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Totting Ham Riots

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Kicking off in Birmingham now too according to the news. There has to be a solution to this, I know what I would do but I'd be in the minority I'm sure so will keep quiet.


I genuinely feel for all the innocent people caught up in this shit, I have no sympathy whatsoever for those causing the damage or what may happen to them as a result of their actions.

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What i am supposed to fret over hundreds of black englishmen fuelled by skunk and cider kicking off a and wrecking their surroundings am i.


I dont think the world is going to miss the odd mc donalds gone up in smoke.

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carry illegal weapons and shoot at police, expect them to shoot back !

absolute eejit met his match, he's not around any more to complain


but this may as well be the other side of the world, are we supposed to get all upset about it ?


don't understand what the OP is aiming at, expecting us all here to start jumping up and down and shaking fists ?


It was reported that a police radio (presumably carried by a policeman) had taken a round. So everyone assumes felon shot at the cops and by a lucky chance radio-carrier survived. It now turns out that it was a police round that nearly took out one of their own. You just couldn't make it up....


Times are hard in the UK. If folks are losing their way of life you can be sure it will be the poor that are bearing the brunt of it because we have a tory government. Here's an idea to get hold of - they just might not like the injustice of the way they have to suffer for failing "bankers" - or whatever...

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Rioting on this scale in the UK seems to happen during a recession. Almost as though they are masterminded to destabilise the government. Oh and it's usually a conservative government thats in power at the time!


There's definitely an essence of organisation helping to fuel these riots.



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Times are hard in the UK. If folks are losing their way of life you can be sure it will be the poor that are bearing the brunt of it because we have a tory government. Here's an idea to get hold of - they just might not like the injustice of the way they have to suffer for failing "bankers" - or whatever...[/font]


You think there is really a political dimension or that this is about injustice ? You don't think that this is more about them figuring out that if enough of them get together they can take what they want and run amok for a few days?


I'm not saying that you are wrong, just wondering: Doesn't this kind of thing happen from time to time whatever the state of play ?

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Just watching the news PK, police are winning 10 1 at the momment, 25 coppers in hospital and 250+ rioters in nick.


There are about 25,000 met plods. That's not a lot really. And 250 scrotes charged with theft will cost an absolute fortune. The law of diminishing returns ALWAYS applies at times like these. Especially as insurance policies tend to carry a "rioting" get-out clause...

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You think there is really a political dimension or that this is about injustice ? You don't think that this is more about them figuring out that if enough of them get together they can take what they want and run amok for a few days?


I'm not saying that you are wrong, just wondering: Doesn't this kind of thing happen from time to time whatever the state of play ?


Folks who are content with their lot simply don't riot. It's not exactly rocket science..

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carry illegal weapons and shoot at police, expect them to shoot back !

absolute eejit met his match, he's not around any more to complain


but this may as well be the other side of the world, are we supposed to get all upset about it ?


don't understand what the OP is aiming at, expecting us all here to start jumping up and down and shaking fists ?


It was reported that a police radio (presumably carried by a policeman) had taken a round. So everyone assumes felon shot at the cops and by a lucky chance radio-carrier survived. It now turns out that it was a police round that nearly took out one of their own. You just couldn't make it up....


Times are hard in the UK. If folks are losing their way of life you can be sure it will be the poor that are bearing the brunt of it because we have a tory government. Here's an idea to get hold of - they just might not like the injustice of the way they have to suffer for failing "bankers" - or whatever...


In their defense your honor... a gun dosent have to be pointing at you, for you to to end up with a bullet. You could be right, they may well have shot themselves and I wouldnt be suprised... but it may just be a richochet he took in which case no one could have really predicted/prevented that.

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