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Dr. Who On At 7Pm...wtf?

Matt Bawden

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Yeah but an angry dad with a shotgun can be awfully persuasive albert.


Doctor who should have been shelved years ago, it was a treat going to the pitures as a kid to watch the latest dr who films in black and white, theyve lost their simplicity.

Perhaps, but you'll be relieved to know that you haven't! :rolleyes:


There were only two Dr Who movies, in the 1960s - Dr. Who and the Daleks (1965) and Daleks' Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D. (1966) - both starring Peter Cushing as the Doctor and both in technicolor.

It was only the early TV series that were B&W.


Funny i would of bet that the one bernard cribbins was in was black and white, based in all the ruined biuldings with the darleks, i knew the time period we were taken to see them, cant remember where tho.

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Kids should see certain things, Dr who isn't that bad when you think about it. when I was 9 I watched the original Nightmare on Elm Street, scraed the hell out of me but didn't do me any harm.


In this day and age to many kids are wrapped in cotton wool and aren't prepared for what the world holds for them when they finish school etc

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Kids should see certain things, Dr who isn't that bad when you think about it. when I was 9 I watched the original Nightmare on Elm Street, scraed the hell out of me but didn't do me any harm.


In this day and age to many kids are wrapped in cotton wool and aren't prepared for what the world holds for them when they finish school etc

I disagree. Your parents should have had their arses kicked.

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Kids should see certain things, Dr who isn't that bad when you think about it. when I was 9 I watched the original Nightmare on Elm Street, scraed the hell out of me but didn't do me any harm.


In this day and age to many kids are wrapped in cotton wool and aren't prepared for what the world holds for them when they finish school etc

I disagree. Your parents should have had their arses kicked.



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Kids should see certain things, Dr who isn't that bad when you think about it. when I was 9 I watched the original Nightmare on Elm Street, scraed the hell out of me but didn't do me any harm.


In this day and age to many kids are wrapped in cotton wool and aren't prepared for what the world holds for them when they finish school etc

I disagree. Your parents should have had their arses kicked.




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Kids should see certain things, Dr who isn't that bad when you think about it. when I was 9 I watched the original Nightmare on Elm Street, scraed the hell out of me but didn't do me any harm.


In this day and age to many kids are wrapped in cotton wool and aren't prepared for what the world holds for them when they finish school etc

I disagree. Your parents should have had their arses kicked.





Not exactly a valid reason is it?

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Kids should see certain things, Dr who isn't that bad when you think about it. when I was 9 I watched the original Nightmare on Elm Street, scraed the hell out of me but didn't do me any harm.


In this day and age to many kids are wrapped in cotton wool and aren't prepared for what the world holds for them when they finish school etc


Do you allow your kids to play 18 certificate video games?

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Kids should see certain things, Dr who isn't that bad when you think about it. when I was 9 I watched the original Nightmare on Elm Street, scraed the hell out of me but didn't do me any harm.


In this day and age to many kids are wrapped in cotton wool and aren't prepared for what the world holds for them when they finish school etc


Do you allow your kids to play 18 certificate video games?


I don't have kids however if I did when they get to 12/13/14 then yeah I would, by that age they would know that it isn't real. As I say I done all those things and a lot more and I grew up into a decent law abiding adult. As I say so many kids are wrapped in cotton wool.

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Kids should see certain things, Dr who isn't that bad when you think about it. when I was 9 I watched the original Nightmare on Elm Street, scraed the hell out of me but didn't do me any harm.


In this day and age to many kids are wrapped in cotton wool and aren't prepared for what the world holds for them when they finish school etc


Do you allow your kids to play 18 certificate video games?


I don't have kids however if I did when they get to 12/13/14 then yeah I would, by that age they would know that it isn't real. As I say I done all those things and a lot more and I grew up into a decent law abiding adult. As I say so many kids are wrapped in cotton wool.


Its that kind of thinking that earns the gaming industry unneeded flak and only gives the "ban the games" groups more ammo.


