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Totting Ham Riots

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Time to bring back national service. 2 years compulsory forces, or social service.


Yep, cos national service in greece stopped them rioting. No wai...


Big difference Slim - In Greece they were riots were the result of protests. In uk they are vandlising and looting. No protest, no "real" cause, just mindless yobbish behaviour..

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Time to bring back national service. 2 years compulsory forces, or social service.


Yup teach the fuckers how to hold their guns properly.





We're long overdue some crime fighting superheros....

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Time to bring back national service. 2 years compulsory forces, or social service.


Yup teach the fuckers how to hold their guns properly.





We're long overdue some crime fighting superheros....


PPPFFFFFF, nice little SMK G10 air pistol lol. What a gimp.


Tbh, it might be better if they didnt learn how to shoot. (Edit: He might take somebodies eye out!)

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Big difference Slim - In Greece they were riots were the result of protests. In uk they are vandlising and looting. No protest, no "real" cause, just mindless yobbish behaviour..


What ? Short memory ?


The Greek riots began with looting in 2008 after Police shot a man dead. And have continued on and off ever since. Only much later did they take on a more political dimension.


Time to bring back national service. 2 years compulsory forces, or social service.


Yep, cos national service in greece stopped them rioting. No wai...


It's only a few years since Greece had a full on military dictatorship.

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Whilst cloaking everything in the Human Rights Act our hands are metaphorically tied. Why not tie the looters/rioters hands instead?


Put cable ties on the scumbags, march them to a football arena - any one will do as long as it's secure - strip them of their belongings and clothes and give them those red paper suits to put on. Cable tie their hands and legs and leave them to stew in their own juice for at least 48 hrs. No food, no water, no toilet facilities, no contact with anyone.


Let the bastards roll around in their own piss and shit - and after their stay they can do the walk of shame in their cute little red rompers to whichever rock they crawled out from under.


Savage? I don't think so!

A few kids rioting isn't exactly a threat to society, its the nutjobs like you it brings out of the woodwork that scares me more.


Nutjobs? You know fuck all. Summary justice would satisfy a large majority of the population at this moment in time. FYI. I haven't just come out of the woodwork. I've lived in far tougher situations than these bastards and haven't felt the need or desire to inflict this sort of misery on my fellow citizens. And by the way. Get real. They are a threat.


These aren't just kids rioting. There are anarchists amongst the idiots orchestrating these riots. Why attack police stations? No value there. Why run down innocent, decent people who are only protecting their property. The people perpertrating these acts are pure scum. Now piss off back to your cosy, numpty world.

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The police’s inadequate response quickly led to calls for martial law, curfews and the use of water cannons on streets in England for the first time, a power that Prime Minister David Cameron has now authorized.


This is total bollocks.


Cameron is completely out of his depth. So his spin doctors told him that he needs to look like he's in charge, standing firm, leading, dealing with it etc etc. So the tory PR machine put out that he's "authorised" the use of baton rounds, water cannon etc for the first time in the UK. Of course, the UK right-wing press, which is to say the vast majority, lapped it up. Headlines screaming "Cameron gives order to shoot!" and other such drivel appear.


It's all a complete and utter spin-bollocks nonsense. Police SOP's already include the use of baton rounds, water cannon, armoured vehicles and so forth. As senior police officers have already pointed out their deployment are for specific circumstances and would be useless in this case anyway. Fortunately the decision around their deployment has nothing to do with politicians who have no say in the decision-making process at all. It's decided by professional chief police officers who have spent their whole career in policing. Despite the nonsense the tory pr machine has put out politicians in Westminster cannot dictate to the police that they must police in a certain way. Thank God for that.


In fact as far as I can tell the only baton round to be fired has been shot by Cameron into his own foot...

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I've been following some of the debate in the Commons and there's all sorts of wonderful and uninformed reasons put forward as to why people have rioted. Everything from a lack of paternal influence in single parent families to the stresses of consumerism(!) has been mentioned. One thing they've been remiss to mention is the example that they as MPs have shown over the past few years. Fiddling expenses to get expensive stuff for nothing and indignantly expecting to get away with it, is not a kick in the arse away from what 12 year olds have been doing over the past few nights.

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What ? Short memory ?


The Greek riots began with looting in 2008 after Police shot a man dead. And have continued on and off ever since. Only much later did they take on a more political dimension.

