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Totting Ham Riots

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Actually I think you'll find you are the moron if you think that becoming a police state is the solution, it may well serve as a temporary measure to quell any uprising to put more police on the streets but surely even you unless you are a closet Nazi can see that long term this is a very dangerous "solution". We need to change the way society is, change the way the media brainwashes us, stem the desire to worship celebrity, educate our children to not have a love for money, be better parents, make it harder for separated parents to neglect their duties as a parent for the emotional needs of their children, massively reduce the dependancy on the welfare state.


Yeah, and when we are done trading pixie dust to the moon beam fairies, we will all live happily ever after.


Mean while in the real world, millions of pounds worth of property has been destroyed, probably the same amount has been stolen and hundreds if not thousands of lives have been affected by the greed and vile behaviour of an under class of society that if not brought to task, will only grow bigger and more brazen in its attitude.

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Couldn't agree more. By closing prisons, growing soft on crime, allowing feral teenagers free reign and allowing a benefit system to swell beyond control, we created an under class that doesn't give one shit about social responsibility or knows the difference between right and wrong. And that under class is going to create a sub generation that will have the same "F$%k you" attitude to society and will have the same angry self entitlement issues that their parents had.

It's got nothing to do with 'going soft' on crime and closing prisons. Punishment systems don't make such people have better attitudes where they would have consideration for other people's welfare and their possessions.
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ans, when it comes to conspiracy theorist-land you missed the best bit. ... and I don't think it was cut and pasted from anywhere - this is straight from Matt's very own fingers?


This is not just a core element of society a bit fed up because they haven't got the latest iphone, this is a very cleverly orchestrated operation conducted by very high up and influential people and if you think otherwise then you are more follish than you actually appear to be.


Come on Matt - enlighten us who do you think are the "very high up and influential people" who "very cleverly orchestrated" this "operation". ... is it the people behind fluoride in the water and mass vaccinations by any chance?

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It's got nothing to do with 'going soft' on crime and closing prisons. Punishment systems don't make such people have better attitudes where they would have consideration for other people's welfare and their possessions.


and there was me, thinking you didn't believe in 'ownership' of property, and everything was free for anyone to take for themselves :lol:


are you mellowing in your old age ?

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The wilder aspects of Matt's post do potentially diminish it - but it is absolutely true that people should be careful what they wish for when they call for tougher toughness. Over the past few days it would seem sometimes as if the riots have been allowed to happen. That is certainly one of the memes which has been propagated in the tabloid 24 hour TV news media - meaning the govt and the civil authorities then seem to have to react to that impression. What a contrast from how the students (who are not scary) were recently treated (Charlie Gilmore got a long prison sentence for what was basically an act of prankish free expression relating to an historic symbol) - and very different from the brutal way in which striking workers were treated in the 1980s. Next up there are calls for martial law and a reversal of govt policy with respect to deficit reduction. Let's not let people with vested interests (or who are basically in love with the idea of authority) exploit these extra-ordinary and rare events to their own agenda.




Different thing: I am confused about the issues relating to the use of plastic bullets on the streets in the UK. The tabloid TV media seemed to be saying that this would be a new development if it happened. As if it had not happened before. Here is a library image from Tottenham in 1985 which seems to contradict that.

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I loved the police chief being interviewed on tv, said something like 'that's the stupidest question I have been asked...' and slammed the media for continually showing video of fires which happened 3 days ago as if it were still happening !



Is what's been going on actually a 'Riot' or 'uprising' though, they have no grievance, are not demonstrating against anything, have no agenda for changing anything, it's just gangs of yoofs and hangers-on out on mass robbery, criminal damage and arson

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@Pongo - if you think 16 months for leaping on the bonnet of a police Jaguar car escorting Prince Charles and Camilla and then throwing a rubbish bin at it is prankish free expression than I think you are missing the big picture - the cenotaph "prank" was only one of the things Master Gilmour pleaded guilty to.


Over rubber bullets - the Riot on the Farm was the first time rubber bullets were issued to police on the UK mainland, but they weren't used. No baton rounds have ever been fired on the UK mainland - sorry adjacent Isle.


If they were fired in a disturbance now it would be a first.


I agree with you locking these people up will probably not help.


It will just result in institutionization and further dependency.


The issue is how to get people taking responsibility for their own destiny. The sad fact is that too many people will just go onto the treadmill of petty crime, jail, unemployment - that's a huge waste and I blame the development of our social service culture as much as the way they have been raised to think they can achieve status via theft, vandalism and robbery.


Both sides - the political/cultural and the individual/moral have failed. I feel they are linked.

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I loved the police chief being interviewed on tv, said something like 'that's the stupidest question I have been asked...' and slammed the media for continually showing video of fires which happened 3 days ago as if it were still happening !



Is what's been going on actually a 'Riot' or 'uprising' though, they have no grievance, are not demonstrating against anything, have no agenda for changing anything, it's just gangs of yoofs and hangers-on out on mass robbery, criminal damage and arson


Wrong, actually... "this is a very cleverly orchestrated operation conducted by very high up and influential people"... don't you know? :lol: .


Stolen from another forum,


Originally Posted by EMDC



all you leftie scum sympathisers need to shut the **** up RIGHT NOW.


You all bleat on about how there must be some deeper underlying cause and it would be better to understand it.


Nubs and Cooter have hit the nail on the head.


This was nicely demonstrated as a colleague and I attended the Balham Kebab Company last night to get some dinner (it was the only place left open, other than grubby chicken places, which were just refuelling stops for the scumbags anyway)


As we walk in (pretty much plain clothes other than our stab vests) a woman was talking to this little Asian kid, must've been about 14.


After he made a comment about a free TV, the conversation went something like this:


Woman - "So did you go out looting then?"

Kid - "No. I was out with my friends in Clapham though"

"Were your friends looting?

"Some of them. Most of them were just smashing stuff up"

"So you friends were out stealing then. Why were they doing it?"

"Free stuff, innit."


He then went on saying that its fun smashing things up, especially cos the police can't do anything. All this was being said as we sat at the table behind him. He hadn't even clocked that we were there, and other people in the shop were starting to giggle as he bleated on about his mates stealing and getting all this free gucci gear, having not realised there were two coppers sat behind him.


Until he said, "the police are outnumbered though innit"


I said to him


"Not tonight, mate."


This was met by a look on his face that said he had just soiled his pants.


All these armchair critics and lefties, apologising for these little sh*ts, take heed. There is no underlying reason. There is no pent up anger about their downtrodden poverty-ridden boredom-filled lives. It is nothing to do with being oppressed and having little hopes and aspirations. The number of houses I have been in where these little criminals live where there is a plasma TV in each room, each of the kids has an x-box and thousands of pairs of gucci trainers.


They're given everything and yet still want more, citing deprivation and oppression all the ####### time.


It is about greed. Pure and simple. These little turds live to commit crime. It is their raison d'etre. You know why? Because committing crime is seen as cool. It makes them a bad boy, and being a bad boy gets you "respek" amongst their tribe.


They want all this sh*t but would rather steal it than pay for it.


That, is the simple truth.


Stop apologising for criminals.

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So during the Egyptian uprising, revolution, social unrest whatever you want to call it, UK politicians were harping on about the great use of social media to organise and report on what was going on in Tahir Square.


Now Cameron wants to be able to turn off social media sites during times of British unrest.



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