Not to mention the films and video games of yester year are in no way comaprible with todays ultra-realistic graphics and themes.


"So why did little Timmy stab one his school friends? Was it lack of parental guidance? Bullying? Drugs? Inherent mental instability?"

"No I let him play Murder Death Kill 3: The Stabinator"

"But he is 12"

"Yeah but he'll see worse on tv."

"Yeah, but he went on to stab someone. This is not normal behaviour for a 12 year old"

"Well its not my fault as a parent. Its the fault of the people who make these games"

"But you must of bought him the game or at least did your job as a parent and monitored what games your child was playing?"

"Nope, I'm sure as a parent its someone elses fault"

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Kids should see certain things, Dr who isn't that bad when you think about it. when I was 9 I watched the original Nightmare on Elm Street, scraed the hell out of me but didn't do me any harm.


In this day and age to many kids are wrapped in cotton wool and aren't prepared for what the world holds for them when they finish school etc


Do you allow your kids to play 18 certificate video games?


I don't have kids however if I did when they get to 12/13/14 then yeah I would, by that age they would know that it isn't real. As I say I done all those things and a lot more and I grew up into a decent law abiding adult. As I say so many kids are wrapped in cotton wool.


Its that kind of thinking that earns the gaming industry unneeded flak and only gives the "ban the games" groups more ammo.


Not to mention the films and video games of yester year are in no way comaprible with todays ultra-realistic graphics and themes.


"So why did little Timmy stab one his school friends? Was it lack of parental guidance? Bullying? Drugs? Inherent mental instability?"

"No I let him play Murder Death Kill 3: The Stabinator"

"But he is 12"

"Yeah but he'll see worse on tv."

"Yeah, but he went on to stab someone. This is not normal behaviour for a 12 year old"

"Well its not my fault as a parent. Its the fault of the people who make these games"

"But you must of bought him the game or at least did your job as a parent and monitored what games your child was playing?"

"Nope, I'm sure as a parent its someone elses fault"


I dont understand your last post what is ammo, if my child killed someone they would not use a computer game or film as an excuse and neither would I.

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Kids should see certain things, Dr who isn't that bad when you think about it. when I was 9 I watched the original Nightmare on Elm Street, scraed the hell out of me but didn't do me any harm.


In this day and age to many kids are wrapped in cotton wool and aren't prepared for what the world holds for them when they finish school etc


Do you allow your kids to play 18 certificate video games?


I don't have kids however if I did when they get to 12/13/14 then yeah I would, by that age they would know that it isn't real. As I say I done all those things and a lot more and I grew up into a decent law abiding adult. As I say so many kids are wrapped in cotton wool.


Its that kind of thinking that earns the gaming industry unneeded flak and only gives the "ban the games" groups more ammo.


Not to mention the films and video games of yester year are in no way comaprible with todays ultra-realistic graphics and themes.


"So why did little Timmy stab one his school friends? Was it lack of parental guidance? Bullying? Drugs? Inherent mental instability?"

"No I let him play Murder Death Kill 3: The Stabinator"

"But he is 12"

"Yeah but he'll see worse on tv."

"Yeah, but he went on to stab someone. This is not normal behaviour for a 12 year old"

"Well its not my fault as a parent. Its the fault of the people who make these games"

"But you must of bought him the game or at least did your job as a parent and monitored what games your child was playing?"

"Nope, I'm sure as a parent its someone elses fault"


I dont understand your last post what is ammo, if my child killed someone they would not use a computer game or film as an excuse and neither would I.


There have been several high profile cases where "children" have commited murder and links have been made to their video gaming habits.


Can't remember where in the UK it happened, one kid killed another by stabbing him with a screw driver. Links were made to the game Manhunt, in which a screw driver was a useable weapon. The game was then removed from the shelves. Even though the person who carried out the murder was to young to have purchased the game in the first place.