Not really from what I understood. There is a healthy anarchist movement in Greece that is of course very anti-state and police. I think it was a young teenager who was killed and that just riled a community who already had a dislike of the police. It was a political thing.
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Actually I think you'll find you are the moron if you think that becoming a police state is the solution, it may well serve as a temporary measure to quell any uprising to put more police on the streets but surely even you unless you are a closet Nazi can see that long term this is a very dangerous "solution". We need to change the way society is, change the way the media brainwashes us, stem the desire to worship celebrity, educate our children to not have a love for money, be better parents, make it harder for separated parents to neglect their duties as a parent for the emotional needs of their children, massively reduce the dependancy on the welfare state.


Yeah, and when we are done trading pixie dust to the moon beam fairies, we will all live happily ever after.


Mean while in the real world, millions of pounds worth of property has been destroyed, probably the same amount has been stolen and hundreds if not thousands of lives have been affected by the greed and vile behaviour of an under class of society that if not brought to task, will only grow bigger and more brazen in its attitude.


So it would seem that you have no hope therefore you are hopeless, nuff said.

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You must really have a very low opinion of MF posters


No, just a select handful of morons. Like you.


With regard to Prison Planet being a loony website, does it then make you a loony too as you appear to know it well and must have read through to have known the text originated from there





Fair enough, you have vastly superior internet and computer skills than me, kudos to you, my guess is you really ought to get out more though :lol:

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ans, when it comes to conspiracy theorist-land you missed the best bit. ... and I don't think it was cut and pasted from anywhere - this is straight from Matt's very own fingers?


This is not just a core element of society a bit fed up because they haven't got the latest iphone, this is a very cleverly orchestrated operation conducted by very high up and influential people and if you think otherwise then you are more follish than you actually appear to be.


Come on Matt - enlighten us who do you think are the "very high up and influential people" who "very cleverly orchestrated" this "operation". ... is it the people behind fluoride in the water and mass vaccinations by any chance?



Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realise I had back my own personal opinion with any evidence as such, also if you think I am a crazy conspiracy theorist then why would you want to enlighten me only two things can occur as a consequence, you'll either believe what I say and see things in a similar way to me and as you think I'm somekind of nutter you surely wouldn't want this or I'll be giving you yet more ammunition to fire at me so why pray tell would I want to pacify you?

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I've been following some of the debate in the Commons and there's all sorts of wonderful and uninformed reasons put forward as to why people have rioted. Everything from a lack of paternal influence in single parent families to the stresses of consumerism(!) has been mentioned. One thing they've been remiss to mention is the example that they as MPs have shown over the past few years. Fiddling expenses to get expensive stuff for nothing and indignantly expecting to get away with it, is not a kick in the arse away from what 12 year olds have been doing over the past few nights.


I think you're onto something there, after all they are supposed to be leaders and lead by example.

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These aren't just kids rioting. There are anarchists amongst the idiots orchestrating these riots. Why attack police stations? No value there. Why run down innocent, decent people who are only protecting their property. The people perpertrating these acts are pure scum. Now piss off back to your cosy, numpty world.

Hahaha, that made me smile. You really have no idea! Certainly, anarchists would be happy to see the police getting a get hiding. But then so would these kids who understandably don't like the police. But there isn't anything about these riots that anarchists would have anything to do with, certainly not the main anarchist groupings.
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Actually I think you'll find you are the moron if you think that becoming a police state is the solution, it may well serve as a temporary measure to quell any uprising to put more police on the streets but surely even you unless you are a closet Nazi can see that long term this is a very dangerous "solution". We need to change the way society is, change the way the media brainwashes us, stem the desire to worship celebrity, educate our children to not have a love for money, be better parents, make it harder for separated parents to neglect their duties as a parent for the emotional needs of their children, massively reduce the dependancy on the welfare state.


Yeah, and when we are done trading pixie dust to the moon beam fairies, we will all live happily ever after.


Mean while in the real world, millions of pounds worth of property has been destroyed, probably the same amount has been stolen and hundreds if not thousands of lives have been affected by the greed and vile behaviour of an under class of society that if not brought to task, will only grow bigger and more brazen in its attitude.


So it would seem that you have no hope therefore you are hopeless, nuff said.


And you have no mind, so you are mindless (see what I did there?)


I do have hope however. Hope that finally the wooliness in society exhibted by the wooley, no balls types (such as yourself) will be dropped for a more realised view that these people need to be dealt with, and dealt with harshly as an example to others that such behaviour is not acceptable in a modern society and such acts will carry consequences.

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