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Totting Ham Riots

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Which is why all the morons and imbeciles who are shouting for more police and state controls better be carfeul what they wish for.


I'm sure your views will be welcomed by those who narrowly avoided burning to death in their own homes because a bunch of feral teenagers were bored and fancied setting fire to something.


The only morons and imbeciles are the ones like you, who think that the level of policing in the UK is adequate or even heavy handed yet, as we have seen over the last few days, its not the authorities that control the streets, but packs of angry fuckwits who aspirations in life are to nick a slightly better pair of trainers.


Actually I think you'll find you are the moron if you think that becoming a police state is the solution, it may well serve as a temporary measure to quell any uprising to put more police on the streets but surely even you unless you are a closet Nazi can see that long term this is a very dangerous "solution". We need to change the way society is, change the way the media brainwashes us, stem the desire to worship celebrity, educate our children to not have a love for money, be better parents, make it harder for separated parents to neglect their duties as a parent for the emotional needs of their children, massively reduce the dependancy on the welfare state.


I agree with most people that there is a section of society that are regarded as oxygen thieves and I certainly understand the anger felt by the decent people of these affected societies. This is not just a core element of society a bit fed up because they haven't got the latest iphone, this is a very cleverly orchestrated operation conducted by very high up and influential people and if you think otherwise then you are more follish than you actually appear to be.


It is very easy to influence and manipulate a section of people who are easily manipulated, wether they be teaching assistants or doleys nobody interviewed yet have expressed any form of intelligence and therefore fit into the category of easily manipulated.


Don't think for one minute I am condoning or excusing the actions of these despicable halfwits as I have family dotted all over the UK and I have a great fondness for the country of my birth, however when I read of people especially on this forum of chanting death to the rioters are they themselves falling well below the level of the rioters as they actually know much better and choose to ignore it as opposed to the halfwits rioting who generally as thick as shit and don't really know better.


It must be very easy for you and your cohorts to sit comfortably in your faux middle class wannabe homes decrying what's going on and wishing death to the perpetrators when you haven't realistically got a fookin clue about the truth, you just sit there being spoonfed the distortion by the mainstream media so that you will actually thank the authorities for enslaving the populas, yourself included, then when you realise that you have no freedom it's too late for you to do anything about it.

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As the UK struggles to contain widespread civil unrest, Mikhail Margelov, Chairman of the Federation Council's International Affairs Committee said Europe’s policy of multiculturalism has been a failure and could lead to further acts of violence.

"Many of the migrants do not give a damn for the rules of decent conduct whether in Paris, Brussels, London or Cologne, to say nothing of European values,” Margelov told Interfax on Wednesday. “So there are no recipes that would guarantee that no more riots will flare up in a year or so.” Item on Russia Today website.

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As the UK struggles to contain widespread civil unrest, Mikhail Margelov, Chairman of the Federation Council's International Affairs Committee said Europe’s policy of multiculturalism has been a failure and could lead to further acts of violence.

"Many of the migrants do not give a damn for the rules of decent conduct whether in Paris, Brussels, London or Cologne, to say nothing of European values,” Margelov told Interfax on Wednesday. “So there are no recipes that would guarantee that no more riots will flare up in a year or so.” Item on Russia Today website.


It's weird (and telling) how some silly people seem so keen to represent this as a race issue despite the fact that it very clearly is not. Look at this footage from Manchester, for example. This is mixed race looting.



In the footage you might spot "notorious" gangster Dominic Noonan (Telegraph link)

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Which is why all the morons and imbeciles who are shouting for more police and state controls better be carfeul what they wish for.


I'm sure your views will be welcomed by those who narrowly avoided burning to death in their own homes because a bunch of feral teenagers were bored and fancied setting fire to something.


The only morons and imbeciles are the ones like you, who think that the level of policing in the UK is adequate or even heavy handed yet, as we have seen over the last few days, its not the authorities that control the streets, but packs of angry fuckwits who aspirations in life are to nick a slightly better pair of trainers.

More police and tougher policing isn't the answer though. Dealing with these social problems is. You could maybe put a lid on things for a while by having some more policemen but that's all you will be doing. It could easily overspill with worse consequences.


Their aspirations are hardly as small as wanting a better pair of trainers. Were it to be case, it wouldn't be much different from a great deal of non-rioting people's aspirations who aspire to have a better car, nicer house, fancy clothes, etc. Their aspirations will be much the same.

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As the UK struggles to contain widespread civil unrest, Mikhail Margelov, Chairman of the Federation Council's International Affairs Committee said Europe’s policy of multiculturalism has been a failure and could lead to further acts of violence.

