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Multiple Murder In Jersey

Barrie Stevens

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Reports of 5-6 people murdered today on Jersey. So it can happen on idyllic Crown Dependencies. Will the Isle of Man catch the same disease in time?


You really are a trolling moron aren't you?


No not at all. The Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey pride themselves that "it" cannot "happen here"...Only happens in the UK!...I am currently reading an Isle of Man authored book entitled "Manx Murders"...(Written by a Noble's consultant by the way!)


The Jersey incident - which may well be domestic - just goes to show that the pressures of modern life are extending offshore or can potentially do so...


I would have thought that such an incident on Jersey where six people are murdered in one day goes to show that no one is immune today...In fact, in 1993 I was the victim of an attempted armed robbery using an air-rifle (and thus in law a firearm) in Market Street Douglas and for which armed Police attended and in resepct of which my (our) assailant received four years....


What goes round comes around....Better to be alert to changes such as "mainland" problems infesting the offshore Islands in the fullness of time...

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So because there has been a multiple murder on an island with similar characteristics as the Isle of Man it follows that we will have a multiple murder here eventually? You may well be right and you may well be wrong but either way it strikes me as an odd form of logic and rather distasteful given the events that appear to have happened in Jersey.

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Isn't it amazing that Walter Mitty Barrie Stevens has an example from his own life for every eventuality


Not really! I got a bike to get around on!


And it was all reported in the local papers at the time...


In fact it was believed by the police that the person who had a go at me and a work colleague in the old amusement arcade on Market Street (Now River Island last I was there) was also the one who robbed the former "Brown Bobby" petrol station and one of the local corner shops....


Many people on MF complain that the Island is going down hill in terms of behaviour and likewise increased risk personal danger and I can vouch for that having done night security work at the Villa...So just as Jersey people are shocked so one day might the Island be shocked....bit like when (I shan't name her) but you know who axed her own children a few years back...It can happen anywhere as you say...But still a potential omen...The catalyst may well be the forthcoming loss of £200 million a year VAT and the stresses this may cause by way of unemployment, cut-backs in public services....and severe tensions amongst vulnerable family members...

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Reports of 5-6 people murdered today on Jersey. So it can happen on idyllic Crown Dependencies. Will the Isle of Man catch the same disease in time?


Terrible news, stupid comment.


Terrible news...self-fulfilling prophecy! (Mark my words!)They don't call me "Cassandra" for nothing...!

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Reports of 5-6 people murdered today on Jersey. So it can happen on idyllic Crown Dependencies. Will the Isle of Man catch the same disease in time?


Terrible news, stupid comment.


Terrible news...self-fulfilling prophecy! (Mark my words!)They don't call me "Cassandra" for nothing...!

Maybe it will be some idiot fantasist with a gun fetish... Does anyone have a picture of how such a person may look?

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Agree entirely. No matter where, no matter how, these terrible events should not be an ocassion to gloat, not least by a self-publicised gun maniac like our very own BS.


Rage over BS gone, very sorry to see this; it is frightening the thin line between good citizens and brutality. We have seen it on the streets in England and, no doubt, we will see it again. Not to say the cause was the same, but the mind-set may have been.

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In fact, in 1993 I was the victim of an attempted armed robbery using an air-rifle (and thus in law a firearm Regulated Weapon)


Fixed it for you trolly, now kindly crawl back under that bridge.


The Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey enjoy very low serious crime rates, nobody is safe from a single act of madness; although we lean on the fact that in percentages it is FAR less likely to happen in a small community.


As said, fuck off ;)

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