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The Great Depression Ii?

Stu Peters

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Keep reading your Daily Mail, watching BBC News and be a good tax-paying, middle class gobshite.


I don't read the Daily Mail and I very seldom ever see the BBC news or any other TV. It is absolutely reasonable to question and doubt more or less everything. It is on that basis that I am doubting you. Why should I believe you any more than I would read any other source?


The issue here being that you are being called out for posting unusual 'facts' which you refuse to reference.


Do a bit of proper research on the City of London


Where have you done your proper research ?

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Slim is in his element now, full steam ahead, this should fun watching two sides with half a clue each going at it,wikipedia one side verses woo sites the other, fun fun fun all the way.



ps terse the air is fresher and the view clearer when you extract your head from your anal passage.

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Is it a good idea to grow the banking sector further here?


Juan Watterson seems to think so:


He said he didn’t anticipate the island would lose any business as a result of the reforms and, indeed, for those banks who may find it ‘quite painful’ to meet the requirements, there was a ‘potential opportunity’ for banks with headquarters in London to move more of their business to the Isle of Man.


Is it wise to attract banks that find Vickers 'too painful'?


Why would the banks move from the City of London to the Isle of Man? They get free rein to do anything they want within the city boundaries as it is a seperate state, much like the Vatican. It doesn't belong to the United Kingdom, is not part of London itself, it has its own police force, it's own mayor and follows its own statutes anyway. Even the queen, when she wants to enter the City, has to be met by the mayor in full relagia.

Whatever rubbish they try to force through in the puppet chamber that is the UK Parliament do not apply to the City of London anyway, it's all theatre for the consumption of the gullible electorate.


There is legislation and also strict powers regulating where banks involved in the UK can and cannot operate or locate their control. Approval is required if you want to operate within the UK


This is why they are unable to do very much on the Isle of Man which remember is totally 100% British Sovereign territory whose laws are approved or not by way of Royal Assent from the UK powers that be (Let us not think that the Island is important. Useful, up to a point...but dispensible)


London has two cities. One is London run by the Corporation of London and has a Lord Mayor and is on the site of the Roman and medieval cities...and the other is the City of Westminster. ie One is for money and one for politics and government


The City of London has its own police and Council.It is really the original London ie the square mile within the City walls.


It is also heavily milked to pay money into the rest of London which is the current fiefdom of elected Mayor Boris Johnson who presides over the London Boroughs and which extend way outside the apparent environs of London.

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Slim is in his element now, full steam ahead, this should fun watching two sides with half a clue each going at it,wikipedia one side verses woo sites the other, fun fun fun all the way.



ps terse the air is fresher and the view clearer when you extract your head from your anal passage.

Brilliant stuff, Paul! :lol:

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The City is as much part of the UK as The Vatican is part of Italy. Do a bit of proper research on the City of London, not a 2 minute Google stint.


Great, if you've done proper research you should be able to show us the proof and elevate all us poor sheeple to your enlightened status. Thanks.


I'm at work at the moment so haven't the time nor the inclination to go trawling the internet and pick out links for you. If it's not something you believe then fair enough, if it's something you're arsed about and want to find out more then be my guest, you're a big boy, you've already proved you can work a search engine. I've spent the past 5 years researching this stuff, have helped set up conferences in the UK surrounding it and spoken and met with people who have devoted decades of their lives (pretty sad but..) to this arena. Some internet poster isn't going to make me have a lightbulb moment and think I've got it all wrong, and neither should you take my word for anything. Go do your own research and come to your own conclusions and if they're different from mine then so be it, I won't lose any sleep over it.

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Pauld, yes it does seem to come down to intelligent posters vs gullible idiots time and time again doesn't it?


I'm at work at the moment so haven't the time nor the inclination to go trawling the internet and pick out links for you. If it's not something you believe then fair enough, if it's something you're arsed about and want to find out more then be my guest, you're a big boy, you've already proved you can work a search engine. I've spent the past 5 years researching this stuff, have helped set up conferences in the UK surrounding it and spoken and met with people who have devoted decades of their lives (pretty sad but..) to this arena. Some internet poster isn't going to make me have a lightbulb moment and think I've got it all wrong, and neither should you take my word for anything. Go do your own research and come to your own conclusions and if they're different from mine then so be it, I won't lose any sleep over it.



People dedicate their lives to all sorts of bollocks, that isn't a measure of validity. We're talking about large audited public organisations here, it should be relatively simple to prove what you're saying. Why are you squirming around doing just that? Is it because the only real evidence is on David Ike's message boards alongside the alien lizard theories?

