GCSE Bitesize guide.

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The millionaire son of a Baronet David Cameron has authorised the use of baton rounds. What a feeble attempt to try and look as though he's "in charge" and "dealing" with the situation. It's just pathetic. I wonder if he has a Plan B in the case of a baton round fatality? This tactic appealed to me:


"My solution is to close down all the major fast-food outlets and the bastards would starve within days. We could then lead them all, driven to desperation through desire for deep fried foods, to the Isle of Wight with the promise of free Nandos for all..."



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What so annoys me about this is the attitude that what they are taking is "free stuff".


And this goes to the heart of what is wrong in my view about quite a lot of our society at the moment.


When people take things it isn't "free stuff". Its stuff other people have paid for.


Its been paid for by people like this, or this.


I find it sickening that people can think they can just take and think that it for free.


People work hard to provide for themselves and be a part of a society based on trade and exchange.


It consists of people peacefully agreeing that what they are giving up is worth it because of what they are recieving in return.


And that exchange, whether it is a small shop keeper or someone working in Currys, is the very basis of our society.


These freeloaders, who think they have a right to just take things, undermine that compact. They simply don't comprehend its value and are uninterested in things being a two way exchange - they just want to take and be given things for free. There is no such thing - other people have struggled and worked and created, often in boring repetative work, either individually, or by being a part of a huge globalized chain of people working to produce something someone else values and hence is willing to pay enough for what they recieve to make it worthwhile for all those thousands of people in that chain to do the work for them to want to buy it.


What these feral people are taking is not "free stuff"; state education, health, and benefits are not free - they are paid for by the work of people who see it as a worthwhile compact between themselves and their community to support themselves, their families and those they care for.


Too many people are breaking that compact and selfishly demanding "free stuff" without understanding they have to contribute and pay for this through their own efforts.


It makes my blood boil - I've worked in countries where people are far far worse off than these louts - they don't have mobile phones and designer trainers and hoodies. The underclass in the UK are not materially destitute - but they are spiritually.


I've no truck with "hang 'em and flog 'em" attitudes, but I really wonder how to instill a sense of value in these people.


Values are important, and my view is that these feral louts only value what they can forcefully take. They need to learn that their value comes from what they can give and what they can create though their own efforts.


The dependency culture is penicious and this is, I believe, one of the end results of it, with hardworking shopkeepers and traders who provide a service to communities loosing their livelihoods due to louts thinking they can simply take the shopkeepers property away as "freestuff".


It aint.

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There's going to be no way of handing out suitable punishments for those caught and convicted. Not enough room in jail, and half hearted community service. This lot are going to be laughing at the bleeding heart liberalism of our pathetic society!


Corporal punishment and chain gangs on road works may make them think twice about commiting this sort of crime in future!

I have to agree with you Max. Having spent all my working life as part of the justice system (now retired) I have to say that UK society (not the IOM as yet) fills me with despair. I think matters have been allowed to descend to such depths that there is now no workable solution to this problem. Having back-pedalled furiously over the past several decades, taking the soft option, and being frightened to recognize the problems, let alone talk about them as not being politically correct, western society is now reaping the evil harvest. Once the police lose control of the streets it is virtually impossible to fully regain it. And when a semblance of 'normality' returns, it's only a surface veneer and the violence is just waiting an opportunity to break out again at any excuse. Sorry to sound pessimistic but I just don't see a good long-term outcome for this.

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I wonder what part of "shit parents produce shit kids" is it that folks don't understand?


But it has been going on for years.


Generations of feral kids are breeding even more feral kids, and so on and so on.


Who was it that said "the youth of today know the cost of everything and the value of nothing?"

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I know this is mostly mad kids doing what the f*** they want to line their own pockets, but i think we should also be asking this:


What have they got to lose?


  • No prospects for a job
  • Very poor education
  • Disjointed and broken homes
  • Exposure to hard drugs
  • No prospects of breaking the poverty cycle


There is no excuse for the riots - it makes my blood boil and I’d hang the lot of them that are burning shops and threatening people. But, thinking about it rationally, something needs to be done to help teenagers with no absolutely zero prospects or money to break out of the downward poverty spiral and keep them from joining gangs.



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There's going to be no way of handing out suitable punishments for those caught and convicted. Not enough room in jail, and half hearted community service. This lot are going to be laughing at the bleeding heart liberalism of our pathetic society!


Corporal punishment and chain gangs on road works may make them think twice about commiting this sort of crime in future!

I have to agree with you Max. Having spent all my working life as part of the justice system (now retired) I have to say that UK society (not the IOM as yet) fills me with despair. I think matters have been allowed to descend to such depths that there is now no workable solution to this problem. Having back-pedalled furiously over the past several decades, taking the soft option, and being frightened to recognize the problems, let alone talk about them as not being politically correct, western society is now reaping the evil harvest. Once the police lose control of the streets it is virtually impossible to fully regain it. And when a semblance of 'normality' returns, it's only a surface veneer and the violence is just waiting an opportunity to break out again at any excuse. Sorry to sound pessimistic but I just don't see a good long-term outcome for this.

What has changed? I just wondered what you meant by the soft option and talk of matters being politically correct.
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I know this is mostly mad kids doing what the f*** they want to line their own pockets, but i think we should also be asking this:


What have they got to lose?


  • No prospects for a job
  • Very poor education
  • Disjointed and broken homes
  • Exposure to hard drugs
  • No prospects of breaking the poverty cycle


There is no excuse for the riots - it makes my blood boil and I’d hang the lot of them that are burning shops and threatening people. But, thinking about it rationally, something needs to be done to help teenagers with no absolutely zero prospects or money to break out of the downward poverty spiral and keep them from joining gangs.


But they are given oppotunities, the free schools are there for them to use, they just choose not to.


They want oppotunities that give them flash cars, big houses and tons of bling but with no personal investment i.e. effort.

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There is no excuse for the riots - it makes my blood boil and I’d hang the lot of them that are burning shops and threatening people. But, thinking about it rationally, something needs to be done to help teenagers with no absolutely zero prospects or money to break out of the downward poverty spiral and keep them from joining gangs.

You'd hang the lot of them even though you recognise that they have what you call zero prospects in life? Sounds like a temporary clean out of the problems (people) that our society have created.
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