"Many of the migrants do not give a damn for the rules of decent conduct whether in Paris, Brussels, London or Cologne, to say nothing of European values,” Margelov told Interfax on Wednesday. “So there are no recipes that would guarantee that no more riots will flare up in a year or so.” Item on Russia Today website.

What do migrants have to do with these riots. My understanding is that the people you have seen on the news are British folk.
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It must be very easy for you and your cohorts to sit comfortably in your faux middle class wannabe homes decrying what's going on and wishing death to the perpetrators when you haven't realistically got a fookin clue about the truth, you just sit there being spoonfed the distortion by the mainstream media so that you will actually thank the authorities for enslaving the populas, yourself included, then when you realise that you have no freedom it's too late for you to do anything about it.

Certainly, anyone who genuinely thinks the rioters deserve death I'd far rather see shot than the rioters. But I think it is just angry (and slightly excited) talk from people who too easily think the problems lies wholly with such people and understandably angry at their cities being torched.


These rioters are not some group of people separated from our society by are out society. They are a good wake up call to the sort of society we have created and which we are quite happy to keep.


People kick up a stink about these riots, but most will not care about the 'whys'. (The same lack of interest was seen in the student protests, is seen in anti-globalisation and animal cruelty militancy, and is seen in the wake of the recession) It is only the reaction to violence which people seem to care about, as a result of an unfortunate belief in the maintainence of the law regardless of the politics.

And where their mind touches on the matter, most will just see it as bad people just getting away with bad things. I don't think a lot of people are capable and willing of more considering the individualistic attitude of people (the each to their own, except when you break sacred laws) and the narrow, jaded and warped political understanding that the public have.


As much as I disagree with the burning of buildings for the simply hell of it and putting lives at risks, it would seem the case that our society has deserved what's happened. We've let it come this.

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It's been pissing down here in Manchester so I guess the only merchandise worth guarding tonight is SuperDry...


Cameron looks completely out of his depth. Why am I not surprised.


As per usual The Daily Mash hits the spot no looters rioters petrol bomb could ever manage:


Policing seems to work!


Having a gigantic number of policemen on the streets of London does seem to prevent riots, it emerged last night.


Wait and see mode...

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copy and pasted stuff from a loony website


Generally, it's easier to just link the original source rather than copy pasting a wall of text you didn't write.




Before you climb down off your high horse I never claimed to write it as anyone with a modicum of intelligence would be able to work out by the references in the text referring to "we" and all the para-phrasing. I wrote the sentence at the end in bold type and underlined. You must really have a very low opinion of MF posters and readers if you can't credit it them to see the blindingly obvious, but once again many thanks for being on hand and guidiing us all through very basic stuff I'm sure we wouldn't know what to do without you.


The link wasn't posted as I thought the actual text would be more accessible. With regard to Prison Planet being a loony website, does it then make you a loony too as you appear to know it well and must have read through to have known the text originated from there or are you hypocrite or someone so righteous you nfeel duty bound to keep an eye on the nutters for sociey's greater good?

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It's been pissing down here in Manchester so I guess the only merchandise worth guarding tonight is SuperDry...


Cameron looks completely out of his depth. Why am I not surprised.


As per usual The Daily Mash hits the spot no looters rioters petrol bomb could ever manage:


Policing seems to work!


Having a gigantic number of policemen on the streets of London does seem to prevent riots, it emerged last night.


Wait and see mode...

So did a bit of rain in Manchester.


No rubber bullets, No Batons. Just water cannons. As soon as they are cold an wet they will go home. It is always the way with riots. As an added benefit, the water will likely destroy or damage any goods they have stolen, also may knacker their phones making communication between gangs more difficult.

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You must really have a very low opinion of MF posters


No, just a select handful of morons. Like you.


With regard to Prison Planet being a loony website, does it then make you a loony too as you appear to know it well and must have read through to have known the text originated from there



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As much as I disagree with the burning of buildings for the simply hell of it and putting lives at risks, it would seem the case that our society has deserved what's happened. We've let it come this.


Couldn't agree more. By closing prisons, growing soft on crime, allowing feral teenagers free reign and allowing a benefit system to swell beyond control, we created an under class that doesn't give one shit about social responsibility or knows the difference between right and wrong. And that under class is going to create a sub generation that will have the same "F$%k you" attitude to society and will have the same angry self entitlement issues that their parents had.

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I agree with most people that there is a section of society that are regarded as oxygen thieves and I certainly understand the anger felt by the decent people of these affected societies. This is not just a core element of society a bit fed up because they haven't got the latest iphone, this is a very cleverly orchestrated operation conducted by very high up and influential people and if you think otherwise then you are more follish than you actually appear to be.


Yeah, and the CIA is listening to your conversations through mini microphones hidden in your fillings.


And Area 51 is real.

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