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Muslims Banned From Praying In Streets


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This looks like a mess and one the State has caused. Bans for people praying because the far-right don't like it. Bans for the far-right for having a protest party. And not long ago the Burka was banned in public. Sounds like the French government is creating its own problems.

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Not very good reporting.... The law prohibits the use of public spaces for any religious purpose no matter what the faith of the people concerned. So it applies equally to Christians, Sikhs, and Hindus as well as Muslims.


That is correct but never let that get in the way of a good LDV rant about ........... something

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Yes, it is a symbol of oppression and has no place in our society. I actually passionately hate those people for submitting to wearing it/forcing others to wear it and I would gladly see anything banned to get rid of the offensive sight of it.


It expresses the opinion that women and men are not equal and also should be found offensive my men as it transmits their idea that men cannot be trusted with the sight of even a woman’s hair, let alone her female shape, and that men would be unable to control themselves around such sights.


Worst of all, it punishes women for the perceived male untrustworthiness, woman have to cover themselves so men don’t act upon their uncontrollable excitement.


To be honest, I’d have the entire religion banned if I could.

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