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Israel V Gaza


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It is as if we are saying there is an acceptable level of death and injury which can be inflicted. there isn't.


From a political standpoint there is.

But, politically, that is a ridiculous standpoint. Proportionate response will lead to another response, which will require another response, and so the vicious circle continues forever. One disproportionate response from either side could, potentially, end the cycle of violence. It may not be politically acceptable, but I think the world would get over it.

Either stop the violence through peace or through an atrocity on a Biblical scale - but end it. Being 'restrained' by political niceties is just prolonging the death and suffering.


Is not that something Hitler tried to do?


Are you trying to say Israel might as well kill all Palestinians in the West bank?


Last I heard Genocide was regarded as a bad thing.

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Is not that something Hitler tried to do?

Are you trying to say Israel might as well kill all Palestinians in the West bank?

Last I heard Genocide was regarded as a bad thing.

What we have at the moment is genocide by increments because, apparently, that is politically acceptable. And it is by both sides, from the suicide bomb on a bus to the rocket into a Hamas building. My point is, why do we accept the murder of innocents as long as it fits into an arbitrary measure of 'proportionality'. The bloodshed has to stop, but it will not as long as the international community accepts 'proportionate' measures.

I am referring to extreme solutions to highlight the absurdity of the situation. The international community has to take Israel to task for its actions, not just accept them as proportionate, and engage in meaningful dialogue with Hamas and other Palestinian groups which makes it clear that acts of aggression, however proportionate, are not acceptable.

For the record, I am not pro-Israeli or pro-Palestinian.

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Last I heard Genocide was regarded as a bad thing.


Really? The Americans have made a national holiday out of genocide. It's called Thanksgiving. Or "Thank god we managed to clear off all those natives so we could claim this large and fertile land" day.


You could say the same about Australians, Spanish, Portuguese, even Britain I suppose.


If World War 2 is suppose to show anything that even in the modern age, there would be a group of people intent to wipe out another based on race, religion etc and we all have to stand up and say this is wrong.


I understand the cynicism. We were all told at school, 'never again' and yet we have had to go through Pol Pot in Cambodia, Yugoslavia, Rwanda and all the time the powers that be sat idly by.

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It's called Thanksgiving. Or "Thank god we managed to clear off all those natives so we could claim this large and fertile land" day.

and there was me thinking it was a tradition started by the protestants who moved to america in the 1600s, and before the natives were cleared, similar to our own Harvest Festival to give thanks for a good harvest.

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It's called Thanksgiving. Or "Thank god we managed to clear off all those natives so we could claim this large and fertile land" day.

and there was me thinking it was a tradition started by the protestants who moved to america in the 1600s, and before the natives were cleared, similar to our own Harvest Festival to give thanks for a good harvest.


I'm sure the NATIVE Americans had lots to be thankful for. Smallpox, reservations, whole sale slaughter, rapidly dwindling buffalo herds, the christian cult force fed at gun point to them. Yessir, much to be thankful for.

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I understand the cynicism. We were all told at school, 'never again' and yet we have had to go through Pol Pot in Cambodia, Yugoslavia, Rwanda and all the time the powers that be sat idly by.


Not just Rwanda, large swathes of the African continent is suffering from large scale genocide at this very moment.

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I understand the cynicism. We were all told at school, 'never again' and yet we have had to go through Pol Pot in Cambodia, Yugoslavia, Rwanda and all the time the powers that be sat idly by.


Not just Rwanda, large swathes of the African continent is suffering from large scale genocide at this very moment.


Funny that. Since the US strengthened it's Africom base there to ward off the Chinese.

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I understand the cynicism. We were all told at school, 'never again' and yet we have had to go through Pol Pot in Cambodia, Yugoslavia, Rwanda and all the time the powers that be sat idly by.


Not just Rwanda, large swathes of the African continent is suffering from large scale genocide at this very moment.


Funny that. Since the US strengthened it's Africom base there to ward off the Chinese.


To be fair, genocide in Africa is not exactly a new concept.

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I understand the cynicism. We were all told at school, 'never again' and yet we have had to go through Pol Pot in Cambodia, Yugoslavia, Rwanda and all the time the powers that be sat idly by.


Not just Rwanda, large swathes of the African continent is suffering from large scale genocide at this very moment.


Funny that. Since the US strengthened it's Africom base there to ward off the Chinese.


To be fair, genocide in Africa is not exactly a new concept.


Very true. But the scramble for natural resources is now reaching critical proportions and the Chinese are massively active in Africa at the minute investing left, right and centre. That has to be countered by the NATO countries so we can expect the genocide to continue indefinitely.

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I understand the cynicism. We were all told at school, 'never again' and yet we have had to go through Pol Pot in Cambodia, Yugoslavia, Rwanda and all the time the powers that be sat idly by.


Not just Rwanda, large swathes of the African continent is suffering from large scale genocide at this very moment.


Funny that. Since the US strengthened it's Africom base there to ward off the Chinese.


To be fair, genocide in Africa is not exactly a new concept.


Very true. But the scramble for natural resources is now reaching critical proportions and the Chinese are massively active in Africa at the minute investing left, right and centre. That has to be countered by the NATO countries so we can expect the genocide to continue indefinitely.


I can only assume that the Chinese are offering better terms and also doing business with countries that the West does not want to touch (Zimbabwe). Not sure why Western countries are upset that some of the African countries are willing to do business with China or Malaysia when they have been repeatedly stabbed in the back, the front and shafted sideways by the same Western countries.

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I understand the cynicism. We were all told at school, 'never again' and yet we have had to go through Pol Pot in Cambodia, Yugoslavia, Rwanda and all the time the powers that be sat idly by.


Not just Rwanda, large swathes of the African continent is suffering from large scale genocide at this very moment.


Funny that. Since the US strengthened it's Africom base there to ward off the Chinese.


To be fair, genocide in Africa is not exactly a new concept.


Very true. But the scramble for natural resources is now reaching critical proportions and the Chinese are massively active in Africa at the minute investing left, right and centre. That has to be countered by the NATO countries so we can expect the genocide to continue indefinitely.


I can only assume that the Chinese are offering better terms and also doing business with countries that the West does not want to touch (Zimbabwe). Not sure why Western countries are upset that some of the African countries are willing to do business with China or Malaysia when they have been repeatedly stabbed in the back, the front and shafted sideways by the same Western countries.


The Chinese are, by all accounts, offering to rebuild poor African nations' infrastructure in return for their natural resources which surprisingly seems to be going down well. As opposed to the west who historically have just installed a puppet despot and let him build as many palaces as he wants, and commit whatever genocide he pleases, as long as they get the goods.

This change of tactic is resulting in hundreds of thousands of Chinese moving to Africa which helps with their over-population problem at home and furthers the global 'empire.' There's a war of sorts going on, it just isn't a shooting one. Yet.

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