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Totting Ham Riots

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I was trying not to be too dismissive Terse. Don't know why I bothered though, a simple question if inconvenient doesn't seem to ever be answered.

Because you have asked completely inappropriate and irrelevant questions in the past about my employment.

You haven't clearly stated why such information is relevant to the validity and merit of my beliefs. And that's the only information you require to determine whether you agree or disagree with what I say. In asking this question, you seem to be more interested in judging my beliefs based on whether 'Someone WOULD say that, wouldn't they...'.


Bobbie Bobter

Au contraire, eventually I got an answer to the John Lewis question at the third or fourth time of asking (including other threads) and as I suspected it highlighted one of the many basic logical flaws in the argument.
I thought you were kidding, as to ask in all seriousness is to assume that the condoning of such behaviour is some clear cut matter. It isn't and I have never explained it to be so. You might be quite right about a logical flaw in particular respect of John Lewis, but believe it or not, I haven't pondered over the rights and wrongs in respect of JS.
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Our father, who art in prison, my mum knows not his name, thy Riots come, read it in the Sun, in Birmingham, as it is in London, give us this day our Welfare bread & forgive us our looting, as we're happy to loot those who defend stuff against us, lead us not into employment but deliver us free housing, for thine is the plasmas, the Addidas & Burberry, forever and ever...Innit

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Our father, who art in prison, my mum knows not his name, thy Riots come, read it in the Sun, in Birmingham, as it is in London, give us this day our Welfare bread & forgive us our looting, as we're happy to loot those who defend stuff against us, lead us not into employment but deliver us free housing, for thine is the plasmas, the Addidas & Burberry, forever and ever...Innit

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Childish rubbish? so you think it was ok that the MP's claimed expenses that they were not entitled to? In my mind those people are far worse than the kids who smashed up their towns, far worse. Tory scum. /spit


No I don't think it is ok for any MP to fiddle their expenses ( even the Labour MPs). I do not condone any fraud or theft, I just thought it very childish to try to compare what DC did with his friends, ie throw a flowerpot through a window ( I assume as drunken students ), to what those thieving looting bastards did all last week. How can you make little of that? (even as the Lefty you try to be, innit)

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Childish rubbish? so you think it was ok that the MP's claimed expenses that they were not entitled to? In my mind those people are far worse than the kids who smashed up their towns, far worse. Tory scum. /spit


No I don't think it is ok for any MP to fiddle their expenses ( even the Labour MPs).


wouldn't there be less O.K. for a 'labour MP' ? lol by their fruits yee shall know them .

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This is going to cost a fortune! From Aunty Beeb:


"Three men thought to be among the first in England to appear at crown court after last week's riots and looting have been jailed for up to two years.


"Beswick, of Anson Street, Eccles, who the court heard had been given a 37in television to put in his car, was jailed for 18 months for handling stolen goods.


"Gillespie-Doyle, of Victoria Street, Openshaw, admitted burglary at Sainsbury's in Deansgate in Manchester city centre and was sentenced to two years in a Young Offenders Institution. The court heard he had a "long list" of previous convictions.


"Carter, of James Street, Salford, was caught in King Street, Manchester, with a bag of clothes and shoes worth £500. He was sentenced to 16 months in jail for theft by finding."


Way to go...

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I think all this talk of national service - what Cameron seems to want, is really worrying. The very idea of it makes my blood boil. Do you think it will happen?


Definately not. The British Army is a small very professional Service. It certainly doesn't want scrotes like that bloating its ranks pointlessly.

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Because you have asked completely inappropriate and irrelevant questions in the past about my employment.

Have I? Oh, sorry! I didn't think they were inappropriate or irrelevant. I just find it hard to believe anyone who goes out to work for a living can have views like yours.I would love to be proved wrong though. Do tell......

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