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Totting Ham Riots

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Oooh Trimble and Thatcher


Marginlisation when in fact they have marginalised themselves.


As always the ethnic minority when faced with cuts choose to show their form of self defense.


Crime was/is a socialist issue for Tshitcher and Cmaeron.


Manage the marginlisation.


More power to the Dolphin fishermen for now.

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It shows you are not really interested in thinking about other people's opinions

Correct if that opinion is purely based on a desire to support a lifestyle choice that relies on others working to maintain it (NB Don't take this to mean I'm judging those who can't work for whatever reason but I might judge those who choose not to work because they don't have to thanks to the efforts of those who do).


Perhaps I could give you a 'for instance'. Let's say you had such a lifestyle and it was under threat from the new government. You would call them something like

Tories bastards
if you might have to get a job. That opinion might purely be based on the fact that your chosen lifestyle is under threat, rather than some political belief. This is why I have difficulty just accepting your opinions on face value. *If* you were lying that you had gainful employment then your opinions on this topic are completely understandable. ;)
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Then the answer to the dilemma is to stop trying to accept my opinions on face value. Were my opinions to be limited to 'bastards' or 'I don't want to work' etc then you would have a good point. But I have explained whyI hold such beliefs many a time. It's up to read and judge based on the argument.

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I would expect the sentences to be reduced on Appeal.


However until they are then it's squeaky bottom time!




Also, harsh as though it sounds, I want ALL those involved to learn that their actions have consequences - serious consequences at that. Law and order is at the centre of a civilised society and it needs protecting and maintaining. Sure you can put up all sorts of excuses for the disgusting violent behaviour we have seen recently such as poor housing, no future prospects and so forth. But IMHO the ONLY issue that needs to be addressed is "Do the scrotes know the difference between right and wrong?"


Of course they do. So forget all the excuses. That one issue is ALL you need to consider...

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But IMHO the ONLY issue that needs to be addressed is "Do the scrotes know the difference between right and wrong?"

I say this not necessarily to defend them. But they would be aware of what is considered by many others to be right and wrong and they know what the law says about such things as stealing, but whether they feel they are right or not.
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Like this one?


Rebel without a cause eh? Betcha she will not be imprisoned for long, if at all. Maybe her dad could pay for the damage her and her stupid mates did? Hahaha idea - Any children of filthy rich and cat flaps caught rioting etc, should be fined "the cost of repairs to SW10", SW10 to be replaced by the post code of where ever they live, in the event of 2 poshbrats from the same area rioting the fine jumps to the nearest area with no high net worth people to fund the repair :)

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Rebel without a cause eh? Betcha she will not be imprisoned for long, if at all. Maybe her dad could pay for the damage her and her stupid mates did? Hahaha idea - Any children of filthy rich and cat flaps caught rioting etc, should be fined "the cost of repairs to SW10", SW10 to be replaced by the post code of where ever they live, in the event of 2 poshbrats from the same area rioting the fine jumps to the nearest area with no high net worth people to fund the repair :)


That's not fair you said that the rioters were from less afluent places and the judges needed to see that they all need a kicking pair of trainers, no matter how poor or scum like!


Edt to add, I'm not really sure what you are trying to say, sorry! Have you got lots of cats maybe?

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lets not forget that the police shot dead an innocent man and its this that triggered the riots and objections?

Theres to many incidents these days of innocent people being killed by the police!


The looters were mearly taking advantage of the situation they found themselves in, free goodies for one and all, they were mearly follwing the examples set by the goverment ect who did themselves "steal" when they ripped of tax payers money when making there greedy and oftern illegal expenses claims.

Tis theft in much the same way as the rioters / looters were commiting theft! :angry:


I put the blame for these riots firmly on the door steps of those who goven our society ie the goverment who have created an unfair world which created that what was created!


Well im off now, nitey nite! :)

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