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Totting Ham Riots

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I'll blame culture for these riots, not race.


A culture which is uninterested in creating wealth and is only interested in taking it, or it being handed to them on a plate.


I'll even agree with Pongo and say his Telegraph editorial shows that this culture isn't just routed in the underclass (don't faint Pongo!). But for those at the bottom, I have to say that I think these theckless uneducated thugs who think they can just take, or be given by the state, exist in a profoundly destructive culture.


I feel society has to work hard to end such a culture and encourage one where people are far more self reliant and understand their future depends upon their efforts.


That isn't easy when there are huge structural obstacles for people to empower themselves, but the dependency culture is going too far and for me its symptoms are plain to see whether its street gangs or chavs of whatever racial origin who simply expect to get what they want or else they will be violent or abusive.


I agree that this is a cultural/society problem, these riots appear to be the result of an underclass of disenfranchised youths who should be engaged by employment and a sense of self worth rather than cast adrift with no hope.


How to solve it? Evening out the distribution of wealth isn't easy. Is National Service another option? It's crazy that there's so much worthy work to be done, helping developing nations, building sustainable energy, keeping the peace, yet we waste all our resources on keeping young people at home plugged into games consoles and our cash is invested in luxury goods or financial products.


Revolution anyone?




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1. interesting clip


2. Tehran is urging the British police to exercise restraint when dealing with the protesters !


Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast urged the British government to order the police to stop their violent confrontation with the people, IRNA reported in the early hours of Tuesday.


Mehmanparast asked the British government to start dialogue with the protesters and to listen to their demands in order to calm the situation down.

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Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast urged the British government to order the police to stop their violent confrontation with the people, IRNA reported in the early hours of Tuesday.


Mehmanparast asked the British government to start dialogue with the protesters and to listen to their demands in order to calm the situation down.


The impression that the media is giving (and nobody seems to be arguing with this so I'm assuming it's true) is that all the demands amount to is "new shiny things for no money."

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One thing the UK could do is to cease spending money on foreign wars. Withdraw our (they're ours to, I think) military forces to our own borders, and in future focus only on the defence of the realm. The money saved should be spent healing UK society, for example, by restoring the free education to degree level that I and my cohort enjoyed.

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Now I'm no forensics expert, but from my experience with firearms and ballistics I would say it had to be a ricochet.


My paper agrees with you. Although if the radio was in the pocket of a ballistic vest you would get the same result. Wait and see mode.

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One thing the UK could do is to cease spending money on foreign wars. Withdraw our (they're ours to, I think) military forces to our own borders, and in future focus only on the defence of the realm. The money saved should be spent healing UK society, for example, by restoring the free education to degree level that I and my cohort enjoyed.


Agree with free education to degree level provided it's only for those with the aptitude - say the top 10% most academically gifted - and the ludicrous aspiration to put 50% through university is dropped. It is a feel good for the liberal elite and gives false hope to those put through the system for whom there is nothing at the end of it.

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One thing the UK could do is to cease spending money on foreign wars. Withdraw our (they're ours to, I think) military forces to our own borders, and in future focus only on the defence of the realm. The money saved should be spent healing UK society, for example, by restoring the free education to degree level that I and my cohort enjoyed.


Agree with free education to degree level provided it's only for those with the aptitude - say the top 10% most academically gifted - and the ludicrous aspiration to put 50% through university is dropped. It is a feel good for the liberal elite and gives false hope to those put through the system for whom there is nothing at the end of it.


I mean all education up to and including degree level, but not just degrees. Non academic education and training should be readily available, to meet a wide variety of aptitudes. The point is to begin engaging those who currently feel they have no stake in society.

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A couple of nights of rain and it will stop the little buggers will be back in their rooms listening to their music.

On their brand-new stereo systems?


I would imagine there will be a big surge in goods offered for sale on ebay over the next few days.


On a more serious note, I find this whole thing very sad. Would a news blackout help? as some are playing to the cameras and might stop some of the copy cat actions.


Thommo is right, a bit of bad weather is what we need to get these low life back in their rooms.

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