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Totting Ham Riots

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Thoughtful editorial item here at the Telegraph


The real causes are more insidious. It is no coincidence that the worst violence London has seen in many decades takes place against the backdrop of a global economy poised for freefall. The causes of recession set out by J K Galbraith in his book, The Great Crash 1929, were as follows: bad income distribution, a business sector engaged in “corporate larceny”, a weak banking structure and an import/export imbalance ...


All those factors are again in play. In the bubble of the 1920s, the top 5 per cent of earners creamed off one-third of personal income. Today, Britain is less equal, in wages, wealth and life chances, than at any time since then. Last year alone, the combined fortunes of the 1,000 richest people in Britain rose by 30 per cent to £333.5 billion.


Europe’s leaders, our own Prime Minister and Chancellor included, were parked on sun-loungers as London burned ... successive British governments have colluded in incubating the poverty, the inequality and the inhumanity now exacerbated by financial turmoil. ... those terrorising and trashing London are also a symptom of a wider malaise ... Most of the 53 per cent of e‑democrats calling to have the death penalty reinstated (of whom 8 per cent would opt for firing squad or gas chamber) would never dream of torching a police car, but their impulses hardly cohere either with David Cameron’s utopian ambitions ...


... a section of young Britain – the stabbers, shooters, looters, chancers and their frightened acolytes – has fallen off the cliff-edge of a crumbling nation.

The failure of the markets goes hand in hand with human blight. Meanwhile, the view is gaining ground that social democracy, with its safety nets, its costly education and health care for all, is unsustainable in the bleak times ahead. The reality is that it is the only solution. After the Great Crash, Britain recalibrated, for a time. Income differentials fell, the welfare state was born and skills and growth increased.

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It's spread to Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham now. What a complete mess.


What odds on a London curfew tomorrow?


rippled thames


What odds they will not recognise the situation as a race problem?

Yes there were some white persons involved in the most extreme violence but in the main! What odds the do gooders skirt around it? Send in the troops - No send in the GURKHA'S that would really confuse the knob heads.


calmer under currents for now


There are a large number of young black males who have no desire to work in fact work is viewed as an embarrassment within the gang culture in which they live, their lives are based around drug dealing, running women and gang violence and before any of the bleeding hearts flame my post I do know what I am talking about. The problem has been exacerbated by the fact that generations of politicians have been too scared to even talk about the problem because of their colour. Many years ago (1984) I was asked to chair a meeting where problems were being caused in a city centre by a gang who were all black and behaving in a manner not as bad as the current situation but which needed a solution. I was briefed by senior Police Officers and was told under no circumstances no matter what questions I was asked the answer had to be" young people " I was not under any circumstances to allude to their colour and if I did it would have serious repercussions for me! Well those seeds sown earlier are now coming home to roost !

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It's spread to Manchester


No it hasn't!


Manchester Police have issued a statement to the effect that the large number of cars and buildings damaged in Salford last night were simply normal activity for the area involved and nothing to do with any riots...

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My goodness - good old Mr Powel is one pompous orator.


And such a xenophobic one at that. In my mind he totally misses the point. This isn't a race issue.


Lots of the thugs I've seen have been white. I think no racial group holds a monopoly on thuggery.


I'll blame culture for these riots, not race.


A culture which is uninterested in creating wealth and is only interested in taking it, or it being handed to them on a plate.


I'll even agree with Pongo and say his Telegraph editorial shows that this culture isn't just routed in the underclass (don't faint Pongo!). But for those at the bottom, I have to say that I think these theckless uneducated thugs who think they can just take, or be given by the state, exist in a profoundly destructive culture.


I feel society has to work hard to end such a culture and encourage one where people are far more self reliant and understand their future depends upon their efforts.


That isn't easy when there are huge structural obstacles for people to empower themselves, but the dependency culture is going too far and for me its symptoms are plain to see whether its street gangs or chavs of whatever racial origin who simply expect to get what they want or else they will be violent or abusive.

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It was reported that a police radio (presumably carried by a policeman) had taken a round. So everyone assumes felon shot at the cops and by a lucky chance radio-carrier survived. It now turns out that it was a police round that nearly took out one of their own. You just couldn't make it up....


Now I'm no forensics expert, but from my experience with firearms and ballistics I would say it had to be a ricochet.


A 5.56 from a Police issue HK G36 would have gone straight through the radio with no real lose of ballistic engery and resulted in a dead copper (and potention shoot through as well). Even after a ricochet, a 5.56 would have no trouble penertrating a police issue radio.


On the same note a .45 handgun round would have cleared the radio with no real struggle.


Shotgun rounds, well if it was a ball bearing round then there would be lots of holes in the copper as well as the radio, and if it was a solid slug it would clear the radio. Shotguns are near (but not totally) impossible to ricochet.


Possible with a 9mm round from a MP5 or a handgun, however it would of had to have been a one in a million stop.


All the Hollywood myths about bibles and mobile phones stopping rounds it pure horse poop.

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