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Israel V Gaza


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Thought-provoking article in today's Independent:




It is exactly 95 years since Lord Balfour, the then Foreign Secretary, informed Baron Rothschild that Britain would back a new Jewish state on Palestinian territory as demanded by Zionists, some of them terrorists who had attacked British targets. Lord Edwin Montagu, the only Jewish member of the UK cabinet, objected vehemently to the decision: “All my life I have been trying to get out of the ghetto and you want to force me back there again”. He was overruled by his colleagues, some of them avowed anti-Semites.

Britain had no legal right to the land it breezily handed over and has never apologised for its disastrous decision. Palestinians paid for Europe’s massive, anti-Semitic killing project. Thousands of Muslim and Christian Palestinians were dispossessed and, since then, it’s been a story of endless conflict. And so here again is another horrendous conflagration breaking out in a volatile region.

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What are people's views on the Israeli response to the rockets fired by Hamas?


Grossly disproportionate, as usual. Funny how they waited until just after the US election was over before launching this. It was probably a favour by the boss Netanyahu to his lapdogs Obama/Romney but now that pantomine is over it's show time.

Wonder if their is any truth to the rumour that the assassinated Hamas leader was in the final stages of a revised peace plan proposal before he was taken out? Very convenient if so.

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Wonder if their is any truth to the rumour that the assassinated Hamas leader was in the final stages of a peace plan proposal before he was taken out? Very convenient if so.

Yeah, cos Hamas are all about the peace


I'll summise from that pearl of wisdom that your knowledge of Arab/Israeli politics is about as comprehensive as your grammar.

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The actions of Israel in this whole situation are appalling, everyone knows that. Bombing what is effectively a prison and whatnot. But if anyone thinks that the Palestinians, if they had access to the massive war machine available to Israel, wouldn't use it to murder Israelis, blow up settlements, hospitals and schools, and generally fuck Israel as hard up the ass as possible, they need their head testing. Still, fireworks versus nukes (exaggeration I know) is wildly unfair, and bang out of order. Last time this conflict blew up, the Israelis used white phosphorous on a UN school.Cunts.

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Israel has fired about $29 millions dollars worth of missile into Gaza in the last 3 days. And what have they achieved?


They have achieved exactly what they intended. Blowing any talk of peace out of the water for the foreseeable period and inviting more 'extremism.'

The well-known Israeli commentator Danny Rubenstein explains how his own government see things: “It is best that the Palestinians remain extremists because then no one will ask the government of Israel to negotiate with them. How do we ensure that the Palestinians remain radical? We simply strike at them, over and over.”

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Did anyone else catch the chief Rabbi's unguarded comment on radio 4 the other day? He'd just delivered his thought for the day and was asked by one of the presenters if he had anything specific to say on the current crisis - he muttered something about Iran before hurriedly being told that he was live on air and quickly shut up.

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The well-known Israeli commentator Danny Rubenstein explains how his own government see things: “It is best that the Palestinians remain extremists because then no one will ask the government of Israel to negotiate with them. How do we ensure that the Palestinians remain radical? We simply strike at them, over and over.”

Just to say this is a liberal Israeli - he called Israel an apartheid state - characterizing what he thinks is the Rights views - entire essay here. There is debate over whether the Israeli Government sees it this way.


However, I do basically agree a portion of the Israeli Right doesn't want to give up any of the occupied territories and has a religious vision of a Greater Israel.


For all that, though, I am no defender of Hamas and their continual rocket attacks on civilian targets. It is a very complicated issue, but basically I think that if Hamas stopped their attacks Israel would stop attacking them - that is the reason the West Bank and the Lebanon Border are far far quieter and why there is now trade rather than rockets crossing the borders with Israel, Jordan and Egypt.


Would there be a peace settlement if there was a genuine truce? Who knows, but at the moment Hamas plays into Mr Rubenstein's characterization by its continual attacks.


Over 600 rockets had been launched prior to this current blow up - that's over 2 every day. Its a continual barrage, and Israel only went really noisy after 100 rockets were launched in a day which was in retaliation to Israeli bombing due to a cross border ambush on Israeli troops with an anti-tank missile, and so the cycle continues.


Any government would respond, whether right wing, or peacenik to 100s of rockets being launched against its civilian population.


Hamas gains nothing from this terrorism, but matyrs to its cause, and that is the flip side to Mr Rubenstein's statement. Hamas also does not wish for peace - it is also not in its interests - they aspire for Jihad and Israel's destruction.

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Predictably, this most recent conflict in an ancient 'Holy War' has both sides giving religious titles to their efforts.


Operation "Pillar of Cloud", Israel's name for their part, is taken from 'Exodus' refers to the form that their god took to protect the children of Israel.

Hamas have named their operation from a verse in the koran, namely, "Stones of Shale".

Religious blood-lust in the name of some 'supreme' being.



Yahweh v allah...

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The well-known Israeli commentator Danny Rubenstein explains how his own government see things: “It is best that the Palestinians remain extremists because then no one will ask the government of Israel to negotiate with them. How do we ensure that the Palestinians remain radical? We simply strike at them, over and over.”

Just to say this is a liberal Israeli - he called Israel an apartheid state - characterizing what he thinks is the Rights views - entire essay here. There is debate over whether the Israeli Government sees it this way.


However, I do basically agree a portion of the Israeli Right doesn't want to give up any of the occupied territories and has a religious vision of a Greater Israel.


For all that, though, I am no defender of Hamas and their continual rocket attacks on civilian targets. It is a very complicated issue, but basically I think that if Hamas stopped their attacks Israel would stop attacking them - that is the reason the West Bank and the Lebanon Border are far far quieter and why there is now trade rather than rockets crossing the borders with Israel, Jordan and Egypt.


Would there be a peace settlement if there was a genuine truce? Who knows, but at the moment Hamas plays into Mr Rubenstein's characterization by its continual attacks.


Over 600 rockets had been launched prior to this current blow up - that's over 2 every day. Its a continual barrage, and Israel only went really noisy after 100 rockets were launched in a day which was in retaliation to Israeli bombing due to a cross border ambush on Israeli troops with an anti-tank missile, and so the cycle continues.


Any government would respond, whether right wing, or peacenik to 100s of rockets being launched against its civilian population.


Hamas gains nothing from this terrorism, but matyrs to its cause, and that is the flip side to Mr Rubenstein's statement. Hamas also does not wish for peace - it is also not in its interests - they aspire for Jihad and Israel's destruction.


I'll keep it current and relevant then with a quote from an editorial in the Jerusalum Post on Sunday from journalist Gild Sharon, the late Prime Minister Ariel's son, and someone heavily entrenched in the Israeli establishment;


“We need to flatten all of Gaza. The American’s didn’t stop with Hiroshima – the Japanese weren’t surrendering fast enough – so they hit Nagasaki too. There should be no electricity in Gaza, no gasoline or moving vehicles, nothing. Then they’d really call for a ceasefire,”


Seems like a nice chap.

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