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Totting Ham Riots

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Have I? Oh, sorry! I didn't think they were inappropriate or irrelevant. I just find it hard to believe anyone who goes out to work for a living can have views like yours.I would love to be proved wrong though. Do tell......


So if LDV works for a living you're bollocksed then? Just checking...

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But yes, I do work.

Pleased to hear it as your beliefs have considerably more value(to me)than if they are just what you would say to support/justify a chosen life style on the backs of others. Do you get 'it' now?


So if LDV works for a living you're bollocksed then?

Nooooo, I think I said "I would love to be proved wrong". Does that = being bollocksed then?

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Pleased to hear it as your beliefs have considerably more value(to me)than if they are just what you would say to support/justify a chosen life style on the backs of others. Do you get 'it' now?
I'm not pleased. It doesn't look very good on you that you judge how good someone's argument is on the basis of their circumstances. It shows you are not really interested in thinking about other people's opinions. It's you really didn't need to know...but then I could be lying.
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Two things about this are really annoying me. The first is the disproportionate sentences the kids have been given and secondly I'm irked by the way the police raided the homes of these children, I call them children in the sense that they live at home with their parents. When the MP's were arrested for their false expenses claims did the police do dawn raids on their homes using battering rams?

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Two things about this are really annoying me. The first is the disproportionate sentences the kids have been given and secondly I'm irked by the way the police raided the homes of these children, I call them children in the sense that they live at home with their parents. When the MP's were arrested for their false expenses claims did the police do dawn raids on their homes using battering rams?


They weren't kids when they were commiting the crimes...

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Holy cow, this is a bit harsh: the judiciary are finally waking up to what's required. About time too!





I'm sorry but sentences like this




simply show that there's a bunch of old men in wigs desperately trying to restore long gone order while not having any understanding of today's culture or technology. Nothing wrong with stiff sentences for people who took part in riots, stole, or burned houses down but some of the sentences are grossly disproportionate and smell of politically fuelled panic and desparation to subdue the masses because no-one knows what else to do.


It's just gonna fuel more anger and won't help one bit. These ridiculous sentences will also cost an awful lot of money - money Blighty doesn't have. It's stupid beyond belief - four years for some facebook posts? Fuck off - that's so out there, you'd expect Saddam Hussein to come up with it, not a British court.

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Nothing wrong with stiff sentences for people who took part in riots, stole, or burned houses down but some of the sentences are grossly disproportionate and smell of politically fuelled panic and desparation to subdue the masses because no-one knows what else to do.


I think you have got this completely wrong.


They're NOT trying to subdue the masses. They are handing down sentences to a very small minority of criminals - because that's what they are. The "masses" as you put it are by and large good, honest, decent folk who want to be able to live their lives without fear of criminal elements ransacking their shops, beating them up and torching their premises. I'll wager any money that if you were to ask the riot/looting victims "masses" what they thought of the sentencing it would vary from the appropriate up to the far too lenient!


In the UK we have policing by consent. That's consent by the "masses", or the law-abiding majority as it prefers to be known. If the scrotes don't like their sentences then fine - here's an idea to get hold of - don't kick off again scrote...

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Nothing wrong with stiff sentences for people who took part in riots, stole, or burned houses down but some of the sentences are grossly disproportionate and smell of politically fuelled panic and desparation to subdue the masses because no-one knows what else to do.


I think you have got this completely wrong.


They're NOT trying to subdue the masses. They are handing down sentences to a very small minority of criminals - because that's what they are. The "masses" as you put it are by and large good, honest, decent folk who want to be able to live their lives without fear of criminal elements ransacking their shops, beating them up and torching their premises. I'll wager any money that if you were to ask the riot/looting victims "masses" what they thought of the sentencing it would vary from the appropriate up to the far too lenient!


In the UK we have policing by consent. That's consent by the "masses", or the law-abiding majority as it prefers to be known. If the scrotes don't like their sentences then fine - here's an idea to get hold of - don't kick off again scrote...


i agree with all but the bolded PK, even then its a nit-pick as amadeus proves, the masses are of the opinions from too lenient, to, too heavy-handed.

i think they are heavy-handed only because the law has gone soft, the sentences are realistic, now the rest of the justice system needs to catch up.

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