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I really should know better than to feed this but I often wonder what 'system' anti-statists actually think would work. Perhaps the local anti-statist could give examples of such successful systems elsewhere in the world.


I think many involved in all this are against any authority (including their education) whatsoever.

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And no, their job isn't to prevent crime at all. That's not how they operate. It's to enforce the law.

"The purpose of the Metropolitan Police Service is to uphold the law fairly and firmly;


to prevent crime;


to pursue and bring to justice those who break the law;


to keep The Queen's Peace to protect, help and reassure people in London;


and to be seen to do all this with integrity, common sense and sound judgement.

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I think that stuff you're smoking is a bit too strong. Or you're just trolling again.

Like I said, it's what goes on in the world. Haven't you seen the police get things thrown at them at protests? Why do you think the police are attacked at these political protests? They use violence or force against the protesters. It's carte blanche once the police use force.
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Time to bring back national service. 2 years compulsory forces, or social service.


Yep, cos national service in greece stopped them rioting. No wai...

It would still be a good thing and can form an important step towards being a more responsible adult. I'd hazard a guess that NS would mean many of those kids out looting the others days would for the first time experience what a structured life and responsibilities are and that there are other ways to lead your life rather than hanging out with mates and playing X-box while not really being arsed about finding a job'n stuff.


It's like a first taste of real life where you can think about what you want to do in the future and get a taste of what it's all about - from taking orders and learning discipline to getting drunk in the correct fashion. Such a shame they now abolished it in Germany - stupid thing to do. We'll just gonna end up with a wishy-washy fecked up society and understaffed military force like the UK :(

Oh dear, what an appalling post, Amadeus. The only thing National Service can create is submission to an authority. The authority of the state via the military who order such people about. (Besides, the State has no right to force people into such Service).

You won't get responsible people, you will get disciplined people but for all the wrong reasons.

I don't want people to go into the military and have an even more regimented lifestyle than they do today. I wouldn't want them involved in the military culture. And I don't want people to start 'thinking' stupid - because if people end up having to take orders and have their lives directed by people who have no right to demand it, then we will probably end up with young people who don't critically assess other authoritative structures and individuals. If you want servile minds then fair enough, you'll get that. I'd prefer that young people get the chance to be intelligent and value freedoms.

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Oh dear, what an appalling post, Amadeus

Just because you disagree with a post's contents doesn't make it appalling.


The only thing National Service can create is submission to an authority

The only thing? Bit of a broad statement innit?

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Tempus Fruit - Oh no. Did you just get that from the police website? You think that is credible? You don't need to copy and paste - look at how the police work. There is no prevention.


so why do they bother with a 'crime prevention unit' ?


there is a hint in the title :lol:

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we will probably end up with young people who don't critically assess other authoritative structures and individuals. If you want servile minds then fair enough, you'll get that. I'd prefer that young people get the chance to be intelligent and value freedoms.

We already have young people like the first statement - even though they are given every chance to be intelligent and value freedoms.

You are, once again, trying to promote your own (and I should emphasise that I don't believe anyone else has such a twisted and misconstrued vision of political reality) crackpot version of events.

I don't happen to approve of military-style discipline (I think we see the damage it can do when we read posts from the likes of MDO & PK) but projects to remove young people temporarily from depressing environments, and from the company of wasters, in order to offer them a chance to acquire the kind of skills that might enable SELF-discipline and the possibility of being able to CHOOSE a place in society could be productive for all concerned.




NB (for LDV) I do not intend to define any of the concepts in the statement above that may confuse you. If there are any that you are uncertain about then feel free to follow THIS LINK

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Oh dear, what an appalling post, Amadeus. The only thing National Service can create is submission to an authority. The authority of the state via the military who order such people about. (Besides, the State has no right to force people into such Service).

You won't get responsible people, you will get disciplined people but for all the wrong reasons.

I don't want people to go into the military and have an even more regimented lifestyle than they do today. I wouldn't want them involved in the military culture. And I don't want people to start 'thinking' stupid - because if people end up having to take orders and have their lives directed by people who have no right to demand it, then we will probably end up with young people who don't critically assess other authoritative structures and individuals. If you want servile minds then fair enough, you'll get that. I'd prefer that young people get the chance to be intelligent and value freedoms.

Cor Blimey, you really are way out there.... Have you done National Service? Do you know how it worked in Germany? Are you in a position to accurately judge what it does and doesn't do to people? I'm guessing no.


Seriously, you live in some warped bubble. A few months NS doesn't turn you into a robot that carries out orders and submits to the powers that be without thinking, but it does teach you that there's a more serious side to life, while letting you learn some important lessons with little to no risk to yourself. For many, it's also the first time that they have any kind of structured lifestyle - quite obvious then that it clashes with your belief in Anarchy and chaos.


Do I appear to be a dumb servile mind without any appreciation of freedom to you? I can't stand the nanny state and quite like to make my own decisions. NS isn't Clockwork Orange for the masses, with hourly brainwashing sessions to get those evil thoughts of looting and anarchy out of your head. It has a lot of things speaking for it, especially if a model like the one that was used in Germany was adopted.


By the way: you stil haven't given me your address - I'm waiting to choose what bits of your stuff I would like, with yourself not believing in personal possessions and all that....

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I don't happen to approve of military-style discipline (I think we see the damage it can do when we read posts from the likes of MDO & PK)


Hang on a minute - we both volunteered!


So tell me, and with your prescience it should be a breeze, how differently would I have turned out had I not served under the colours? In terms of character, personality and general viewpoint if you like - if such a thing can be gained from an anonymous posting forum that is.


Methinks the smell of bullshit doth pervade...

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Aye, fair enough but to me it's nowhere near as appalling as post #304



And I'm still wondering........as in

I often wonder what 'system' anti-statists actually think would work. Perhaps the local anti-statist could give examples of such successful systems elsewhere in the world
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I'm sure the police would love to storm in with water cannon and baton rounds, but the reality is that they're scared of even pushing someone to the ground in case they happen to die of natural causes sometime in the next month and then have to suffer 6 months of inquiry.


Give the police (and the army if there's any left here not fighting the taliban) the confidence to do their jobs without

fear of over the top scrutiny and let them sort these criminals out.


And +1 for curfew. Heard a 14 year old girl on the radio this morning who was out in Toxteth last night. What the hell was she doing on the streets?

unfortunately 14 is adult on London streets these days.

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How green is your grass


WOW what a fecking mess - disenfranchised brown youths (bullshit) whom (in the main but there are also a few whites in their also) are allegedly bored - no alleged future - no prospect of jobs - weird how they communicate on blackberry and twitter - thought they were skint?


Fecking Knob heads send in the troops with the shoot to kill policy - the scum bags are really doing no justice to their alleged cause of harassment.


Apologies to all but it has to be said that the majority of the knob heads kicking off in London, Birmingham and Liverpool are not of white persuasion. Do they not realise

that they are feeding the the far right all the ammunition they wanted and require to further their (the FAR RIGHT) demented cause.


Welcome to London enjoy your 100 meter sprint, appears there are plenty of contenders.



Dont cross your sprouts for now


god you are annoying!



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