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Get Rid Of Sky Tv, Bank Warns Hard-Up Borrowers


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More nanny state shoite. Banks should only have the right to check peoples credit when the need arises (e.g. going for a loan or not paying it), not police people's spending.


'Dear Mr Arkwright


I noticed you spent £15 more on fags and booze this week, paid £14 to watch the big fight, and took your girifriend out twice (does your wife know?). Rememeber we are not just watching Larch View Rise, we are watching you!...'


*&*& off!


About time these credit reference agencies were reigned in.

Presumably it's all in the small print when you sign up for the mortgage to have ongoing credit checks. Bit of a cheek for them to call people up and give them friendly advice, but unfortunately some people need it and I suspect when the repo's start they'll use evidence of their offering friendly advice to show what a helpful and responsible lender they were despite the actions of their customers when it all goes tits up.

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er no, with credit scoring banks do not lend to high risks, that is the whole thing about the credit crunch, banks are not lending at present and certainly to no one who is the remotest bit dodgy.

Isn't the whole thing about the fact that they were lending to high risks and that they simply can't do now?


so why do banks lend to bankrupt 3rd world countries so the dicatator of the day can buy a new learjet knowing full well they will NEVER get it back??

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er no, with credit scoring banks do not lend to high risks, that is the whole thing about the credit crunch, banks are not lending at present and certainly to no one who is the remotest bit dodgy.

Isn't the whole thing about the fact that they were lending to high risks and that they simply can't do now?


so why do banks lend to bankrupt 3rd world countries so the dicatator of the day can buy a new learjet knowing full well they will NEVER get it back??

Oh, they'll get it back - it's not like you can't repo a learjet:



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Whilst on holiday I saw a lady in a shop, with her dog, she bought 2 bottles of vodka, 40 something superkings, a scratch card, a normal lottery ticket & a chuppa-chuppa lolly (for the dog) Sky tv is the least of the nations problems - Jeremy Kyle is to blame and he is on ITV.

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Whilst on holiday I saw a lady in a shop, with her dog, she bought 2 bottles of vodka, 40 something superkings, a scratch card, a normal lottery ticket & a chuppa-chuppa lolly (for the dog) Sky tv is the least of the nations problems - Jeremy Kyle is to blame and he is on ITV.



Ha ha. Sounds like a great night in until they have a fight with the neighbours and sleep in the garden. A Miss Steak special some might say. :D

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Didn't someone post a while ago saying he'd received a letter from NatWest admonishing him because he'd gone £20 overdrawn. He wrote back saying it was a bit rich to lecture him when they were about 100 billion overdrawn having gone cap in hand to the taxpayer. Lovely irony.

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I can't understand why anyone would have Sky TV full stop

Indeed, it is depressingly bad (cue loads of stupid people waffling on about THE sport), but each to their own. Nevertheless, to remain a Sky subscriber post hacking scandal, well, you might as well have murdered the Dowler girl yourself.


And winner for stupidest comment ever to arise from the interwebz goes to....PL for that gem.

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