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Gay Marriage To Be A Reality In Uk?

John Wright

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My point was rather larger/wider. Namely the need for structures/protection for men and women, men and men, and women and women and any dependanst outside the recognised marriage or civil partnership structures to protect rights of ownership, occupation and child support and care in a society where 50% children are born or live in non nuclear family units with either one parent or step parents or same sex parents or common law parents. Strikes me a majority might be interested. They should be. So should we.


The economic woes, whatever they are, must not be allowed to stop debate and social improvement by far sighted legislation. That applies not just to family issues but to Disability rights, anti discrimination legislation etc. The temptation is in hard times to forget about minorities and become protectionist and discriminatory in outlook. 1930's Germany immediately springs to mind. It is worth having at the back of your mind.

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I agree with what you say, John, but...


Strikes me a majority might be interested. They should be. So should we.


...I'm very much afraid that you're overestimating the thought processes of the average voter. The fact is that (as every candidate is probably aware) there are votes to be gained from making MHKs contribute to their own pensions (even though that's probably been sorted), condemning the nasty UK government and from promising to protect employment etc... but there are votes to be lost from any mention of 'human rights' which most people associate with negative things such as allowing a free-for-all on immigration.

It is sad, but its true.

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