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Uk-Switzerland Tax Deal

Evil Goblin

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I see that Smurph is throwing forty fits over the signing of this deal - I can imagine him, purple in the face, hopping around in impotent fury! He reckons that the UK has just scuppered the revised ESTD - personally I am not so sure but we can always hope. This amended Directive will, if it ever gets passed, be an absolute nightmare to administer and will cost a fortune. Fingers crossed.

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Mixed opinions it would seem. From the other thread:



  1. Interest rates in Switzerland are - sod-all.
  2. Any interest would be avoided by either:
    1. Rolling it into a fund which does not in itself generate interest or
    2. Using a Swiss / non-UK address together with a bent laywer.

When it comes to money the Swiss have few scruples, I really can't see them sending money to the UK.


I laughed when I heard that nonsense being trumpeted as a "success" as well.


BUT don't underestimate how Joe Public perceives this kind of Daily Wail claptrap. To them HMG has a focus on tax dodgers and the IOM has long been known as a seedy offshore tax haven. And let's face it, some of the cheap electioneering nonsense seen recently in the IOM media demonstrates very nicely that some politicians simply can't sink low enough in order to get public approval. So I would expect more of the same if I were you.


Cue that nice Richard Murphy essentially saying that it's just more tory spin bollocks as per usual. But it could be VERY good news for the upcoming session with the EU Code of Conduct Group as it would appear to muddy the waters very nicely. Wait and see mode...



Wait and see mode...

I expect the Island to procrastinate then capitulate, there's no alternative.

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