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Totting Ham Riots

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These aren't just kids rioting. There are anarchists amongst the idiots orchestrating these riots. Why attack police stations? No value there. Why run down innocent, decent people who are only protecting their property. The people perpertrating these acts are pure scum. Now piss off back to your cosy, numpty world.

Hahaha, that made me smile. You really have no idea! Certainly, anarchists would be happy to see the police getting a get hiding. But then so would these kids who understandably don't like the police. But there isn't anything about these riots that anarchists would have anything to do with, certainly not the main anarchist groupings.



Why is that understandable? They hate the police because "its the thing to do". Its part of the whole "rebel without a clue" attitude expressed by the so-called diseffected youth of today.


"Tha po-po is alwayz botherin us init bruv, they is alwayz up in are face init". Is it because you are always causing bother and they are doing their jobs?


I never caused any hassle as a kid, never got into fights, graffited, burnt stuff, stole stuff, etc and guess how many times I got hasseled by the law. Zero. MMmmmmmm I wonder if there is a pattern. Don't be a shit and the police have no reason to bother you.


You really do come across as a bit of a comedy character sometimes LDV, with your fake little war against "The Man".

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But it is also undertandstable if they commit crimes. The police are the enemy. I don't think they have grown-up and reasoned thinking of the justifications of authority that anarchists would have in seeing the police as an enemy.


It's not about rebels without a clue. Why do you think they are clueless?


Well your last sentence can come across as comical. It's pretty childish rubbish. Fake war and 'The Man'? What are you talking about?

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Big difference Slim - In Greece they were riots were the result of protests. In uk they are vandlising and looting. No protest, no "real" cause, just mindless yobbish behaviour..


Ahh, protests?





I suppose that's fine then?

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Yes protests. Popular protests by people who are anti-statist or disagree with the undemocratic methods the state has taken in saddling them with debt and who have the police get in the way by using force against the protesters. If they police (who are simply an arm of the State the people are protesting against) gets in the way then fire is as good as any other method of dealing with that enemy. For when the police get in the way they are obstructing popular will against an undemocratic government through the use of force and are therefore the enemy to the protesters.

The man who burns ultimately should have chose a better job than challenging those whose lives have been ruined by the State, as much as I dislike violence and don't like people coming to harm.

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Yes protests. Popular protests by people who are anti-statist or disagree with the undemocratic methods the state has taken in saddling them with debt and who have the police get in the way by using force against the protesters. If they police (who are simply an arm of the State the people are protesting against) gets in the way then fire is as good as any other method of dealing with that enemy. For when the police get in the way they are obstructing popular will through the use of force.

The man who burns ultimately should have chose a better job than challenging those whose lives have been ruined by the State, as much as I dislike violence and don't like people coming to harm.


Some of that makes about as much sense as other posters calling for rioters to be executed. It's just saying stuff for effect, but in fact it's just nonsense.


It's okay to set people on fire who chose the wrong job.

It's okay to execute people who loot.


Your advocating the same type of thing.

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Not at all. When people talk about execution in the wake of looting they bring up a form of violence which is totally out of proportion to the crimes and does not solve the problem. It is talk which has little thought behind it.

A very different matter when you talk of a situation where people who are anti-state or are protesting against the State are confronted by their servants who will use violence or force against them. It's just a simple case of violence against the police being quite justified. You have two opposed forces and the police will try and control the protest. If a molotov gets them moving then use it for they will use the baton, gas, or direct your movement if they have orders to do so.


Besides, if you hadn't realised, this is what happens in real life.

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But it is also undertandstable if they commit crimes. The police are the enemy. I don't think they have grown-up and reasoned thinking of the justifications of authority that anarchists would have in seeing the police as an enemy.


It's not about rebels without a clue. Why do you think they are clueless?


Well your last sentence can come across as comical. It's pretty childish rubbish. Fake war and 'The Man'? What are you talking about?


Why are they the enemy? Their job is to protect the innocent and (try) to prevent crime.


They are only the enemy of those that would commit crime.

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If they police (who are simply an arm of the State the people are protesting against) gets in the way then fire is as good as any other method of dealing with that enemy.


So by that extension it would be okay for the police to use fire on the protestors, seeing as it is a "valid" method of dealing with the "enemy".


Good to know for future rioting. Nothing disperses a crowd like a flame thrower.

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Time to bring back national service. 2 years compulsory forces, or social service.


Yep, cos national service in greece stopped them rioting. No wai...

It would still be a good thing and can form an important step towards being a more responsible adult. I'd hazard a guess that NS would mean many of those kids out looting the others days would for the first time experience what a structured life and responsibilities are and that there are other ways to lead your life rather than hanging out with mates and playing X-box while not really being arsed about finding a job'n stuff.


It's like a first taste of real life where you can think about what you want to do in the future and get a taste of what it's all about - from taking orders and learning discipline to getting drunk in the correct fashion. Such a shame they now abolished it in Germany - stupid thing to do. We'll just gonna end up with a wishy-washy fecked up society and understaffed military force like the UK :(

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Yes protests. Popular protests by people who are anti-statist or disagree with the undemocratic methods the state has taken in saddling them with debt and who have the police get in the way by using force against the protesters. If they police (who are simply an arm of the State the people are protesting against) gets in the way then fire is as good as any other method of dealing with that enemy. For when the police get in the way they are obstructing popular will against an undemocratic government through the use of force and are therefore the enemy to the protesters.

The man who burns ultimately should have chose a better job than challenging those whose lives have been ruined by the State, as much as I dislike violence and don't like people coming to harm.

I think that stuff you're smoking is a bit too strong. Or you're just trolling again.

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Time to bring back national service. 2 years compulsory forces, or social service.


Yep, cos national service in greece stopped them rioting. No wai...

It would still be a good thing and can form an important step towards being a more responsible adult. I'd hazard a guess that NS would mean many of those kids out looting the others days would for the first time experience what a structured life and responsibilities are and that there are other ways to lead your life rather than hanging out with mates and playing X-box while not really being arsed about finding a job'n stuff.


It's like a first taste of real life where you can think about what you want to do in the future and get a taste of what it's all about - from taking orders and learning discipline to getting drunk in the correct fashion. Such a shame they now abolished it in Germany - stupid thing to do. We'll just gonna end up with a wishy-washy fecked up society and understaffed military force like the UK :(


I wonder if a useful punishment for those convicted would be a 'bad lads army' conscription for a year. Not actually being called but to duty at any point but includes the training, early mornings and drill. This may help to add discipline and structure to their lives and provide a useful skill at the end. Default from the scheme would be a more traditional sentence at HMP.

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Why are they the enemy? Their job is to protect the innocent and (try) to prevent crime.

They are only the enemy of those that would commit crime.

Do you want to discuss this in private?

They are an enemy to those who are anti-statist and see their authority as unjustified. But particularly when they follow orders to use force against protesters or control them, they are placing themselves in a oppositional position. It's that simple.

And no, their job isn't to prevent crime at all. That's not how they operate. It's to enforce the law.


So by that extension it would be okay for the police to use fire on the protestors, seeing as it is a "valid" method of dealing with the "enemy".
I haven't said that simply because the police are the enemy that using fire is justified. It's because they will use violence and do use violence in the attempt to collapse a protest. I don't see why you find it difficult to understand
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