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Israel V Gaza


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It's quite funny watching Question Time and seeing all the MP's squirm and fudge any questions regarding Israel. They know who their true masters are so daren't even say anything remotely controversial about the country we helped create.

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I haven't got any particular views either way regarding Jews. My grandmother was half-Jewish and, although the Jewish line is supposed to run through the female side, our family didn't choose to follow any religion. I also have Jewish friends/family from that. My issue is with the Zionist government of Israel and it's actions and I make that clear to my whoever wishes to discuss the subject with me.Some of my family agree with me, some are vehemently against me but all know my issue is not based on race.

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Your posts show a bit more than a concern about the "Zionist government of Israel" - I don't think you were thinking of the government of Israel when you say "They know who their true masters are so daren't even say anything remotely controversial about the country we helped create."

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Your posts show a bit more than a concern about the "Zionist government of Israel" - I don't think you were thinking of the government of Israel when you say "They know who their true masters are so daren't even say anything remotely controversial about the country we helped create."


If you would have come out and asked the question instead of intimating an anti-Semitic undertone I would have answered yes, I think there is a massive Zionist backing behind the UK government, as evidenced by Lord Balfour and has continued since.


This is in no way a Jewish issue as to be anti-Zionist does not mean anti-Jewish. Also as the VP of the US Joe Biden says ' You don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist.' It's a complex issue but Zionism does not equate to Judaism.

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You don't really think Israel is in the right here, do you, Censorship?

I don't think anyone involved is in the 'right', I just don't understand people talking about proportionate responses as if they are good. It is as if we are saying there is an acceptable level of death and injury which can be inflicted. there isn't.
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Your posts show a bit more than a concern about the "Zionist government of Israel" - I don't think you were thinking of the government of Israel when you say "They know who their true masters are so daren't even say anything remotely controversial about the country we helped create."


This is in no way a Jewish issue as to be anti-Zionist does not mean anti-Jewish. Also as the VP of the US Joe Biden says ' You don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist.' It's a complex issue but Zionism does not equate to Judaism.

Again though Lxxx, I really don't think you are so concerned about the political philosophy which seeks to establish and maintain a state in the Middle East with a policy allowing the right of return of diaspora Jews. I suspect Zionism means a lot more to you than that.

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Your posts show a bit more than a concern about the "Zionist government of Israel" - I don't think you were thinking of the government of Israel when you say "They know who their true masters are so daren't even say anything remotely controversial about the country we helped create."


This is in no way a Jewish issue as to be anti-Zionist does not mean anti-Jewish. Also as the VP of the US Joe Biden says ' You don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist.' It's a complex issue but Zionism does not equate to Judaism.

Again though Lxxx, I really don't think you are so concerned about the political philosophy which seeks to establish and maintain a state in the Middle East with a policy allowing the right of return of diaspora Jews. I suspect Zionism means a lot more to you than that.


You can suspect all you like my old china. You know nothing about me therefore your views are both inaccurate and irrelevant.

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It is as if we are saying there is an acceptable level of death and injury which can be inflicted. there isn't.


From a political standpoint there is.


And that, ladies and gentleman, in a nutshell is why humanity is still in the dark ages.

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It is as if we are saying there is an acceptable level of death and injury which can be inflicted. there isn't.


From a political standpoint there is.

But, politically, that is a ridiculous standpoint. Proportionate response will lead to another response, which will require another response, and so the vicious circle continues forever. One disproportionate response from either side could, potentially, end the cycle of violence. It may not be politically acceptable, but I think the world would get over it.

Either stop the violence through peace or through an atrocity on a Biblical scale - but end it. Being 'restrained' by political niceties is just prolonging the death and suffering.

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Lxxx, I really don't think you are so concerned about the political philosophy which seeks to establish and maintain a state in the Middle East with a policy allowing the right of return of diaspora Jews. I suspect Zionism means a lot more to you than that.


You can suspect all you like my old china. You know nothing about me therefore your views are both inaccurate and irrelevant.

So correct the inaccuracies - who are these "true masters" who are so influential as to make MPs self-censor themselves?

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