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Kids should see certain things, Dr who isn't that bad when you think about it. when I was 9 I watched the original Nightmare on Elm Street, scraed the hell out of me but didn't do me any harm.


In this day and age to many kids are wrapped in cotton wool and aren't prepared for what the world holds for them when they finish school etc


Do you allow your kids to play 18 certificate video games?


I don't have kids however if I did when they get to 12/13/14 then yeah I would, by that age they would know that it isn't real. As I say I done all those things and a lot more and I grew up into a decent law abiding adult. As I say so many kids are wrapped in cotton wool.


Its that kind of thinking that earns the gaming industry unneeded flak and only gives the "ban the games" groups more ammo.


Not to mention the films and video games of yester year are in no way comaprible with todays ultra-realistic graphics and themes.


"So why did little Timmy stab one his school friends? Was it lack of parental guidance? Bullying? Drugs? Inherent mental instability?"

"No I let him play Murder Death Kill 3: The Stabinator"

"But he is 12"

"Yeah but he'll see worse on tv."

"Yeah, but he went on to stab someone. This is not normal behaviour for a 12 year old"

"Well its not my fault as a parent. Its the fault of the people who make these games"

"But you must of bought him the game or at least did your job as a parent and monitored what games your child was playing?"

"Nope, I'm sure as a parent its someone elses fault"


I dont understand your last post what is ammo, if my child killed someone they would not use a computer game or film as an excuse and neither would I.


There have been several high profile cases where "children" have commited murder and links have been made to their video gaming habits.


Can't remember where in the UK it happened, one kid killed another by stabbing him with a screw driver. Links were made to the game Manhunt, in which a screw driver was a useable weapon. The game was then removed from the shelves. Even though the person who carried out the murder was to young to have purchased the game in the first place.



No offence but there has to be something in someone brain that is wrong if they go out and murder someone after playing a computer game, anyone that truly believes a computer game or film is responsible for someone killing is deluded and needs to take a look at themselves

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I'm not saying we should wrap our kids in cotton wool, I'm just concerned that they are being exposed to too many things that really the oughtn't be and it seems lazy parenting is the zeitgeist thing to do, the general rhetoric seems to be along the lines of "ah bollox to it I can't be arsed nurturing my children I think I'll let them do whatever they want and hope for the best....as long as they earn shed loads of money when they are an adult then that means success and therefore I'm a good parent"

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I'm not saying we should wrap our kids in cotton wool, I'm just concerned that they are being exposed to too many things that really the oughtn't be and it seems lazy parenting is the zeitgeist thing to do, the general rhetoric seems to be along the lines of "ah bollox to it I can't be arsed nurturing my children I think I'll let them do whatever they want and hope for the best....as long as they earn shed loads of money when they are an adult then that means success and therefore I'm a good parent"


Couldn't agree more. Access to violent films and games is far too easy for young people these days, especially the video games. Violent games are by far the greater danger because the "player" has total control and though animation commits the violence and killing. It's only a short step away from reality (for some) and I'm sure is a trigger for a lot of aggression in todays kids.

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I'm not saying we should wrap our kids in cotton wool, I'm just concerned that they are being exposed to too many things that really the oughtn't be and it seems lazy parenting is the zeitgeist thing to do, the general rhetoric seems to be along the lines of "ah bollox to it I can't be arsed nurturing my children I think I'll let them do whatever they want and hope for the best....as long as they earn shed loads of money when they are an adult then that means success and therefore I'm a good parent"


Couldn't agree more. Access to violent films and games is far too easy for young people these days, especially the video games. Violent games are by far the greater danger because the "player" has total control and though animation commits the violence and killing. It's only a short step away from reality (for some) and I'm sure is a trigger for a lot of aggression in todays kids.


Not being funny, but that is hoop.


Video games are not to blame. If millions of people play video games and don't go out and commit murder, then chances are there other reasons for commiting murder.


Video games are an anonymous scape goat, which is convienient for parents, action groups and governments who love knee jerk reactions.

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