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Lxxx, what is your point though - what is the relevence of the City of London's status - I very much doubt it is anything like the vatican, which has an acknowledged Diplomatic status with the Pope seen as a head of state - the good old Lord Mayor has no such status for all the traditions about the Queen.


I know lots of Freemen of the City of London, and members of the various guilds. Power is a fascinating subject, but in London, the writ of soverignty runs to Westminster and the Privy Council etc. Bye-laws are one thing, and the City's are a fascinating mix of corrupt borough, club and corporate governance, but London has no soverignty of its own.


Shit we should get Skeddan to come back and entertain us!

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Keep reading your Daily Mail, watching BBC News and be a good tax-paying, middle class gobshite.


I don't read the Daily Mail and I very seldom ever see the BBC news or any other TV. It is absolutely reasonable to question and doubt more or less everything. It is on that basis that I am doubting you. Why should I believe you any more than I would read any other source?


The issue here being that you are being called out for posting unusual 'facts' which you refuse to reference.


Do a bit of proper research on the City of London


Where have you done your proper research ?


I'm not asking you to believe me. I expect everyone to challenge everything they're ever told, which is where I started and which is how I ended up becoming interested in this particular subject.


My research has taken me to seminars several times and one such one was one in which (Lord) Maurice Glasman attended. I'm not too sure of his background off hand (although you proved you can use Google so you can by all accounts look him up) but he has been an advocate of getting more visibility within the UK government of what exactly their relationship is with the City, and even he cannot get anywhere from WITHIN Parliament.

He did recount that when visiting heads of state come on a state visit to the City they are recieved by the Lord Mayor and not the UK government and meetings within Guildhall or Mansion House are on the basis that anything discussed or agreed is between the City and not on behalf of, or concerning, the UK government. So how can you have an undemocratic state within a state, with its own head of state holding vast funds which is unaccountable to no-one, not even the Crown, effectively monopolising the worlds financial system from within its tiny boundaries, if it is not an autonomous entity?


I will relent and use Google briefly, the following is from the City of London website;


'The City of London is the oldest continuous municipal democracy in the world. It predates Parliament. Its constitution is rooted in the ancient rights and privileges enjoyed by citizens before the Norman Conquest in 1066. The City of London developed a unique form of government which led to the system of parliamentary government at local and national level.


The right of the City to run its own affairs was gradually won as concessions were gained from the Crown.'


Their independance is pretty clear judging by that last sentence.


But of course, I wouldn't expect you to agree to any of it.

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Pauld, yes it does seem to come down to intelligent posters vs gullible idiots time and time again doesn't it?


I'm at work at the moment so haven't the time nor the inclination to go trawling the internet and pick out links for you. If it's not something you believe then fair enough, if it's something you're arsed about and want to find out more then be my guest, you're a big boy, you've already proved you can work a search engine. I've spent the past 5 years researching this stuff, have helped set up conferences in the UK surrounding it and spoken and met with people who have devoted decades of their lives (pretty sad but..) to this arena. Some internet poster isn't going to make me have a lightbulb moment and think I've got it all wrong, and neither should you take my word for anything. Go do your own research and come to your own conclusions and if they're different from mine then so be it, I won't lose any sleep over it.



People dedicate their lives to all sorts of bollocks, that isn't a measure of validity. We're talking about large audited public organisations here, it should be relatively simple to prove what you're saying. Why are you squirming around doing just that? Is it because the only real evidence is on David Ike's message boards alongside the alien lizard theories?


Completely agree. I've only been on here a few days and already seen my fair share of gullible idiots.

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[That is because there is no-one to pay taxes to. The BIS are a corporation that stand at the top of international finance, superceding national governments.


They're also from space. FACT.


So you don't believe the info on the BIS then?


Don't rise to it. Let them keep getting all erect while they think of more ways to sound unintelligent but think they're really quite smart.

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I know people who work for the UN, the IMF and the International Finance Corporation.


All international trans-national organizations - just like the BIS - all offer income tax free salaries. Why - because you are working for bodies created by international treaty to coordinate relationships between states. These are quasi diplomatic positions and hence the agreement is that income tax isn't paid.


Call it a wease if you like, but it aint really a conspiracy.


Again - so what? What point are people making?

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I know people who work for the UN, the IMF and the International Finance Corporation.


I bet you do!


All international trans-national organizations - just like the BIS - all offer income tax free salaries. Why - because you are working for bodies created by international treaty to coordinate relationships between states. These are quasi diplomatic positions and hence the agreement is that income tax isn't paid.


Call it a wease if you like, but it aint really a conspiracy.


Again - so what? What point are people making?


The only one using the conspiracy label is you me old China, and predictably so. I said it was interesting, in addition to Lxxx's posts on the Bank of England.


In fact the whole document is interesting



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