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The Great Depression Ii?

Stu Peters

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ETA: - I do agree however that you have highlighted some quite interesting stuff. How The Bank works, what it actually is, is something that I realise I do not really understand. Despite


If you think that's interesting then you should look into the central banks bank, the BIS.


The BIS are allowed to send secret coded messages, their premises and staff have diplomatic immunity as do their postal packages and documents.


Their directors are immune from arrest and charges and their operations are free from any international or local (Swiss) scrutiny.

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...it makes no odds to me what anyone else believes.

Protest too much, much?


I just like having a discussion, this is what forums are about. What people believe is up to each of us, but it makes for interesting conversations.

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ETA: - I do agree however that you have highlighted some quite interesting stuff. How The Bank works, what it actually is, is something that I realise I do not really understand. Despite


If you think that's interesting then you should look into the central banks bank, the BIS.


The BIS are allowed to send secret coded messages, their premises and staff have diplomatic immunity as do their postal packages and documents.


Their directors are immune from arrest and charges and their operations are free from any international or local (Swiss) scrutiny.


Shush, you might be labelled a conspiracy theorist.

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Is it a good idea to grow the banking sector further here?


Juan Watterson seems to think so:


He said he didn’t anticipate the island would lose any business as a result of the reforms and, indeed, for those banks who may find it ‘quite painful’ to meet the requirements, there was a ‘potential opportunity’ for banks with headquarters in London to move more of their business to the Isle of Man.


Is it wise to attract banks that find Vickers 'too painful'?


Why would the banks move from the City of London to the Isle of Man? They get free rein to do anything they want within the city boundaries as it is a seperate state, much like the Vatican. It doesn't belong to the United Kingdom, is not part of London itself, it has its own police force, it's own mayor and follows its own statutes anyway. Even the queen, when she wants to enter the City, has to be met by the mayor in full relagia.

Whatever rubbish they try to force through in the puppet chamber that is the UK Parliament do not apply to the City of London anyway, it's all theatre for the consumption of the gullible electorate.

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Shush, you might be labelled a conspiracy theorist.


C'est la vie!


Oh, forgot to add that in addition to their almost limitless privaleges the BIS and their staff pay no taxes whatsoever!


That is because there is no-one to pay taxes to. The BIS are a corporation that stand at the top of international finance, superceding national governments.

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They get free rein to do anything they want within the city boundaries as it is a seperate state, much like the Vatican. It doesn't belong to the United Kingdom,


The City is not a separate state. And of course it belongs to the UK. Just as much as Rutland is part of the UK.


is not part of London itself,


London comprises The City & the Boroughs. So what if it has a different mayor and a different Police force ? The City has a very different make up from any of the boroughs.


I don't do conspiracy theories, just facts, and the facts outlined above are pretty clear. If you'd like to believe the good, old cuddly UK government who surely wouldn't lie to us then fine, it makes no odds to me what anyone else believes.


The term 'conspiracy theory' is often used to dismiss reasonable debate. The issue here is that you keep posting facts which are not facts and which do not stand up to basic scrutiny. The same not-facts which feature on so many Icke-ist websites (gold, the Rothschilds, banking conspiracies, made up stuff about share ownership - and now this nonsense).

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Haha PK, he makes politics fun!

Excellent, Wikipedia's working well then.


I don't need to use wikipedia to confirm what I already know.




"As a public organisation, wholly-owned by Government, and with a significant public policy role, the Bank is accountable to Parliament."





'Does the Bank of England have shareholders? If the Bank does have shareholders who are they?'


The Bank of England is the central bank of the whole of the UK and was established as a corporate body by Royal Charter under the Bank of England Act 1694. The Bank was nationalised on 1 March 1946, and gained operational independence to set interest rates in 1997. The Bank is a public sector institution wholly-owned by the government - the entire capital of the Bank is, in fact, held by the Treasury solicitor on behalf of HM Treasury.


'If the Bank of England has share holders do they get paid dividends, and what was the value of dividends paid in the past five years?'

The Bank of England Act 1946, as amended by the Bank of England Act 1998, requires the Bank to pay to HM Treasury, in lieu of dividend on the Bank's capital, on the fifth day of April and October (or prior working date), a sum equal to 25% of the Bank's post-tax profit for the previous financial year or such other sum as the Bank and HM Treasury may agree. The overall effect is that the Bank and HM Treasury will normally share post-tax profits equally.

The BoE is the only 'government department' that has a wholly owned private limited company, formed in 1977, called The Bank of England Nominees Ltd, which was granted state exemption from disclosing whom its shareholders were.


You appear to be getting mixed up. That company isn't the BoE, it's a subsiduary. The relationship is explained in the following FoE request:




Seems quite straightforward?


I don't do conspiracy theories, just facts, and the facts outlined above are pretty clear. If you'd like to believe the good, old cuddly UK government who surely wouldn't lie to us then fine, it makes no odds to me what anyone else believes.


I don't see you providing any facts, just wacko stories. If you want to present something as fact, please include the source.

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The City is not a separate state. And off course it belongs to the UK. Just as much as Rutland is part of the UK.


Don't be silly, the City of London is a privately controlled state in its own right, the banksters did the deal after they had the original medievil city burned down in 1666 (after several attempts), they even have their silly little monument to the event tarted up every hundred years or so to this day.

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They get free rein to do anything they want within the city boundaries as it is a seperate state, much like the Vatican. It doesn't belong to the United Kingdom,


The City is not a separate state. And of course it belongs to the UK. Just as much as Rutland is part of the UK.


is not part of London itself,


London comprises The City & the Boroughs. So what if it has a different mayor and a different Police force ? The City has a very different make up from any of the boroughs.


I don't do conspiracy theories, just facts, and the facts outlined above are pretty clear. If you'd like to believe the good, old cuddly UK government who surely wouldn't lie to us then fine, it makes no odds to me what anyone else believes.


The term 'conspiracy theory' is often used to dismiss reasonable debate. The issue here is that you keep posting facts which are not facts and which do not stand up to basic scrutiny. The same not-facts which feature on so many Icke-ist websites (gold, the Rothschilds, banking conspiracies, made up stuff about share ownership - and now this nonsense).


The City is as much part of the UK as The Vatican is part of Italy. Do a bit of proper research on the City of London, not a 2 minute Google stint.


Each to their own though. Any reasonable amount of independant research will verify the information I've put forward thus far. It's in some people's nature to keep the blinkers on and obstruct any reasonable debate which means they might not be right, however much they might not like to admit it.

Keep reading your Daily Mail, watching BBC News and be a good tax-paying, middle class gobshite.

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ffs, i get grief for my belief as well as many senators, that the events of 911 were saudi bought and paid for, and you think lxxx that this crowd are going o listen to bankster scams, something the yanks excel at by the way, BCCI is a rabbit hole that has kept me interested for donkeys years, Enron was another giant C.I.A. money laundering house of cards.


Both scams ripped off the manx public.

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ffs, i get grief for my belief as well as many senators, that the events of 911 were saudi bought and paid for, and you think lxxx that this crowd are going o listen to bankster scams, something the yanks excel at by the way, BCCI is a rabbit hole that has kept me interested for donkeys years, Enron was another giant C.I.A. money laundering house of cards.


Both scams ripped off the manx public.


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The City is as much part of the UK as The Vatican is part of Italy. Do a bit of proper research on the City of London, not a 2 minute Google stint.


Great, if you've done proper research you should be able to show us the proof and elevate all us poor sheeple to your enlightened status. Thanks.




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