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Sesame Street Pair Bert And Ernie 'will Not Marry'


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The best bit of the story: A statement from the show's makers said: "They remain puppets and do not have a sexual orientation.". You can almost hear a weary sigh and "fucking idiots" being muttered under the producer's breath.


Still, I don't think it's particularly right that Ernie and Bert should be assumed to be gay simply because they live together. An equally plausible hypothesis would be that both are simply Vietnam veterans whose experiences in South East Asia were such that both are severely psychologically scarred. Incapable of forming relationships, both moved in together to act as perpetual suicide watch for the other. Also Ernie likes to have sex with frying pans.


The only reason we assume that Bert and Ernie aren't vietnam veterans is because we don't see the bits where Bert is screaming until blood comes up and cutting himself whilst having a flashback, with Ernie cowering under one of the beds sobbing as he makes mournful love to a frying pan. But we don't see them in a romantic context with each other either, so there's no more reason we should bigotedly assume that they're gay any more than we should assume my scenario, which is far more entertaining, holds true.


They could be gay, but based on the same level of evidence Big Bird could be gay, or Grover. Both could easily be in a relationship with one another behind the scenes. Or Big Bird's love for Grover might be unrequited, with the latter being straight and having turned down the former's advances in stern tones a number of times. If they weren't puppets, that is.

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Rowlf is gay? This is the kind of information people should flock to Manxforums to get, although now I'm curious as to how you pick up on Rowlf as being gay.


Apropos of nothing: as a child, I used to have nightmares about Kermit the frog.

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Come to think of it, I was terrified of ET as well. I was quite glad when it looked like he was going to die, if only to end the constant sense of being freaked out as he lolloped about the screen.

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Seriously though, I don't really like the idea of young kids being introduced to the idea that gay marriage is a positive thing that gay couples should want to do like straight people. But then you do want to remove the prejudice against gay people that exists. I think you can do that without introducing gay marriage.

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captain pugwash was definitely gay.

As for the pink teletubby, well enough said.


Silly Season eh?...I go back a bit further....Oliver Polliver Octopus (Operator a young, raw and new immigrant from Perth W. Australia named Rolf Harris) Now he was Gay!(The octopus not Rolf Harris)...


And so were Rag Tag and Bobtail (OK Maybe not Bobtail but Rag was a bit rugged, unhealthily close to Tag and Tag spent a lot of time doing housework in that hole under a tree)...


Then there were others with names straight out of G&D (Allegedly) ie "Torchy the Battery Boy", "Noggin the Nog", "Larry the Lamb", "Twizzle" and "Tum" but I'm not sure now if "Tum" was a horse or a young boy so it may have been a bit "Equius" ...and they inhabited some place called "Trot and Gallop" which you can make of as you will....Maybe it was something to do with Muffin the Mule...


Then there was Prudence the Kitten and her alleged "sister" Primrose and even if she did have a sailor husband Nelson always away at sea he was probably Gay being a sailor. I mean, a Tomcat with an ear-ring, tatoos, wearing a duffel coat and smoking a macho pipe on BBC Children's TV!...This was a subliminal message from the Pooftas in BBC top management....The supposed daughter of Prudence and Nelson was clearly the product of surrogacy....


Sam the farm hand who helped Daddy Woodentop on the farm never seemed to have had a wife or girlfriend and was seemingly asexual so we can leave him out (Unless there was something going between him and the "biggest spotty dog you ever did see"....Or maybe it was him and "Bengo the Boxer Puppy"?...Or both?....


Andy Pandy now he was Gay!..."Look children Andy Pandy's getting into the basket with Teddy and Looby Loo!"..."Gerroff Andy. Little poof. Leave 'em alone!" "Go for it Teddy!" (As we shouted at the screen before "Andy Pandy" suddenly became "BBC TV for Schools"....


"Mr Turnip" had Gay written all over him. You could tell by the way he walked!


There was Captain Pugwash and his rentboy nicknamed "Roger the Cabin Boy" along with Seaman Staines, "Crusty" Sheets the Baker and a dubiousely named sailor called "Mister Mate"...


"Sooty" was Gay and they only introduced "Sue" his "girlfriend" as a cover up to give him some respectability in fiercely homophobic times now incomprehensible to us in our present age of enlightenment where sexual orientation is of no consequence.

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There was Captain Pugwash and his rentboy nicknamed "Roger the Cabin Boy" along with Seaman Staines, "Crusty" Sheets the Baker and a dubiousely named sailor called "Mister Mate"...



Series creator John Ryan successfully won retractions and settlements from the Sunday Correspondent and the Guardian after both newspapers claimed that the show's characters did indeed have smutty names, and that the BBC had taken it off the air as a result. The Guardian's statement ran as follows:

In the Young Guardian of September 13 [1991] we stated that the Captain Pugwash cartoon series featured characters called Seaman Staines and Master Bates, and for that reason the series had never been repeated by the BBC. We accept that it is untrue that there ever were any such characters. Furthermore, the series continues to be shown on television and on video. We apologize to Mr. Ryan, the creator, writer and artist of the Captain Pugwash films and books. We have agreed to pay him damages and his legal costs.


Never mind, Barrie; its as well-researched and accurate as most of your posts.

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Then there were others with names straight out of G&D (Allegedly) ie "Torchy the Battery Boy", "Noggin the Nog",

Okay... that's enough! Criticise anything you like - but Noggin the Nog remains sacrosanct!

To be fair, I suppose there was an element of being compelled into marriage - but once he was settled with Nooka of the Nooks and they had their son, Knut - there was no suggestion of any exceptional attraction to members of his own sex.

It's true, perhaps, that Thor Nogson the Captain of the Royal Guard had an almost unhealthy devotion to his king and may well have occupied a place in a closet, but that's pretty standard for military personnel everywhere, isn't it?

Anyway, I think that there are few openings as evocative as Ronnie Stevens voice saying:

"In the lands of the North, where the Black Rocks stand guard against the cold sea, in the dark night that is very long the Men of the Northlands sit by their great log fires and they tell a tale... and those tales they tell are the stories of a kind and wise king and his people; they are the Sagas of Noggin the Nog" followed by the slightly sinister tones of the bassoon and....

Noggin the Nog was the greatest TV series ever and its memory should not be sullied...

Sad? What d'you mean, sad?

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I thought all the Sesame Street characters were straight. I can't think of one that I can pick up on as being gay.


Whereas with the muppets you have Rowlf the dog he was gay and Dr Teeth and Animal are probably gay.



Bit gutted i dont remember the muppets, seems to be well liked by all.

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