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Totting Ham Riots

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name='pauld' timestamp='1312847643'


oh the UKs 70 million you mean sorry, i didnt meant to imply the 0.001% of the population was really really really really tiny.


Over 75,000 now, gotta love the viral shizzle. Just wait until the working day kicks in, I'm sure it'll grow further.

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How green is your grass


WOW what a fecking mess - disenfranchised brown youths (bullshit) whom (in the main but there are also a few whites in their also) are allegedly bored - no alleged future - no prospect of jobs - weird how they communicate on blackberry and twitter - thought they were skint?


Fecking Knob heads send in the troops with the shoot to kill policy - the scum bags are really doing no justice to their alleged cause of harassment.


Apologies to all but it has to be said that the majority of the knob heads kicking off in London, Birmingham and Liverpool are not of white persuasion. Do they not realise that they are feeding the the far right all the ammunition they wanted and require to further their (the FAR RIGHT) demented cause.


Welcome to London enjoy your 100 meter sprint, appears there are plenty of contenders.


Dont cross your sprouts for now

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But most people aren't that bright. And that can be gauged by silly talk about shooting people this mass of people who are all just scum.


Now, if all of these rioters were out to harm others or were putting some people at risk of harm then fine. I'd see your point. And I do agree. Where lives are being put at risk, certain individuals must be stopped.


Though not for those who are just looting. I have no problem with the lootings of high street stores anyway, but I think you'd have a hard case to make for threatening to kill people to stop this particular form of theft.


emm how about them atacking firemen, you know the ones that are going to put the fires out, that they started, you know the fires that are burning buildingd down, that people live above and next to.

how about the randome people caught up in it, who have been taken to hospital because of it.

Yes just looting aint it.


O look more for LDV to say its ok with.


Look there buring sony down now.


do you know that every fireman going to that fire is needlesy risking his life because of them people that started it.

The poilce that will be there will be put in harms way to protect the public before the firman get there, thats if they get there, as they are being attacked,


or the fire they started in a little shop in a town, happins to be a party shop, with helium canisters. have u ever seen on of these go off in a fire.

Try a linxs can on a fire,and u have a little idea of the problem

there vary vary dangours, and will kill you. and these firemen will have to risk there lifes to help.


Put a curfuew on the towns, send the army in, anyone that does resit arrest shoot them, the rest id round up and drop in libya,

they would not last long

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Gazza - no, it's not just looting Gazza. And where it isn't just looting and where lives are being put at risk, then the people have to be stopped through the use of force, whether that's from the police or any authority. I haven't intimated otherwise.


Interesting how it has spread. What's the cause underlying all this?

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It's spread to Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham now. What a complete mess.


What odds on a London curfew tomorrow?


rippled thames


What odds they will not recognise the situation as a race problem?

Yes there were some white persons involved in the most extreme violence but in the main! What odds the do gooders skirt around it? Send in the troops - No send in the GURKHA'S that would really confuse the knob heads.


calmer under currents for now

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Come senators, congressmen

Please heed the call

Don't stand in the doorway

Don't block up the hall

For he that gets hurt

Will be he who has stalled

There's a battle outside

And it is ragin'

It'll soon shake your windows

And rattle your walls

For the times they are a-changin'.

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It's spread to Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham now. What a complete mess.


What odds on a London curfew tomorrow?


A good idea, I think, along with the use of sub-lethal force like water cannon.


It's very sad to see a city I know well and love being trashed. There are certainly underlying causes, and it won't cut it just to take measures to put an end to the rioting. British society is in a deep mess, with groups of people completely alienated, Ill educated, and with absolutely no stake in "civil society".

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For me I think rubber bullets and/or water cannon are a perfectly reasonable response to this type of behaviour.


I think it is totally wrong that the police have to just stand there while louts are throwing stones, wood, and other such things at them.


I feel there should be a much more robust response.


Attacking the police, wanton vandalism, theft and arson are not acceptable behaviours, and they should be very firmly dealt with as they encourage copy cat behaviour.


The streets cannot be left to thugs to loot and burn.


All these people are doing is destroying businesses in their own communities and creating a climate of fear for people going about their normal business. That is not acceptable and will simply bring worse economic prospects to their neighbourhoods.


The state and the police has a duty to stop thuggery and wanton behaviour and I feel the police should be allowed a more robust response than just standing there and letting louts attack them.

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